My Midrash on Human Origins. An Article Interview with

Did you know that Midrash is a well known way that ancient Jews retold Bible stories to their generation? Well, these guys picked up that I was following that ancient literary technique. Bravo!

I was grateful that, even though they do not agree with me on some important things, they were still willing to interview me about some things they thought were worthy of discussion in the Christian world.

Well done interview.

Check it out here.

9 comments on “My Midrash on Human Origins. An Article Interview with

  • I assume they are a website promoting theistic evolution, but also interviewing those with differing views?

  • It was indeed an excellent interview. Brian, thanks for making time for us.

    Peaceful Science is not actually a theistic evolution site. We include people from a range of views, from theistic evolutionists to atheists, to old earth creationist and young earth creationists. Rather than a specific answer on origins (or any other topic) we are oriented around a set of values and virtues. You can learn more here:

    • Oh, forgive me for the misunderstanding. At least I was right that you are open to differing views! ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  • No problem. I am a Christian that affirms evolutionary science, so this is a common misunderstanding. Though, I also am not well described as a theistic evolutionist, and am outside the range of views included by evolutionary creationists.

    Any time you’d like to pitch an article to us, we’d be honored to consider it. I love how you have brought the art of fiction into dialogue with Scripture and science. One of these days too, I hope you’ll get a chance to read The Genealogical Adam and Eve. I think you’ll see we have much common ground.

  • Thanks. might have something interesting with my next book on Moses that deals with Genesis 1 as temple dedication hymn and the ten plagues as de-creation. I do have your book on my To Read List. So many books, so little time.

  • Thanks Dr Swamidass for clearing things up for me and Brian,will check out Peaceful Science whenever I can

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