Is Rh-Negative Blood Evidence of Alien / Nephilim Hybridization?

I was a co-host for this podcast with Michael Heiser, Doug van Dorn, Doug Overmyer and a doctor with blood background.

The idea that people with Rh-Negative blood indicates alien or nephilim ancestry is on the rise in fringe internet communities and websites. In this episode our panel is joined by someone with medical training (MD) who is familiar with blood typing and the genetics behind Rh-negative blood. The episode discusses the nature of Rh-negative blood, its genetic explanation, and speculations about other traits associated with Rh-negative blood.




Peeranormal Podcast: Do Transplant Recipients Take on the Personalities of Their Donors?

Peeranormal 08: Do Transplant Recipients Take on the Personalities of Their Donors?

I was a cohost on Peeranormal again with Michael Heiser, Doug Van Dorn, Doug Overmyer, Natalina and Trey Stricklin.

There have been dozens of documented cases where the recipient of a transplant, often involving the heart, apparently take on the personalities of the organ donor. Recipients also report memories of the donor, and memories that belong to the donor, despite never having met the donor. These cases range from very young children to adults. How can memories and behaviors be transmitted from one person to the next when brain and neural tissue is not involved? Does this phenomenon relate to the question of consciousness?

Listen to the podcast here.

Paranormal Podcast: DMT, Psychedelics, Religious Mysticism, and Paranormal Experiences

Join Dr. Mike Heiser, Pastor Doug Van DornDoug OvermyerBrian Godawa and Natalina as we discuss entheogens—psychedelic drugs that are known to cause “mystical states” of consciousness.

Our hosts discuss Rick Strassman’s work on DMT, but that is merely a subset of entheogen study. Current research in the fields of brain science, psychology, and religion are struggling to explain how entheogens and the experiences they cause should be understood. The dilemma of consciousness, more popularly known as the mind-body problem, is at the heart of the struggle. Do entheogens simply affect part of the brain and its chemistry triggering new states of consciousness from inside your head? Or do these drugs separate consciousness from the organ of the body we call the brain, verifying that consciousness is distinct from the brain? Are God and other supernal beings experienced by people under the effect of entheogens just a product of the brain, or are they entities to be experienced by unhindered consciousness?

CLICK HERE to listen to podcast.



Sleep Paralysis: Demons or Neuroscience? Peeranormal Podcast


I cohosted this podcast with Dr. Mike HeiserNatalinaDoug Van DornDoug Overmyer and Trey Stricklin.

Sleep paralysis can be defined in several ways. In terms of the experiencer, it can be described as “a visitation by a malevolent creature which attacked its victims as they slept” (Cox). More clinically, sleep paralysis is understood as “a transient,conscious state of involuntary immobility occurring when falling asleep or upon wakening” (Cheyne, 2002). Research into sleep paralysis has produced compelling evidence that the phenomenon can be explained by brain chemistry and physiology in conjunction with REM sleep. But is that all there is to it?

Go listen to it here