David Ascendant on Audiobook & Rare Nephilim Chronicles Paraphernalia

You Only Have Until December 20th to Get these Great Nephilim Rare Deals.
Audiobooks before release, Rare Hardcover & Signed Editions, Rare Posters
At FaithLauncher Here

You can get David Ascendant on Audiobook long before it is available for purchase — and cheaper.

You can get any of the Chronicles for less than it costs at Amazon.

AND you can get the Chronicles of the Nephilim in rare signed hardback editions….

AND you can get rare posters of Chronicles of the Nephilim not available anywhere else.

Just check out my FaithLauncher project Here. This is NOT charity.
You get all kinds of valuable rewards for your support that are worth more than if you buy the products.

Here is a taste of the posters you can get at the FaithLauncher link above:
