Matthew 24 Fulfilled in the Past: Brian Godawa on Through The Black Podcast

This is a great interview.

Jared Chrestman and I went through Matthew 24 almost verse by verse to show how it was all fulfilled by AD 70.

Yes, that’s right. All of it.

Even Christ coming on the clouds.

As a famous movie line goes, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Check it out here.

The Great Tribulation is in the Past – Godawa on the Parker J Cole Show

Parker J Cole is an open-minded host willing to explore ideas that challenge the mainstream.

Well, my ideas challenge the mainstream Bible Prophecy Industrial Complex.

You’ll love this show. We talk about the failure of the predictions of modern Bible prophecy pundits, and my own journey of waking up to a new viewpoint of the end times, the fallacious assumptions of Christians with other viewpoints, and how we have missed the meaning of so much of Revelation because we interpret it through modern eyes instead of the eyes of ancient Jews who wrote the New Testament. I talk about the corruption of prophecy interpretation from literalism.

Listen to the show here: