Remnant: Rescuing the Proper Interpretation of Revelation

I was on the Clear Lens podcast with Nate Sala.

A great time talking about my journey out of Dispensationalism and Left Behindism.

And talking about my new novel, Remnant: Rescue of the Elect.

The Remnant 144,000 in Revelation are the Jewish Christians who fled Jerusalem in the first century to avoid the wrath of God that was coming upon the city.

Check it out here.


Fight the Bible Prophecy Industrial Complex

Are You Sick of “End Times” Same Ol’ Same Ol’?

I am. That’s why I went on the Alexxcast to talk about a new way of seeing Jesus’ prophecy about the End of the Age.

Alexx is not a Christian, but he is very open to hearing other viewpoints, so I do explain a lot of basics to help those who are not as familiar with the typical “Left Behind” scenario, and then I explain where it is wrong, so wrong.

And just what is right, so right. You gotta listen to find out. I promise it is informative and entertaining.

Listen to the podcast here.