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Video and Audio Lectures
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Video & Audio Presentations
Hollywood Worldviews:
How To Watch Movies with Wisdom and Discernment
5 Exciting Video Lectures by Brian Godawa
Powerpoint and Film Clips
You can watch online whenever you want, as often as you want for as long as you want!
Have you ever watched a movie and loved it or hated it, but had trouble explaining why?
Are you frustrated with how entertainment influences your kids, but you don’t know how to communicate to them without turning them off?
Have you seen how movies and television influence the culture, but don’t feel confident in conversing about them with your family, friends or coworkers?
Are you a storyteller who wants to change the world with your stories?
Then the Hollywood Worldviews Online Course is for you.
Brian Godawa, Hollywood screenwriter and best-selling novelist, uncovers the power of storytelling in movies and in the Bible in 5 mind-blowing video lectures with powerpoint and film clips.
You’ll Get These 5 Fascinating Video Lectures:
- Incarnation in the Movies
- Subversion in the Movies
- Sex and Violence in the Bible
- Redemption in the Movies
- Horror: A Biblical Genre
PLUS These Special Bonuses!
- 2 BONUS Powerpoint video lectures on popular worldviews in the movies: 1) Existentialism and 2) Postmodernism.
- PLUS a free ebook of Hollywood Worldviews.
- PLUS an MP3 Audiobook of Hollywood Worldviews!
Price: $139
CLICK HERE to see everything you get, (FREE Introduction to the course).
Are We Living in the Last Days?:
The Truth About End Times Bible Prophecy
10 Intense Controversial Lectures by Brian Godawa Powerpoint Videos with Powerful Visuals
You can watch online whenever you want, as often as you want for as long as you want!
There are so many Christians teaching outrageous things about Bible Prophecy these days. It’s enough to frustrate the serious Bible student. What would you think if you found out most all of it is simply mistaken? What if you found out that the ancient mindset of the Jewish writers was influenced by the Old Testament imagery of the past, and not a crystal ball gaze into our modern future? What if you found out that everything that modern prophecy pundits are looking for, Antichrist, The Beast, the Tribulation, the Rapture, was not what they thought it was, but something different?
These lectures of Bible Prophecy and the End Times deconstructs the popular “Left Behind” interpretation and reveals a redemptive historical preterist view of the Book of Revelation and the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24.
Includes lots of colorful and helpful Powerpoint visuals, charts, pictures, and film clips for a much richer presentation of the material.
- Beginning of the End
- Israel in Prophecy
- The Last Days
- The Rapture
- The Great Tribulation
- AntiChrist
- The Beast
- The Coming of Christ
- The Millennium Part 1
- The Millennium Part 2
This is not newspaper exegesis, but intense Bible study. Guaranteed to inspire your love for God’s Word and His promises to His people.
PLUS These Special Bonuses!
- 2 FREE Bonus videos on Ezekiel 38 & 39: The Gog and Magog Prophecy by End Times expert Gary DeMar.
- PLUS A free PDF of a Preterist Overview of the Book of Revelation by End Times expert Kenneth Gentry.
- PLUS You will also get a FREE ebook of End Times Bible Prophecy: It’s Not What They Told You by Brian Godawa.
- PLUS a FREE 100 page PDF booklet, “Matthew 24 Fulfilled: Biblical and Historical Sources,” by Brian Godawa.
- PLUS a FREE PDF booklet, “Israel in Bible Prophecy: The New Testament Fulfillment of the Promise to Abraham” by Brian Godawa.
Price: $139
CLICK HERE to see everything you get, (FREE Introduction to the course).
The Imagination of God:
How God Uses Storytelling, Creativity & Imagination in the Bible
Lecture Series by Brian Godawa
Powerpoint Videos with Powerful Visuals
You can watch online whenever you want, as often as you want for as long as you want!
Want to Know God More? Use Your Imagination
Have you ever wanted to understand the art and poetic language of the Bible better?
Do you love arts and entertainment, but want to understand it all better through a Christian worldview?
Are you a Christian artist who longs to integrate your faith with your creativity?
Are you a Christian apologist who wants to defend the faith with more than intellectual arguments?
Do you want to learn more about how God uses story, art and imagination to communicate his truth?
Then this online course is for you!
