Enoch, Biblical Giants, and the War of the Seed. A Fantastic Interview with Brian Godawa


Today we are going to do this by taking a deep dive into the Divine Council Worldview with author Brian Godawa.

Ring Them Bells podcast with Jason Bostow.

Why is the Book of Enoch so important for understanding the context of the Bible?

Who are the Nephilim?

Why do we believe the sons of God in Genesis 6 are fallen spiritual beings?

Buckle up and get ready for an amazing trip into the UNSEEN as we explore these questions and more.

Your mind is about to get blown!

Watch or listen here

Prophecy Fulfilled: Through the lens of Ancient Near Eastern eyes, NOT modern ones

On the Tin Foil Hat Podcast, Kyle and Ben dive deep into end times prophecy with author and screenwriter Brian Godawa, exploring the controversial perspectives of Preterism, the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, and its implications for modern biblical interpretation.

We discuss:

Preterism and eschatology
Matthew 24
The Generation
Coming of the Son of Man
Symbolism in Bible prophecy
Judgment language in prophecy
Gathering of the Elect
The dating of Revelation
The temple in prophecy

These guys are open-minded and thoughtful questioners.

Watch or listen here


The Gods of Göbekli Tepe: Evidence of the Watchers in History – Iron and Myth Podcast

It’s called the world’s oldest temple.

While only a small portion of the site has been excavated, the clues point to one solid conclusion: It was meant as a point of contact with the gods.

Our usual Iron and Myth crew is joined by special guest Dr. Aaron Judkins (aaronjudkins.com, aaronjudkins.substack.com), co-author with Dr. Judd Burton (burtonbeyond.net) of the best-selling book Decoding Göbekli Tepe: Biblical Anatolia and the Watchers (https://amzn.to/4hcbvyX).

Rounding out the discussion are Doug Van Dorn (douglasvandorn.com), author, pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of Northern Colorado in Boulder and host of the Giant Steps podcast, and Brian Godawa (godawa.com), best-selling author and award-winning screenwriter, whose new novels Judah Maccabee, Part 1: Abomination of Desolation and Judah Maccabee, Part 2: Against the Gods of Greece will be the topic of next month’s Iron and Myth. 

Our conversation digs into the significance of Göbekli Tepe, exploring its classification as the world’s oldest temple and the cultural implications of its construction.

The discussion highlights the mysterious influences that may have contributed to the site’s creation, including supernatural elements and connections to biblical narratives.

Recent discoveries at Göbekli Tepe, including evidence of habitation and the symbolism of the vulture stone, are examined, alongside the ongoing research and future excavations that may further illuminate this ancient site. Judd and Aaron explore the historical and spiritual significance of Göbekli Tepe, discussing its connections to biblical narratives, the influence of supernatural entities known as the Watchers, and the site’s implications for understanding ancient burial practices and archaeoastronomy. 

Finally, they share the links between Göbekli Tepe and the first humans, Adam and Eve, emphasizing the site’s role in the broader context of ancient history and its relevance to modern biblical studies.

Watch or listen here.

The Abomination of Desolation in the Days of the Maccabees. An Interview with Brian Godawa

This was a good interview on The Ancient Way Podcast.

We talk about the Divine Council, The Deuteronomy 32 worldview and the Watcher Paradigm.

We talk about my new novel set, Judah Maccabee Parts 1&2, as well as the research book The Spiritual World of Ancient Israel and Greece.

All about the books of Maccabees and the historical context of fulfilling Daniel’s prophecies during that time period.

Like for instance the Abomination of Desolation during those days.

 Watch or listen here.

The Maccabean Revolt: The Supernatural World of the Ancients. An Interview with Brian Godawa on Myth, Mysteries, and Majesty

I was on the podcast Myth, Mysteries, and Majesty with Nikola.

He was a very thoughtful interviewer, and you will learn a lot from this exchange.

We talk about the Divine Council, The Deuteronomy 32 worldview and the Watcher Paradigm.

We talk about my new novel set, Judah Maccabee Parts 1&2, as well as the research book The Spiritual World of Ancient Israel and Greece.

All about the books of Maccabees and the historical context of fulfilling Daniel’s prophecies during that time period.

Watch or listen here.

New Maccabees Novel by Brian Godawa: The Rooted Truth Podcast Interview

In this conversation, Jenny Mire welcomes award winning author Brian Godawa to the show.

Brian dives into the story of Judah Maccabee and the Maccabean revolt, exploring the historical context, the significance of the Apocrypha, and the prophecies in the Book of Daniel.

Brian discusses how these elements intertwine to provide a deeper understanding of Jewish history and its implications for Christian faith.

Watch or listen here.

The Battle for Your Soul: Cosmic Wars & Ancient Gods – Brian Godawa Interview on The Ryan Files

Brian Godawa joins The Ryan Files to uncover the supernatural war hidden in history!

From Genesis 6 to the Watchers, Nephilim, and Fallen Angels, Brian breaks down how cosmic forces have shaped humanity’s destiny for millennia. Are ancient gods and divine wars still influencing the modern world?

Watch or listen here

New Audiobook: The Abomination of Desolation According to Daniel and Jesus Christ


I just released a new audiobook about the Abomination of Desolation according to the prophet Daniel and Jesus Christ.

As with most prophecies, this one can be a real hotcake of debate. So many Christians out there speculate and fantasize about this prophecy unrooted in the biblical context of the actual prediction.

Listen to this audiobook and discover a sound and reasonable biblical answer that rises above the wasteful speculations.

NOTE: If you bought my novel, Judah Maccabee – Part 2: Against the Gods of Greece, YOU DO NOT NEED to buy this book.

This booklet is simply the appendix in that novel that has been extracted to create a separate booklet for those who just want the Bible study.

It is also available in Kindle or paperback or Large Print.

You can get the audiobook here on Amazon.

Judah Maccabee Parts 1&2 Now on Audiobook!


The Supernatural Story of Hanukkah and the Abomination of Desolation.

Judah Maccabee Parts 1 & 2 are supernatural epic novels about the Abomination of Desolation predicted by the Bible prophet Daniel.

Reluctant warrior Judah Maccabee leads a Jewish revolt against the Greek tyrant king Antiochus Epiphanes that results in the origin of the festival of Hanukkah in the Apocrypha.

Respected Christian author, biblically faithful, spiritual warfare novel. 2 Parts.

But that’s not all!

Get the audiobook of the biblical and historical research behind the Judah Maccabee novels: The Spiritual World of Ancient Israel and Greece.

Get Judah Maccabee Part 1 on audiobook here.

Get Judah Maccabee Part 2 on audiobook here.

Get The Spiritual World of Ancient Israel and Greece on audiobook here.

Join the ancient world of adventure, war, and romance now!