Hollywood Worldviews: Violence in the Bible and Movies

Check out this short YouTube video on Violence in the Bible.

The Bible is quite explicit at times in its depiction of gory, gross or disgusting acts of evil.
Learn why it is important to God that evil be depicted accurately in stories, or the redemption of the story will not be believable.

The Bible is Rated R. Parental Discretion is advised.

You can find out more about the series here, including buying the downloads.


Interview with Cyrus Nowrasteh: Saved While Making the Movie The Young Messiah


Okay, it wasn’t like a Damascus Road Zap, more of a culmination of a long journey ending in this movie.

I got to interview Cyrus Nowrasteh about the upcoming movie, The Young Messiah, that opens March 11. You HAVE to see this movie. It’s a thoughtful and dramatic exploration of Jesus and his human coming of age as the Son of God.

You can read my review of the movie here.
It opens next Friday, March 11.

Here is the interview…

Brian: Tell me about the Genesis of this project and its journey to the screen.

Cyrus: I remember having dinner in 2005 with my agent at CAA. He talked about his client Anne Rice coming out with a book called Christ the Lord, that is going to blow everyone’s mind, because at the time, she became born again, or whatever you want to call it. I thought it was a fresh and original take on Jesus, focusing on him entirely as a seven-year old child.

If you told me then, about 10 years ago, that I’d be making a movie from that book, I’d have told you you were on crack. For a slew of reasons. But [my movie] Stoning of Soraya M. came out in 2009. Anne Rice wrote a rave review of it. So I called the same agent. She thought I’d be perfect for it. I read it and fell in love with it. I contacted Chris Columbus’ 1492 Pictures. I worked with them in the past. They optioned the book, and developed the script with me attached to direct.

B: So it took over 10 years to get made. And that’s just the beginning of the miraculous things that would happen. What were the reasons that made you hesitate from making the movie at first?

C: First of all, she’s very prominent. She’s been writing best-sellers for over 40 years. She’s had movies made from her books. And her books are very expensive to acquire and get made. That was one reason. The other was what it was about. I had been on my own journey towards Christ for a long time, probably longer than I even know. But I certainly didn’t think I was prepared to tackle a project about Jesus, much less a very risky and challenging one, taking on a portion of his life that is considered the silent years. I knew that would be controversial.


Writer-Director Cyrus Nowrasteh

B: What unique issues did you face in adapting this book to a film?

C: She did a very challenging thing in the book. It was pretty gutsy. The entire book is written in the first person voice of Jesus. That was challenge number one. The other challenges were theological. Anne grew up Catholic. I didn’t know it at the time, that she used a lot of other sources. Some of them are apocryphal, and some of them are legends that come down about the childhood of Jesus in the vicinity of Alexandria going back 2000 years. The Coptic Christians still tell these stories about Jesus. She used everything and anything that she could find. And we felt, Betsy (wife and co-writer) and myself, that if we were going to write it, that we were going to have to reexamine those issues. We are not theologians or scholars. It was through multiple drafts, having friends and associates, theologians, people who we trusted, who came back with feedback. It took time for us to figure out how we could navigate those issues and still tell the story in a dramatic and compelling fashion.

[BG DISCLOSURE: I was one of those who read the script early on. To be honest, I knew Christians would not like it at that point in its development, because of some of the material they included. But as you read on, you’ll see how he and his wife co-writer changed it because of their spiritual journey. Good news! this movie is now totally Biblically consistent, even though it obviously takes creative license. I loved it.]  Read on to see what happened… Continue reading

Hollywood Worldviews: Subversion in the Movies. How Story Changes Your Mind.

Check out this short video of Subversion in the Movies.

I’m the guy whose post on the movie Noah went viral, and angered the Hollywood heavyweights and their bullying religious sycophants. Because I uncovered the true subversive meaning of the movie. In this presentation, I explain what subversion is in storytelling, and how it can be used for good or evil. In fact, I show how God uses subversion in his storytelling. And if you get the full version, you will see my explanation of the movie Noah, complete with film clips. Good and bad examples.