Follow award-winning Hollywood screenwriter, author and visual artist, Brian Godawa, as he walks you through an exciting and powerful exploration of how God integrates spiritual faith with the arts and imagination like never before.
Here is what you’ll get if you take this course:
Four Mind-Bending Video Lectures:
- God Against the gods: Storytelling, Imagination & Apologetics in the Bible
- Art in the Bible: From Bezalel to Jesus
- The Church and the Arts: Friends or Foes?
- Art vs. Propaganda: Christian Worldview in Art
PLUS These Special Bonuses!
- You’ll get a free digital ebook of Brian Godawa’s book The Imagination of God.
- PLUS a free digital ebook of Brian Godawa’s books God Against the gods.
- PLUS a bonus MP3 Audiobook of each book!
Price: $99
CLICK HERE to see everything you get, (FREE Introduction to the course).
Screenwriting for Christians
A 9-Lecture Series by Brian Godawa
Audio Only
Brian teaches the basic elements of storytelling used in writing screenplays from a Christian worldview, complete with examples and analysis of movies that illustrate the lessons. Comes with 30 pages of Student Handouts so you can follow along and take the class on tape!
1. Introduction/ Sex & Violence in the Movies & Bible
2. Christian writer
3. Basic Structure/ Premise/Theme
4. Premise/Theme Part 2
5. Character
6. Plot
7. Scene
8. The Business and the Life of the Writer
9. Analysis of first 10 pages of a script
Price: $29
MP3 download (110 MB)
The Glory of Story
2 1/2 HourVideo Series
By Jim Womer
“I heartily recommend this series on storytelling structure based on Genesis One. I use it myself. If you buy it in combination with my “Screenwriting for Christians,” you will have an unbeatable combination to help you write stories with an embedded Christian worldview.”
— Brian Godawa
Discover the hidden treasures within the biblical “creation model” found in the book of Genesis. Decode the”seven days of creation” as an organic template for story structure.
• You will learn how to organically generate dimensional back stories and characters from a simple logline.
• Identify and address story problems in any stage of the writing process from outline to finished draft.
• Identify characters that are out of balance with the story, why they are out of balance, and what must be done to realign them or omit them.
• Identify the true motivations behind any character’s dialogue and actions.
Introduction: The WHY vs. the WHAT of story
Act One: Born Identity vs. False Identity and Hero’s Departure
Act Two A: Hero’s Descent, Plan A, Point of No Return, and Bonding
Act Two B: Hero’s Eclipse and Ascent
Act Three: Abyss, Gauntlet, Hidden Truth, Deliverance, and Return
Price: $19
MP4 Videos download (780 MB)
The Glory of Story + Screenwriting for Christians
20% Discount
“If you buy these two teaching series in combination you will have an unbeatable combination to help you write stories with an embedded Christian worldview.”
— Brian Godawa
Click on the video to watch one minute trailer
Introduction: The WHY vs. the WHAT of story
Act One: Born Identity vs. False Identity and Hero’s Departure
Act Two A: Hero’s Descent, Plan A, Point of No Return, and Bonding
Act Two B: Hero’s Eclipse and Ascent
Act Three: Abyss, Gauntlet, Hidden Truth, Deliverance, and Return
1 . Introduction/ Sex & Violence in the Movies & Bible
2. Christian writer
3. Basic Structure/ Premise/Theme
4. Premise/Theme Part 2
5. Character
6. Plot
7. Scene
8. The Business and the Life of the Writer
9. Analysis of first 10 pages of a script
Normal Price if bought separately: $48
Box Set Price: $38
Glory of Story MP4 videos download (780 MB) / Screenwriting for Christians MP3 downloads (110 MB)
Genesis To Revelation:
Understanding the Bible as Story
6 Audio Lectures by Brian Godawa
Approx. 6 hours
The Bible is not a textbook of systematic theology. It is a story, God’s story of how He saves His people. Genesis to Revelation: Understanding the Bible as Story is a 6-week class that provides a narrative approach to theology that will help you understand your own place as an actor in the unfolding drama of the Kingdom. You’ll take a rollercoaster ride through the ups and downs of the narrative of the entire Bible, exploring some of its exciting plot twists and how it ultimately relates to our lives.
