Mysterious Radio: End Times Prophecy – It’s Not What They Told You

I was on this very professionally crafted podcast talking about end times from a different viewpoint.

The host was very gracious and asked intelligent helpful questions that really help clarify the issues of Bible Prophecy.

I talk about my journey in Bible prophecy and how I discovered the common interpretation of the last days is severely crippled by being modern rather than ancient in its context.

Topics: Ancient context of prophecy, poetic language of prophecy and apocalyptic, modern misunderstandings, the nature of Inspiration of God’s Word, Bible translation.

Listen here at Mysterious Radio

Podcast: New Testament Books on the Timing of Jesus’ Coming

New Testament passages that Prophecy Pundits Avoid.

What many of us do not realize is that Revelation and Matthew 24 are not the only places that speak clearly about Jesus coming in judgment by AD 70.

Most of the New Testament letters also speak of the event that they knew was coming.

And it did. Just like they said, “Soon,” “at the door,” “at hand.”

Jared and I exegete the many instances in the many passages of the many New Testament books.

You’ll ask yourself, “Why haven’t I seen these passages in this light before?”


Peeranormal Podcast: Did Isaac Newton Predict the End of the World in 2060?

I was a co-host again on the show with Michael Heiser, Doug Van Dorn, Natalina, Doug Overmyer, and two guests, Josh Peck and Derek Gilbert.

We were recorded live at a Branson Conference on the topic: Isaac Newton’s view of Bible prophecy and his prediction of 2060.

But also, did you know he was an anti-Trinitarian?

This is a great one. We talk about the dangers of people thinking they are God’s chosen ones to interpret prophecy and how it is too easy these days to follow in Isaac Newton’s footsteps and think you have it all figured out, when in fact, you are wrong.

But we also talk about this fascinating brilliant scientist who changed the world with good science, but was a mixed bag of alchemy, esotericism and other strange beliefs.

Listen to the podcast here.

Josh Peck Podcast: Just What is a Preterist View of Bible Prophecy All About?

This is my most in-depth podcast interview on the subject of preterism and Bible Prophecy.

Josh Peck’s podcast, Peck Underground Church. It went five hours!

Josh is an enthusiastic and kind host who is gracious in disagreeing over issues like prophecy.

We talk all about my conversion out of Left Behindism, explicit passages that are an introduction to preterist interpretations, how we should treat those with whom we disagree over prophecy, Matthew 24, a little about Revelation, and we had a whole lotta fun!

You will too. You will be caught up in the fascinating pace of it all and will wonder, where did the hours go???

And then you will want to buy my books!

Watch the YouTube podcast here.

View From the Bunker Podcast: Revolt of the Jews and the End Times. It’s Not What You Think

I was on View from the Bunker with Derek Gilbert to talk about my new book Resistant: Revolt of the Jews and the Book of Revelation.

Derek and I have very opposing beliefs and Derek is very successful in his world of Bible prophecy so he was very kind to have me on his show even though we disagree fundamentally on these issues.

Where we do agree is on the Divine Council in the Scriptures and the Watcher paradigm.

We talk a little bit about all that on this very engrossing discussion.

You won’t want to skip this one.

Listen here


Who is the Antichrist? It’s Not Who You Thought

Here is a video I did that is part of a larger online course I have available called “Are We Living in the Last Days.”

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

Pin the tail on the Antichrist! That’s the game that prophecy pundits play.

And they are wrong over and over again. They have been wrong for 1000 years!

Why? Because the Bible explicitly tells us they were looking in the wrong time period!

Check out the video above and find out who the apostle John said the Antichrist actually was.

Learn more here:

GET 20% OFF the Course price until This Friday, November 10.
Use this code in the cart: LDNOV20


What are the Last Days? It’s Not What You Think

Here is a video I did that is part of a larger online course I have available called “Are We Living in the Last Days.”

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

The way that ancient Jews thought of the End of the Age and the Last Days is NOT the way we think of it.

Find out just how different they thought. Radically different.

Learn more here:

GET 20% OFF the Course price until November 10.
Use this code in the cart: LDNOV20


TruthSeekah Podcast: The End Times – What You Are Not Being Told

A great podcast interview with TruthSeekah about the End Times. We talked about how the prophecies of the Last Days were not the Last Days of the earth, but the Last Days of the Old Covenant. If this is true then the entire paradigm of Bible prophecy that most Christians are following must be changed.

Listen how you can begin to do so. Check out the podcast here.