This is a shortened version. Get the full version here, complete with lots of film clips.

You can find out more about the series here, including buying the downloads.

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Worldview Teaching for Young Adults – Send Your Kids This Summer.

I taught at one of Summit’s institutes on worldviews. They’re fabulous.

Have you noticed how young Bernie Sanders’s supporters are? These are our future leaders and they don’t know enough about history or economics to know that socialism is a failure.

Can I make a strong suggestion? Send every 16-to-21-year-old you know and love to Summit Ministries this summer. Summit’s focus is preparing godly leaders who stay strong in their faith and take a stand for what is right and true. For more than 50 years families have trusted Summit. Their graduates are leaders in every facet of society.

The Summit course is 12 days long and features personal contact with top thought leaders in economics, biblical worldview, philosophy, and social issues. Courses are available all summer long in Colorado, Tennessee, and California.

Now is the time to invest in preparing mature, thoughtful, focused, alert young leaders. Summit is key. That’s why I’m honored to be on their board of reference for this outstanding organization and encourage you to reserve a spot for this summer.

Click here to watch the Summit experience video and see first-hand what life is like at a Summit Student Conference. Another bonus for you and your student is that all registrations received on our website www.summit.org before 5 p.m. Mountain Time on March 31st will receive a $200 early bird discount.

And thanks to Summit donors who want to see every seat filled, we’ve reduced our Tennessee and California registration fees by ANOTHER $200.

Hollywood Worldviews: Worldview in Movies. It Affects You More Than You Realize.

Check out the short YouTube video.

Every worldview is a story that has a narrative of Creation, Fall and Redemption.
Every movie has a worldview.
I explain the components of a worldview and how they are incarnated within a story in movies.
This will help you understand the underlying meaning of movies.

Get the full version of this lecture, complete with film clips here.

You can find out more about the series here.


Hollywood Worldviews: Incarnation in the Movies. The Elements of Good Story That Change You.


Check out this short YouTube video on Incarnation in the Movies.

I explain 8 elements of story incarnation, and how movies incarnate truth, meaning and worldview, through their protagonist, antagonist, drama, theme, love interest, reflection, and others.

Get the full version of this lecture, complete with film clips here.

You can find out more about the series here, including buying the downloads.


Risen: An Unpredictable Hollywood Detective Thriller – and a Christian Apologist’s Dream Come True


A detective thriller about a Roman Tribune charged with the task of finding the body of Jesus Christ in order to stop an uprising after he is declared risen from the dead.

Not Your Father’s “Christian Movie”

Most “Christian movies,” especially ones about Jesus or the New Testament are cheap looking, cheesy, and quite honestly, tired and redundant.

I don’t even care to see them, and I’m a Christian.

Risen is NOT one of them.

It is NOT a “Christian movie,” filled with mediocre or bad performances of poor preachy writing and directing.

The Hero of the story is an unbeliever. But this is NOT the fake, stilted Kendrick brother’s version of an unbeliever.

Sorry for all those, “NOTs.” It’s just that there is so much baggage with the genre of Christian movies and Bible movies like this, that you have to realize just how different this movie really is.

Oh, and one more NOT. It is NOT another abominable subversion of the Biblical narrative and God like Noah and Exodus: Gods and Kings.

Now for what Risen IS.

Risen is an honest and truthful portrayal of a skeptical mind approaching the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

And it is a fantastic story. It is an authentic fresh take on the Gospel from the unique perspective of an unbeliever.

Great writing, unpredictable story, strong acting, truthful and honest portrayal. Riveting drama.

To be honest, Risen is a Christian apologist’s dream come true. It is a narrative that dramatically and existentially incarnates the historical issues surrounding the resurrection of Christ in a much better way for today’s world than the logocentric “Evidence That Demands a Verdict” ever could (That’s not a knock on McDowell. It was good in its day). Of course, using the word “apologetics” in relation to a movie is dangerous, because of all the prejudice in the public against such an agenda. But so what. Atheists and other close-minded Bible haters and Christian bashers will still hate it, no matter how good the movie actually is.

And it is very good. Here’s why: Continue reading