NOTE: A couple of the lectures had technical problems that caused some annoying sound problems, but all the lectures are entirely audible.
- Story: Understanding God through Narrative
- Creation: People, Land, Temple
- Fall: Primeval History, Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac & Jacob
- Israel: Election, Exodus, Exile, Return
- Messiah: New Covenant, New Creation,
- Church: New Israel, New Temple, New Jerusalem, Resurrection
- Student Worksheet and additional reading material for each lecture included.
Price: $25
MP3 download (100 MB)
The Book of Enoch: Scripture, Heresy, or What?
Video Lecture by Brian Godawa
Approx. 50 minutes
Many Christians are afraid to attribute truth value to ancient books outside the canon of the Bible. They fear that somehow the authority of Scripture will be compromised or worse, other texts may be falsely considered as Scripture. The book of 1 Enoch is one of those controversial books that has a long history of squabbling over its veracity and influence on Bible interpretation. This talk will be an introduction to the ancient book of 1Enoch, its content, its history, its affirmation in the New Testament, and its acceptance and rejection by the Christian Church.
Please Note: The quality of the video is standard DVD, not HD.
Price: $9
MP4 Video download (540 MB)
Chronicles of the Nephilim: The Ancient Biblical Story
Video Lecture by Brian Godawa
Approx. 50 minutes
Mr. Godawa explains how understanding the storyline of the Cosmic War of the Seed in the Bible changed his understanding of God’s Kingdom in this world. From seeing the Bible as a book of theological propositions to seeing it as a story of the battle of cosmic powers; Watchers, Nephilim, and the Divine Council of the Sons of God. He examines i brief the Scriptural texts that inspired his best-selling Biblical novel series Chronicles of the Nephilim.
PLEASE NOTE: There were some technical difficulties with the video, so the quality is not HD, and looks a bit grainy. But all the copy and slides are readable. And the content is so awesome, you’ll hardly notice
Price: $9
MP4 Video download (540 MB)
Defense of the Faith
12-Lecture Series by Brian Godawa
Audio Only
This is a different approach to apologetics than the typical way that “proves” a generic theism, then “proves” the Bible, then “proves” the resurrection. This series addresses the weaknesses of typical apologetics and explores how to defend the faith on a deeper level, the level of the worldview of the unbeliever.
1. Introduction to Apologetics
2. Logic Part 1: Intro
3. Logic Part 2: fallacies
4. Logic Part 3: fallacies
5. Faith and Reason
6. Antithesis: Acts 17
7. Worldviews Part 1
8. Worldviews Part 2
9. Authority and Truth
10. Authority: Part 2
11. Ethics
12. Technique
Price: $29
MP3 download (170 MB)
Books by Brian Godawa
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When Giants Were Upon the Earth
The Watchers, the Nephilim, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed
The Appendices of Chronicles of the Nephilim
by Brian Godawa
The Appendices of All 8 Chronicles of the Nephilim Together in One Book.
Best-selling Christian author Brian Godawa shares the Biblical and ancient historical research behind his Biblical novel series Chronicles of the Nephilim. For those who want serious study of the topics of Genesis 6, the Watchers, Nephilim, Sons of God, fallen angels, Spiritual Warfare, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)
When Watchers Ruled the Nations
Pagan Gods at War with Israel’s God and the Spiritual World of the Bible
The Sequel to the Best-Selling Book, When Giants Were Upon the Earth
For those who want serious study of the topics of the Unseen Realm in the Bible: Watchers, Sons of God, angels and demons, pagan gods, pagan worship, spiritual warfare, Leviathan, Moses, Jezebel, Elijah and the cosmic war between the Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of Messiah. Best-selling Christian author Brian Godawa shares the Biblical and ancient historical research behind his Biblical novel series Chronicles of the Watchers.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)
Moses: Against the Gods of Egypt
Chronicles of the Watchers Book 3
A War of Gods and Men.
An epic Bible novel about Yahweh and Moses in supernatural conflict with Pharaoh and the gods of Egypt. Respected Christian author Brian Godawa reveals the unseen realm in this biblically faithful spiritual warfare novel bigger than any Hollywood movie ever made.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)The Spiritual World of Moses and Egypt
Biblical Background to the Novel Moses: Against the Gods of Egypt
“This is the Finger of God!”
