Iron and Myth Podcast: The Origin of Demons

DEMONS ARE the spirits of the giants destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

At least, that’s what Jews of the Second Temple period and the early Christian church believed.

Author and pastor Doug Van Dorn, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton join Derek Gilbert’s podcast for our monthly Iron and Myth round table to discuss the origin of evil spirits. We dig into what the Bible says about these spirits, extrabiblical texts, and startling evidence that the demigod heroes of Greece like Herakles and Perseus were the Rephaim of the Amorites, Canaanites, and Hebrews.

Watch or listen here

Podcast: The Gospel Creates Order Out of Chaos. A Positive Vision of Christian Faith in Culture

I was on this podcast, Shekinah Publishing.

It was a great time. In Part One I gave my personal testimony of my faith in Hollywood and writing novels with an eye toward subverting the culture with positive Christian faith.

Here is Part One

In part two, I talk about having a positive Christian vision for culture rather than the defeatist approach.

So many Christians are overcome by the vast evil in this world, and it is really there.

But how do you live the Bible truth that “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world”?

Here is Part Two

Check them out. These are real heartfelt discussions.

Podcast: God the Son and the Sons of God – Jesus and the Divine Council

I was on The Mad Ones Podcast with Cam Harliss.

The episode is titled: Episode 161 – Reversing Hermon: When God Became Man with Brian Godawa

It is THE best detailed summary of the divine council worldview in the Bible that I have ever given.

And it works into the incarnation of Jesus the Christ and the sonship of Christians.

You gotta listen to this one. it will become a classic.

Listen here online

Or listen here on Apple Podcasts


Iron & Myth Podcast: Leviathan, Behemoth, the Sea and Chaos

I was on the Iron and Myth podcast again. This one is going to fascinate you.

IS CHAOS a symbol of disorder, or is it, as certain passages in the Bible suggest, an entity?

Back this month for another in our Iron and Myth series are Brian Godawa (, author of Leviathan and Behemoth, Pastor Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview with the Giant: Ethnohistorical Notes on the Nephilim.

We discuss the various ways chaos is described in the Bible (Leviathan, Rahab, a multi-headed sea dragon, and the sea itself), the apparent struggle to subdue chaos in scripture and in pagan cultures of the ancient world, and the disturbing connection between chaos and the modern UFO phenomenon.

Listen or watch here

Iron and Myth Podcast: Death of the Gods. When Jesus Got Victory Over the Powers

THE DEATH OF THE GODS is prophesied in the Bible.

This is not in dispute, unless one argues that God Himself was mistaken in calling the pagan gods of the ancient world “gods.”

(See, for example, Exodus 12:12 and Psalm 82.)

Pastor Doug Van Dorn, author Brian Godawa, and Dr. Judd Burton join Derek Gilbert for a monthly ‘Iron and Myth’ session to discuss the death of the gods: When will it happen—or has it happened already?

Watch or listen here


Iron and Myth 3 – War Among the Fallen in the Spiritual Realm

SATAN AND his minions haven’t been completely united in their rebellion against God.

What did this war in the fallen realm look like?

Brian Godawa (,
Doug Van Dorn (,
Dr. Judd Burton (

join Derek Gilbert on View From the Bunker to discuss the supernatural war that has raged across the cosmos almost since the beginning of creation.

You are not going to want to miss this one. And it will be necessary before you listen to the next episode coming shortly.

Watch or Listen Here


The Lost Archive Interview! Chronicles of the Apocalypse with Brian Godawa

Okay, so this was recorded a few years back but never released!

It’s a good one. And its time for everyone to be done with all the false Bible Prophecy speculation going on.

Especially now. Christian defeatists are telling you to give up and cower. But God’s Kingdom is greater than the kingdoms of this world.

Hear about the series that changed the landscape of End Times Bible novels.

This is game-changing storytelling.

Listen here.

Podcast: Zechariah 1-11: Jesus as Yahweh’s Return to Zion

Many Christian prophecy pundits think Zechariah has alot to say about our future and the return of Christ.

It doesn’t. It talks about the coming of Messiah in the first century and how he brings both salvation and Judgment to Jerusalem “IN THAT DAY.”

In this episode we survey concepts important to understanding the book of Zechariah:

It’s historical context

“In that Day”

“All nations”

The Two Jerusalems

The Remnant

The Branch


Mysterious Radio: End Times Prophecy – It’s Not What They Told You

I was on this very professionally crafted podcast talking about end times from a different viewpoint.

The host was very gracious and asked intelligent helpful questions that really help clarify the issues of Bible Prophecy.

I talk about my journey in Bible prophecy and how I discovered the common interpretation of the last days is severely crippled by being modern rather than ancient in its context.

Topics: Ancient context of prophecy, poetic language of prophecy and apocalyptic, modern misunderstandings, the nature of Inspiration of God’s Word, Bible translation.

Listen here at Mysterious Radio