Resist False Prophets and Their End Times Delusions. Godawa Interview on Bible Over Brews

I had a great interview with the guys on Bible Over Brews.

We talked about various views of the end times, false prophets in the modern church, the forgotten history of the church in the first century, how Nero Caesar persecuted the Christians, how to interpret the Bible in its ancient context NOT based on modern newspaper exegesis, as well as my new novel in the Chronicles of the Apocalypse series.

Listen here.


July 4th Sale: Only 99¢. Shocking Conspiracy Novel of the Early Church & the Book of Revelation.

Only until Saturday. Ebook.

Rome, A.D. 64. A Roman warrior and his Jewish servant are ordered by the evil emperor Nero to track down a secret Christian document that undermines the Roman empire and predicts the end of the world. But they’re not prepared for the spiritual warfare they’ve unleashed. The truth behind the origin of the most controversial book of the Bible: Revelation. A historical conspiracy thriller with angels and demons.

Check it out here.


Chronicles of the Apocalypse: New Release in the Best-Selling Series

My Third Book in the Apocalypse Series is Now Available on Amazon!

Book 3 in the series. A.D. 67. Nero’s Roman armies plunder the land of Israel. Christian doctor Alexander and his wife Cassandra return to Jerusalem to help the sick, wounded and orphans of war. The Two Witnesses begin their proclamation of God’s judgment as the Roman abomination of desolation approaches the holy city.

The Trumpets are sounding, the Seals are breaking, the Bowls are poured out.

Historically accurate, theologically provocative, action and romance, spiritual warfare.

Here are some Advance Readers’ responses about the series after reading Resistant:

“From the beginning, to the end, The Chronicles of the Apocalypse brings the hard-to-read parts of Revelation to life in a way not seen before.”
Jeremy Eng

“Brian Godawa’s Chronicles of the Apocalypse series is a binge worthy, fast-paced exhilarating thriller of what happened historically and in the unseen realm of AD 67 Jerusalem. Fantastic work!”
Kwame Antwi-Boasiako

“Brian Godawa’s Chronicles of the Apocalypse, is a highly entertaining series that keeps you on the edge of your seat as you experience the spiritual warfare in the earthly and spiritual realms that may have caused the events leading up to and including fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the temple in 70AD.
Mark Gerger

“Once again Brian has weaved his excellent storytelling and in-depth research into the best documented and most enjoyable historical biblical fiction I have ever read.”
Jeff Hopper


Find Out Why Chronicles of the Nephilim & Apocalypse Dominate Amazon’s Top 10 Biblical Fiction

This is an un-retouched screen grab of Amazon’s Top 10 in Biblical Fiction.

7 out of 10 are Godawa’s Chronicles of the Nephilim or Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

The facts speak volumes for themselves.

Don’t you want to know why?

They’re fantastical, supernatural, theological, imaginative and very Biblical.

And readers are consuming the Chronicles with ravenous spiritual hunger.

Brian Godawa is a Christian and respected biblical author. The Chronicles deal with an amazing biblical storyline missed or ignored by many Christians: The War of the Seed. That’s the Seed of the Woman vs. the Seed of the Serpent. The supernatural story of Christ’s victory over the powers.

Here is what Bible scholar Michael Heiser says about the Nephilim Chronicles:

“A stirring tale of gods and men that confronts us with biblical reality through mythical fantasy. Noah Primeval is what Tolkien called “sanctifying myth” that we need in our own place and time.”
– Michael S. Heiser, PhD, Hebrew and Semitic Languages
Academic Editor, Logos Bible Software

Take a look at the books here at Amazon

Get the Best-selling first book, Noah Primeval for only 99¢ here.


Psalm 82: The Psalm that Changed the Cosmos

I recently expanded this booklet and released it as a paperback and e-book on Amazon
(If you already own the book on Kindle, it will automatically update to the new expanded version)

The Shocking Biblical Truth Behind the Most Mysterious Psalm 

Best-selling Christian author Brian Godawa examines Psalm 82 to reveal its fascinating storyline of the Sons of God who surround God’s throne. They are given to rule the Gentile nations, but they rule unjustly, and are judged by Messiah, who strips them of immortality and takes back the earth.

It’s time to rediscover the biblical storyline of Christ’s victory over the powers and what that means for us.

This booklet is author Godawa’s biblical proof for the narrative he follows in his two best-selling series Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Check it out here.

Psalm 82: Part Six -The Watchers Did Not Make You Do It

These posts are all excerpted from my newest booklet, Psalm 82: The Divine Council of the Gods, the Judgment of the Watchers and the Inheritance of the Nations. You can buy the booklet here.

PLEASE NOTE: If you bought the booklet already from Amazon, then be aware that I just added a bunch of more material to the booklet. I’ve added 6200 words, that’ 50% more words than when you first bought it. Amazon Kindle usually updates your kindle books. So check to see if you have an additional chapter 6. If you do, then you have the latest update!

Now, let’s get down to business.

In my previous posts, I analyzed Psalm 82 to uncover the narrative of Christ’s victory over the powers. In it, we saw a reiteration of the Deuteronomy 32 worldview that depicted fallen Sons of God from Yahweh’s heavenly host being allotted the Gentile nations as an inheritance. These Watchers over the nations were unjust in their governance, so Yahweh declared he would judge them with death through the resurrection of Messiah, which would take back the allotment from the Watchers and give it to Messiah to inherit the nations.

So, the Watchers lost their allotted lands, authority and power and they died, most likely being thrown into the Lake of Fire.

But some of my readers have asked me, how do you then explain the demonic evil that has been occurring in evil, from world wars to the Holocaust and on. And are there not demons still around today?

Here is my attempt to answer that… Continue reading

Psalm 82: Part Five – The Watchers and the End of the Age

These posts are all excerpted from my newest booklet, Psalm 82: The Divine Council of the Gods, the Judgment of the Watchers and the Inheritance of the Nations. You can buy the booklet here.

In my previous posts (1,  2,  3,  4), I analyzed Psalm 82 to uncover the narrative of Christ’s victory over the powers. In it, we saw a reiteration of the Deuteronomy 32 worldview that depicted fallen Sons of God from Yahweh’s heavenly host being allotted the Gentile nations as an inheritance, while Yahweh kept Israel for his own inheritance. These Watchers over the nations were unjust in their governance, so Yahweh declared he would judge them with death through the resurrection of Messiah, which would take back the allotment from the Watchers and give it to Messiah to inherit the nations.

But if Jesus triumphed over the spiritual powers at the cross and then led them captive in a military style triumphal procession, then how is it that the New Testament speaks of an ongoing struggle with those heavenly principalities and powers for the Christian? Are these territorial powers still an issue for us today?

My short answer is that the principalities and powers over the nations are not an issue for us today, but they were in Paul’s day because when he wrote his New Testament letters, the victory of Christ had been legally inaugurated at the cross, resurrection and ascension, but was not historically consummated until the destruction of the earthly incarnation of the old covenant, the holy temple in Jerusalem in AD 70. That event was the historical completion of the spiritual truth begun a generation earlier.

Paul was writing in a transition period between covenants. The new had been spiritually inaugurated but not historically consummated until the old had been done away with in the earthly realm. The old covenant was fading out but had not yet vanished with the destruction of the historical temple. The book of Hebrews predicts this destruction as a “vanishing.”

Hebrews 8:13–9:9
In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away. …By this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the [heavenly] holy places is not yet opened as long as the first section [earthly holy place] is still standing (which is symbolic for the present age).

That last parenthesis about the physical holy place being “symbolic of the present age” is in the text of Hebrews. I did not add it. the physical temple is a symbol of the old covenant age that was about to vanish away with the destruction of the temple.

Thus, the spiritual powers had lost their legal right to the Gentile nations at the complex of events that climaxed with the ascension of Jesus Christ. But their actual judgment of death in the fires of Gehenna did not occur until the consummation of the old covenant “present age” of the first century.

Many Christians assume that the “end of the age” or the “last days” is the end of the earth. Thus when Jesus speaks of casting sinners into the furnace of fire at the end of the age, they assume this has not yet happened. After all, does not Isaiah place the inheritance of the Gentiles in a future “last days”?

Isaiah 2:2
2 It shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it…

But I will show that the judgment of the Watchers in Psalm 82 occurs with the inheritance of the Gentiles which is actually begun in the book of Acts and solidified by AD 70 in the destruction of the temple. The “last days” occurred in the first century and they were the last days of the old covenant, not the last days of the entire earth.

Don’t read on unless you want your spiritual world rocked by this amazing biblical truth… Continue reading