The biblical and historical research behind the novel Moses: Against the Gods of Egypt. Respected Christian author and novelist Brian Godawa explores the main characters of the beloved Bible narrative. The gods of Egypt vs. Yahweh, the god of Israel. The ten plagues. Pharaoh and Moses. Egyptian magic. The hardening of Pharaoh’s heart. The bronze serpent. The route of the Exodus. The parting of the Red Sea and other biblical mysteries.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)
Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel
Chronicles of the Watchers Book 1
A Game of gods. A clash of titans.
A page-turning true Bible story about the supernatural conflict between Queen Jezebel of Israel and the fiery prophet Elijah. Heroic warrior Jehu wavers in his loyalty between God and crown, as Israel succumbs to Baal worship under King Ahab. Respected Christian author Brian Godawa pulls back the veil of the unseen realm in this biblically faithful spiritual warfare novel. You will believe.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)The Spiritual World of Jezebel and Elijah
Notes to the Novel Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel
The biblical and historical research behind the novel Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israelby respected Christian author and novelist, Brian Godawa. The author explores the main characters of the Bible narrative, Israelite idolatry, high places, sacred prostitution and child sacrifice. The Canaanite gods, Baal, Asherah and others. The Watchers, Sheol, underworld valleys, cosmic mountains and more.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback) (paid link)
Qin: Dragon Emperor of China
Chronicles of the Watchers Book 2
Two Epic Storyteller. A Clash of Ancient Civilizations.
It’s 220 B.C. The ancient Western Empire is crumbling. In a desperate bid to save his throne, the Greek king over Babylon sends his son, Antiochus, a dishonored warrior, into the mysterious land of the Far East to capture a mythical creature that will give him absolute power: a dragon. What he finds is an exotic world ruled by a brutal emperor on a mad quest to find the elixir of immortality.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)
The Spiritual World of Ancient China and the Bible
Notes to the Novel Qin: Dragon Emperor of China
The biblical and historical research behind the novel Qin: Dragon Emperor of China. Respected Christian author and novelist Brian Godawa explores the connections that ancient China has with the Bible in language and stories, from the creator God to Satan, to the Tower of Babel and beyond.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback) (paid link)Tyrant: Rise of the Beast
Chronicles of the Apocalypse Book One
By Brian Godawa
Rome, A.D. 64. A Roman prefect and his Jewish servant are ordered by the emperor Nero to track down a secret Christian document that undermines the Roman empire and predicts the end of the world. But they’re not prepared for the spiritual warfare they’ve unleashed. The truth behind the origin of the most controversial book of the Bible: Revelation. A historical conspiracy thriller with angels and demons.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Remnant: Rescue of the Elect
Chronicles of the Apocalypse Book Two
By Brian Godawa
Book 2 in the series. Asia, 66 A.D. Roman Severus, Jewish Alexander, and Christian Cassandra find their target of capture: the Apostle John. But when he reveals the meaning of his secret apocalypse, their world is turned upside down. They journey to Jerusalem where a zealot revolt has broken out, and threatens to bring the Roman war machine down upon them all. Will the Christians get out in time?
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Resistant: Revolt of the Jews
Chronicles of the Apocalypse Book Three
By Brian Godawa
The four horsemen are loosed. The Trumpets are sounding. The Seals are breaking. The bowls are being poured out. The Abyss is opened. The locusts of hell are unleashed.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb
Chronicles of the Apocalypse Book Four
By Brian Godawa
A.D. 70. Roman general Titus besieges Jerusalem with his armies. The demons are released from the Abyss. The gods of the nations prepare for battle. The long-awaited climax is here: Armageddon.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
End Times Bible Prophecy
It’s Not What They Told You
By Brian Godawa
So many Christians teach outrageous speculation about Bible prophecy. It’s frustrating for serious Bible students. What if you found out most of it is simply mistaken? That the biblical authors were using Old Testament imagery, not a crystal ball gaze into our modern future? What if you found out that everything that modern prophecy pundits are looking for – the Rapture, the Tribulation, the Antichrist, The Beast – was not what they told you it was, but something different?
