Peeranormal Podcast: The Truth Behind Halloween. Can it Be Redeemed?

I (Brian Godawa) was on this podcast about Halloween with Michael Heiser, Natalina Howeshell, Doug Van Dorn, Doug Overmyer and Trey Stricklin.

“Samhain” (pronounced “sow-in,” with the “ow” like in “cow,” or “sow-een,” with “ow” as in “glow”) is an Irish Gaelic term for the time of “summer’s end,” as well as a festival to mark the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter which, in the Gaelic / Celtic calendar, marked the beginning of the year.

Because the Celtic day began and ended at sunset, not sunrise, the festival was traditionally celebrated from October 31 to November 1. Samhaim is the ancient backdrop to Halloween, not only in terms of the calendar, but also in terms of basically all the modern elements of that holiday.

This episode investigates the history of Samhain and its curious links to the ancient biblical worldview of demons, giants, and the realm of the dead.

Listen Here!


EVP – Electronic Voice Phenomena
Be There Ghosts?


Electronic Voice Phenomena

Hosted by Dr. Mike Heiser, author of the game-changer in supernatural theology, The Unseen Realm. This episode features co-hosts Brian Godawa (hey, that’s me!), Natalina (Beyond Extraordinary podcast), Trey (Naked Bible podcast), Doug Overseer (Seers See Ministries), and Pastor Doug Van Dorn (author, Giants: Sons of the Gods).

We talk about respectable peer-reviewed analysis of this phenomena that is one of the more sensational elements of paranormal shows like Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventurers, and Ghost Worshippers (Okay, just kidding on that last one). But we do deal a bit with the Biblical prohibition of talking to the dead, which is what this phenomenon is actually a modern day version of.

But are the claims of EVP real, artificial or something else?

Check out the podcast here.