Bible Over Brews: Book of Revelation, Spiritual Warfare, and the Last Days

These guys like beer and theology. fascinating combination.

I start around 9 minutes in. I first talk about my screenwriting career.

Then we talk about how I gave up on “Left Behindism.”

And then I talk about the story of first century Rome vs. Jerusalem in the storyline of my series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Spiritual warfare stories. Supernatural worldview, and more!

LISTEN to the podcast here.


The Book of Revelation is about God Judging Israel, NOT the Earth

A View from the Bunker

Wait? How can that be? Haven’t we been told Revelation is about the judgment of the earth?

Well it’s not what they told you…

Shocking, yes, only because of a modern bias in interpreting the Bible through our worldview, instead of the ancient Jewish worldview.

A great discussion with Derek Gilbert, who does not agree with my view, but is very willing to entertain the conversation.

We talk all about my novels the Chronicles of the Apocalypse as well as the historical event of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70 and how it fits Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation.

You will find this fascinating.

Watch the podcast here.



TruthSeekah Podcast: The End Times – What You Are Not Being Told

A great podcast interview with TruthSeekah about the End Times. We talked about how the prophecies of the Last Days were not the Last Days of the earth, but the Last Days of the Old Covenant. If this is true then the entire paradigm of Bible prophecy that most Christians are following must be changed.

Listen how you can begin to do so. Check out the podcast here.


2 Heretics Again: Part 2 of the Great End Times Discussion

Me and Rob Skiba again! The guy is smart, sharp, he’s got a good sense of humor, and he’s a very fair host.

It’s so hard, trying not to fall into the trap of saying that every new podcast interview is “the best one yet.”  That dilutes the phrase. It’s a dangerous slippery slope into click bait.

But I have to say this series of discussions truly are the best interviews I’ve had. We go deep into issues and because it’s a series, we cover a lot more ground than I have before.

This interview starts out on the poetry of Bible prophecy. Metaphors, hyperbole, symbols versus “literal.” What about double fulfillment? Are the Last Days in our future or were they in our past as the Last Days of the Old Covenant?

Listen here to the podcast online. You’ll be glad you did.

Part 1 is on the same page as Part 2 if you want to listen to it.

Part 3 is coming next week. We’ll talk about the book of Revelation specifically.


2 Heretics & the Last Days: Revelation is Not What They Told You

This is a FASCINATING discussion. One of my most interesting.

I was on Rob Skiba’s podcast talking about the End Times and the failure of modern Bible Prophecy pundits over and over and over again.

With such a track record of absolute and total failures, maybe it’s not because individuals are wrong in specific interpretations. Maybe its the entire system that is wrong.

Consider something radically different. Consider preterism…

What happens when two heretics discuss opposing views on the End Times? Find out in this first of a multi-part series, which will compare Brian Godawa’s Preterist views versus Rob Skiba’s Futurist views concerning what the Bible calls the “Last Days.” In this broadcast, Brian lays out the foundation for why he no longer believes in the Futurist position, as described in his latest series of books.

Listen on YouTube here.

Listen on Truth Frequency here (you can download)


Remnant: New Novel About the Book of Revelation in the First Century

It’s released!

Remnant: Rescue of the Elect

Book 2 in the series. Asia, 66 A.D. Roman Severus, Jewish Alexander, and Christian Cassandra find their target of capture: the Apostle John. But when he reveals the meaning of his secret apocalypse, their world is turned upside down. They journey to Jerusalem where a zealot revolt has broken out, and threatens to bring the Roman war machine down upon them all. Will the Christians get out in time?

Get the ebook here

Get the paperback here


Get book 1, Tyrant, here

Check out the entire series explanation here.


September 23: Here’s Why Modern Bible Prophecy Pundits are Always Wrong

So, the latest conspiracy theory of Bible prophecy pundits is that September 23, 2017 will find an astronomical alignment predicted in Revelation 12 that will launch the End of Days. To be fair, not all prophecy geeks support this theory, but still, it is symbolic of the ongoing failure of all futurist End Times theories that plagues the history of Evangelical Christianity.

How are those Blood Moons working Out for You?

The basic theory is not worth the time, but I’ll quickly describe it (And, yes, there are many variations, so this is a generalization). It claims that the description of Revelation 12 is an astral prophecy that launches the rapture or other end times events leading to an “Antichrist” who claims to be the savior of our world that’s gone to hell in a hand basket. This Satanic figure masquerades as the Pope or Islamic mahdi, or whatever your idiosyncratic choice is, he makes a covenant with Israel, rebuilds the temple, reinstitutes the sacrifices, then breaks that covenant and turns on Israel, raises up the Beast and the mark of the Beast and leads all the nations into Armageddon against Jerusalem, where Jesus returns to stop it all.

This conspiracy theory has become so common, even godless secular people can recount it to you. I call it a conspiracy theory because if you examine history (see The Day and the Hour by Gummerlock) you’ll find this same kind of belief in every generation. Christians have claimed to be the final generation of the Last Days for centuries.

And they have always been wrong.

I know what you’re thinking. That doesn’t mean they are wrong now. Okay, here’s a prediction I’ll make. These new ones will be proven wrong too. How can I say this? because they are fundamentally misinterpreting Bible prophecies. Their scenario is not at all what the Scriptures are saying. More on that, later. Continue reading

Wars and Rumors of Wars: What Jesus Really Said

This author changed my view of the End Times.

Get 20% Off until the end of September!

You know that I don’t often recommend books to buy other than my own. And also, you know that Remnant is coming out soon, so I wouldn’t normally do this at this time.

But this author, Gary DeMar has been so influential on my own understanding of the End Times that I dedicated my entire Chronicles of the Apocalypse to him (and Ken Gentry).

I asked him if he would give me a special discount for my fans, and he did!

Click on the link below and use the code: ENDTIMES when you check out the book and you’ll get a 20% discount. It’s only good for that book. (It’s in paperback and CHEAPER in digital!)

I am not exaggerating. This guy is one of the clearest and most biblical writers on the topic.


CLICK HERE to see/buy Wars and Rumors of Wars by Gary DeMar