The Movie IT: Christians Who Condemn All Horror Need to Grow Up

I was interviewed by John Piper’s website in response to their questions about horror movies. Understandably, and respectfully, they do not share my appreciation of horror. But they were very open-minded and open-hearted to listen to me and give me a voice.

I really think Christians need to realize the tremendous moral power of the horror genre. It’s not for everyone, but God loves the horror genre, so Christians should at least respect it.

The movie IT, is a classic coming of age horror story of a group of young misfit outcasts who must not only face the returning supernatural evil in their small town, but face the fears and evils in their own lives in order to grow up. It’s not for the feint of heart, and it’s not perfect, but I think it exemplifies moral lessons in line with the Christian worldview.

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God Against the gods – Part 1: What C.S. Lewis and J.R.R Tolkien Understood About Myth

Check out this YouTube video on God Against the gods: What C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Understood about Myth.

I explain what the definition of Myth is, and Mythopoeia, concepts that Lewis and Tolkien trafficked in — as does the Bible.

Christians don’t need to be afraid of this word, “myth” as if it means the Bible is false or fictional. It doesn’t. It’s about the stories that give meaning and purpose to our lives. Transcendence.

Lewis said, “If God chooses to be mythopoeic, should we choose to be mythopathic?” Find out what that means.

This is only one part of the lecture. Get the full version here.

Or buy the book at Amazon here.