The late Michael Heiser and his teachings have recently come under fire by a group of folks who recently released a 2.5 hour video making erroneous assertions about him and his teachings. We gathered a high-octane panel of those most familiar with Heiser’s teachings in a civil theological rebuttal to these claims. This was a great podcast where I got to share alot in defending Mike. Giant Steps Podcast with Doug Van Dorn. Watch or Listen Here
Iron and Myth Podcast: Spiritual Powers and Principalities
I was on the Iron and Myth Podcast again!
And this one was very interesting.
One of the difficulties in understanding the spirit realm is that New Testament authors, especially Paul, used the same Greek terms for both earthly and heavenly beings.
So, how do we understand terms like thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities, principalities, and powers? To borrow another phrase from Paul, as though we’re looking into a mirror darkly.
Joining me for the monthly Iron and Myth series with Pastor Doug Van Dorn, author of The Angel of the LORD; Dr. Judd Burton, author of Interview With the Giant; and Derek Gilbert, the host of the show and author of multiple books on these topics.
We grapple with the terms used for denizens of the unseen realm, including the term rendered “saints” in English (and why it doesn’t always mean humans), and the mysterious Glorious Ones that, according to Peter and Jude, were blasphemed by rebellious persons within the first-century church.
We also discuss the reason that terms used of divine beings in the Old Testament apply to believers in the New Testament–because a day is coming when we will be restored to the divine council as inheritors of the Kingdom of God, replacing the rebellious elohim.
Zechariah 12-14: Jesus & The Day of the Lord
Many Christians believe that Zechariah 12-14 talks about our future and the second coming of Christ.
It doesn’t. It talks about the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70 and how that constituted Yahweh’s judgment upon Israel.
Yahweh saves heavenly Jerusalem,
but judges earthly Jerusalem.
The glory of the New Covenant people.
Podcast: Zechariah 1-11: Jesus as Yahweh’s Return to Zion
Many Christian prophecy pundits think Zechariah has alot to say about our future and the return of Christ.
It doesn’t. It talks about the coming of Messiah in the first century and how he brings both salvation and Judgment to Jerusalem “IN THAT DAY.”
In this episode we survey concepts important to understanding the book of Zechariah:
It’s historical context
“In that Day”
“All nations”
The Two Jerusalems
The Remnant
The Branch
Podcast: The Coming of Elijah before the Day of the Lord
Many people have crazy theories about Elijah and the Day of the Lord.
Some think the historical Elijah is coming back in our future during a great tribulation.
Jesus said Elijah was John the Baptist.
But John also prophesied judgment.
So was it in our future or was it a judgment in our past?
You should know me by now to guess which one.
Podcast: The Man of Lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2: He’s Not Who They Told You
I have a new interview with Jared 2.0! You’re not gonna want to miss this one.
Who is the Man of Lawlessness, or Man of Sin?
Is he the Antichrist? The Beast? Daniel’s Little Horn?
Is he in our future?
See why all the futurist views completely fail to understand this passage in its first century context.
And learn who it actually was in history!
You will learn how popular approaches are blinded to the text.
Podcast: 2 Peter 3 and the End of All Things
I have a new interview on Jared 2.0 podcast about End Times prophecy in the First Century.
Many Christians think that 2 Peter 3 about the Elements melting with heat and the New Heavens and Earth is about the end of the earth and time.
It’s not.
It’s about the spiritual reality of the New Covenant and the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
And I prove it from the Bible.
We must interpret prophecy in the context of the genre of symbolism of ancient Hebrew, NOT our own scientific literalism.
Podcast: The Parables of Jesus and the End of the Age
Many read the parables of Jesus as if he is talking about his second coming in our future.
He is not. He is talking about his first coming or his judgment coming on Jerusalem in AD 70.
Behold and be amazed!
You’ll ask yourself why you never saw this before!
Yet, it’s right there in the text.
Podcast: New Testament Books on the Timing of Jesus’ Coming
New Testament passages that Prophecy Pundits Avoid.
What many of us do not realize is that Revelation and Matthew 24 are not the only places that speak clearly about Jesus coming in judgment by AD 70.
Most of the New Testament letters also speak of the event that they knew was coming.
And it did. Just like they said, “Soon,” “at the door,” “at hand.”
Jared and I exegete the many instances in the many passages of the many New Testament books.
You’ll ask yourself, “Why haven’t I seen these passages in this light before?”
Podcast: Ezekiel’s End Times Prophecies: It’s Not What They Told You
I have a new series of teachings on the Jared 2.0 podcast! This one is on the prophecies of Ezekiel.
The Valley of Dry Bones.
Gog and Magog.
The End Times Temple.
Jared and I look at all these controversial prophecies of Ezekiel.
Futurists still insist their sci-fi Marvel Universe interpretations are biblical.
But they keep turning out wrong.
See how these prophecies were fulfilled in the time of Esther and in the New Covenant.
It’s powerful, beautiful and biblically satisfying.