Remnant: Rescuing the Proper Interpretation of Revelation

I was on the Clear Lens podcast with Nate Sala.

A great time talking about my journey out of Dispensationalism and Left Behindism.

And talking about my new novel, Remnant: Rescue of the Elect.

The Remnant 144,000 in Revelation are the Jewish Christians who fled Jerusalem in the first century to avoid the wrath of God that was coming upon the city.

Check it out here.


Check out this Thrilling First-Century Epic & Meet the Apostle John on Patmos

I have to say I am truly humbled by this review of my newest book Remnant: Rescue of the Elect.

It is written by Kevin Ott at Rockin’ God’s House.

Here is a quote from him: “you get an intensely vivid sense for what it would have been like to be a Christian in the mad house that was the first century.”

You think we’re in a madhouse now? You have no idea. First century Roman empire led the Great Tribulation.

Check out what Kevin said about the novel, and the series!

Read it here.


Why is America Turning Christophobic? It All Began With the “Wall of Separation”

That’s a Prison Wall for American Christians.

I just released this new 96 page booklet about the historical interpretation of religious freedom in America.

I examine the Founders’ original intent behind the freedom of religion in the First Amendment. I use documented historical sources to tell the story of the transformation of religious freedoms from a “wall of separation” that protected Christianity from the state, into a wall of oppression weaponized by the state against Christianity.

Learn how it all began.

Get the eBook or Paperback here.

Who is the Antichrist? It’s Not Who You Thought

Here is a video I did that is part of a larger online course I have available called “Are We Living in the Last Days.”

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

Pin the tail on the Antichrist! That’s the game that prophecy pundits play.

And they are wrong over and over again. They have been wrong for 1000 years!

Why? Because the Bible explicitly tells us they were looking in the wrong time period!

Check out the video above and find out who the apostle John said the Antichrist actually was.

Learn more here:

GET 20% OFF the Course price until This Friday, November 10.
Use this code in the cart: LDNOV20


What are the Last Days? It’s Not What You Think

Here is a video I did that is part of a larger online course I have available called “Are We Living in the Last Days.”

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

The way that ancient Jews thought of the End of the Age and the Last Days is NOT the way we think of it.

Find out just how different they thought. Radically different.

Learn more here:

GET 20% OFF the Course price until November 10.
Use this code in the cart: LDNOV20


The End Times: 3 Main Views Explained

Here is a video I did that is part of a larger online course I have available called “Are We Living in the Last Days.”

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

Find out how this course will transform your understanding of End Times.

You’ll never see it the same way again.

And you’ll find out why all today’s prophecy pundits are always wrong over and over again.

Learn more here:

GET 20% OFF the Course price until November 10.
Use this code in the cart: LDNOV20


Down the Line Podcast: Last Days, End Times and the Book of Revelation — Back Then

I had a great interview with Mike Indest on his new podcast Down the Line here.

We talked about the Last Days in the New Testament, my journey out of Left Behindism, and how the book of Revelation was fulfilled in the first century.

Modern day prophecy pundits are speculative like conspiracy theories. They are always wrong, and they are always changing.

Find out why.


How One Little Word Changes Everything in the Book of Revelation – Do You Know What it is?

I wrote this article that Gary DeMar has published on his website here.

It’s about how we tend to misread Revelation because of one little poorly translated word: “earth.”

Read the article to find out how the correct translation of that word changes everything.

This is an honor for me, because Gary’s work on the End Times is one of the most influential on my view.