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Israel in Bible Prophecy
The New Testament Fulfillment of the Promise to Abraham
By Brian Godawa
What Role does Israel Play in Bible Prophecy?I
Israel: the Chosen People, the children of Abraham. They were God’s elect in the Old Testament. But why were they so special to God? Respected biblical author Brian Godawa examines how the promise of God to Abraham was fulfilled in the New Testament through the faithful Israelite, Jesus the Messiah, and how that changes everything.
Buy Now (Ebook or paperback) (paid link)Matthew 24 Fulfilled
Biblical & Historical Sources
By Brian Godawa
Jesus’ End Times Prophecy in Matthew 24
100 pages of research. These are Brian Godawa’s research notes for his controversial book End Times Bible Prophecy: It’s Not What They Told You. Godawa printed out each Bible verse of Matthew 24 and then copied down all the Biblical and historical sources that fulfilled each verse. There are so many proofs of fulfillment, it will blow your mind and make you wonder why anyone would think the Olivet Discourse has not yet been fulfilled.
Buy Now (Ebook)(paid link)Psalm 82
The Divine Council of the Gods, the Judgment of the Watchers and the Inheritance of the Nations
By Brian Godawa
The Shocking Biblical Truth Behind the Most Mysterious Psalm
Best-selling Christian author Brian Godawa examines Psalm 82 to reveal its fascinating storyline of the Sons of God who surround God’s throne. They are given the Gentile nations, but they rule unjustly, and are judged by Messiah, who strips them of immortality and takes back the earth.
Buy Now (Ebook) (paid link)Wall of Separation
The Phrase that Divided America
By Brian Godawa
Respected Christian author Brian Godawa examines the Founders’ original intent behind the freedom of religion in the First Amendment. He uses documented sources to tell the history of the transformation of religious freedoms from a “wall of separation” that protected Christianity from the state, into a wall of oppression weaponized by the state against Christianity.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback) (paid link)God Against the gods
Storytelling, Imagination & Apologetics in the Bible
By Brian Godawa
Brian Godawa, Hollywood screenwriter and best-selling novelist, explores the nature of imagination in the Bible and how it relates to apologetics and evangelism. Chaos, the sea dragon Leviathan, and the Storm God are some of the images examined within their Biblical context to draw out the spiritual meaning. Improve your imagination in glorifying God and defending the faith.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook)(paid link)Hollywood Worldviews
Watching Films with Wisdom and Discernment
By Brian Godawa
In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of his popular book, Brian Godawa guides you through the place of redemption in film, the tricks screenwriters use to communicate their messages, and the mental and spiritual discipline required for watching movies. Hollywood Worldviews helps you enter a dialogue with Hollywood that leads to a happier ending, one that keeps you aware of your culture and awake to your faith.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)The Imagination of God
Art, Creativity and Truth in the Bible
By Brian Godawa
Weaving historical insight, pop culture and personal narrative throughout, Godawa reveals the importance God places on imagination and creativity in the Scriptures, and provides a biblical foundation for Christians to pursue image, beauty, wonder and mystery in their faith.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Noah Primeval
Chronicles of the Nephilim Book One
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
This Is Not Your Sunday School Noah’s Ark.
In an ancient world submerged in darkness, fallen angels called Watchers rule as gods and breed giants called Nephilim. Mankind is enslaved to evil. Noah, a tribal leader, has been prophesied by his ancestor Enoch to save humanity from coming destruction.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Enoch Primordial
Chronicles of the Nephilim the Lost Book Two
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
Before Noah, there was Enoch. Holy Man. Wise Sage. Giant Killer.
Before Noah, before the Flood, in a dark world of angelic Watchers and Nephilim giants, one man is called by God to take a stand: Enoch – holy man, wisdom sage, giant killer.
You’ll meet some of the beloved characters from Noah Primeval when they were much younger, including Methuselah and Uriel, as well as the origin stories of the lead Watcher gods, Anu and Inanna.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Gilgamesh Immortal
Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Three
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
The famous story of the great king who sought eternal life after the Flood.
The epic action adventure journey of the great Mesopotamian King Gilgamesh who sought eternal life after Noah’s Flood. He has more connection to the Bible than you realize.
Chronicles of the Nephilim is a Biblical Fiction Saga of ancient history and Biblical imagination.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Abraham Allegiant
Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Four
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
The forefather and patriarch you thought you knew.
