Disclose Truth TV Interviews Godawa on Nephilim, Watchers, & Bizarre Bible Passages

This interview was lively. I talk with James Swagger and Susan Kornacki about the Biblical and ancient historical and mythical research of the Nephilim.

The Nephilim in the Bible is controversial. But Genesis 6 is not the only place they show up. This interview explores everywhere giants appear in the Bible, and there are many of them. Nephilim and demons. Satan’s place as “god of this world.” The Transfiguration of Christ as a declaration of war on the Watchers.

Watch YouTube link here

Capricorn Radio website (The website of James Swagger)

Brian Interviewed on Alexxcast about Nephilim and Crazy Bible Interpretations


Listen to it here.

I was interviewed by Alex about Chronicles of the Nephilim as well as strange Bible interpretations. It was a quite lively and very helpful discussion for those who may not understand or know about the War of the Seed storyline that is in the Bible. It helps explain a lot of things that seem bizarre to our culturally prejudiced western modern eyes when we read the Bible.

Alex is not a Christian, but I appreciate his cordiality and openness to discussing things. You’ll hear near the end that I realized he wasn’t a Christian after treating me so well. And then he had some strong problems with the Bible, but he was kind in letting me explain my perspective, and we could disagree with civility, while also finding where we could agree.

This is what civil discourse should be in our sad era of fascist political correctness that usually seeks to stifle debate and silence Christians.

Listen to it here.

Brian Interviewed on Like Flint Radio: Jesus, Watchers, Nephilim, Demons


LikeFlint Radio Show 37: Brian Godawa: Chronicles of the Nephilim: Jesus Triumphant.

Join GK, Cliff & Brian Godawa as they discuss Brian’s latest work. This wide ranging interview discusses both the fictional and factual concepts in the book including; The Book of Enoch, The Nephilim, The Watchers, The Giants and spiritual warfare.

Download the mp3 here: http://likeflintradio.com/lfrShow37.mp3

Visit our website here: http://likeflintradio.com/

Nephilim in the Gospel: Jesus Triumphant – Interview on View From the Bunker


NEPHILIM IN the New Testament? Surely Brian Godawa has stretched his Chronicles of the Nephilim series at least one book too far!

But no! Brian joins us to discuss his latest novel, Jesus Triumphant: Chronicles of the Nephilim Book Eight, and makes the case that the giants who caused so much trouble throughout the history of Israel were still in the land for one last attempt at preventing the Messiah from completing his mission.

Please join Derek and Sharon Gilbert each Sunday for the Gilbert House Fellowship, our Bible study podcast. Log on to www.GilbertHouse.org for more details.

Jesus Triumphant Interview: He Came to Save. But First, to Kick Some Demon Butt


Check out the newest episode of Omega Frequency! Ep. 36 – “Jesus Triumphant with Brian Godawa”. On this episode author Brian Godawa returns to the Omega Frequency podcast! We discuss his new best selling novel Jesus Triumphant. We dig deep into the themes of spiritual warfare, demons, the Nephilim, and most importantly Yeshua’s victory over Satan! We also discuss some of the Hebraic history behind certain key events in Yeshua’s ministry, and why it’s important to understand the ancient Hebraic narrative when reading portions of the Bible. Finally, Brian shares his heart on why he created these novels and why it’s important to him to tell these stories through the eyes of authentically written characters.

Take a listen here.