After the Great Flood, the giant king Nimrod builds the Tower of Babel and unites the world in rebellion against the Creator. But God has other plans. He causes the confusion of languages and disperses Nimrod’s kingdom upon the earth. He then chooses a simple nomad Abraham as next in the line of the Seed of Promise..
The War of the Seed is rising.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Joshua Valiant
Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Five
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
It Takes a Man of Giant Faith to Face the Giants of Canaan.
After four hundred years of slavery in Egypt, the Israelites under Moses have escaped into the desert and are prepared to enter the land of Canaan that God had promised them. There’s only one problem: It’s crawling with giants. And these giants are the Seed of the Serpent, linked to the nefarious Nephilim before the Flood.
The War of the Seed is climaxing in this first of two companion novels, including Caleb Vigilant.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Caleb Vigilant
Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Six
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
Giant Walls Will Come Tumbling Down.
In this second companion volume to Joshua Valiant, the story of the conquest of the Promised Land of Canaan continues. Moses has died, the Israelites stand poised to invade Canaan. Their first target: The impenetrable mighty walls of Jericho. But God has been preparing a pagan harlot named Rahab for his purposes.
This is what the War of the Seed has been building towards.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
David Ascendant
Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Seven
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
Six Giant Assassins. One Target: King David. Goliath Was Only the First.
Everyone knows the story of David. No one has heard it told this way before. Everyone knows about Goliath. But how many know the story of the five other giants who were hunting David? Yes, this is actually in the Bible.
You think you know how it ends. But there is so much more to the story than you ever realized.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Jesus Triumphant
Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Eight
Biblical Epic Novel by Brian Godawa
A Theological Novel of Christ’s Victory Over the Powers
The story of Christ like you’ve never heard it before. Told through the eyes of the two thieves on the cross and the spiritual warfare hidden from mortal men. Christ’s descent into hell and his victory over the principalities and powers.
Buy Now (Ebook, Paperback, Audiobook) (paid link)Link takes you to Amazon. Kindle book will be automatically discounted for Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
DVDs by Brian Godawa
To End All Wars
A true story about Allied P.O.W.s who endure harsh treatment at the hands of their Japanese captors during World War II while they are forced to build a railroad through the Burmese jungle.
Buy Now (Amazon Video) (paid link)Alleged
Alleged is a romantic drama based on events using both historical and fictional elements occuring behind the scenes and outside the courtroom of the famous Scopes “Monkey Trial” of 1925.
Buy Now (Amazon Video) (paid link)The Visitation
Supernatural Thriller
Written by Brian Godawa
Based on the bestseller by Frank Peretti
Peretti’s supernatural thriller tells the story of a mysterious stranger (Edward Furlong) and his three associates, who arrive in a small town and perform miracles on those who would follow. Who is this charismatic drifter the townspeople have chosen to follow? Is he the true messiah, a false prophet or something far more sinister?
Buy Now (Amazon) (paid link)Change Your Life!
Written by Adam Christing and Brian Godawa
Adam Christing hosts this hilarious mockumentary following a group of six average Americans pursuing the American dream: Get Rich Quick! And they’re going to do it through multi-level marketing. Super Success guru, Simon Martinez and his wife, Melinda (played by Hollywood stars Tony Plana and Ada Maris) are coming to town with their marketing strategy of how to make money, hosted at the big convention called Successpo!
Buy Now (Amazon) (paid link)Lines That Divide
Written & Directed by Brian Godawa
Stem cell research: A potential miracle cure for diseases or a form of biological colonialism? The debate still rages over this controversial science. Supporters argue that it is our moral duty to pursue scientific progress that provides healing hope for humanity. Detractors argue that the ends don’t justify the means in harvesting some human life to save others. This documentary seeks to educate the public on the scientific basics of stem cell research and the moral issues surrounding it as we enter the 21st century.
Watch FreeFaith of Our Fathers
Written & Directed by Brian Godawa
The “wall of separation” is a metaphor deeply embedded in the American consciousness, and an idea that continues to cause deep controversy within the country. In this historical documentary, Godawa takes a look at what the Founding Fathers intended when they framed the Constitution and wrote the First Amendment religion clauses. Were they trying to create a Christian nation, a secular paradise, or something in between?
Buy Now (Amazon) (paid link) Used to be Titled “Wall of Separation”