Panel Discussion: Ancient Myths, Legends, the Bible and the Shocking Truth. Part 1

From Derek’s Channel: It’s a virtual roundtable this week as we’re joined by three men who have invested a lot of time and energy into untangling scripture from myths and legends of the ancient world to understand why the Hebrew prophets and apostles were led to include giants in the Bible.

Taking part in the discussion, which may well become a regular feature, are:
* Author and screenwriter Brian Godawa (
* Pastor and author Doug Van Dorn (
* Archaeologist, historian, author, and teacher Dr. Judd Burton (,

Among other topics, we discuss the motives of the rebellious “sons of God” referred to in Genesis 6:1–4, how they hope to escape the sentence of death God proclaimed in Psalm 82, and whether verse 1 of that psalm describes a courtroom scene in God’s divine council or His intrusion into the “council of El,” creator-god of the pagan Canaanites.

Watch or Listen Here.

Get Hardcover Editions of Your Favorite Chronicles Series by Brian Godawa

Well, Amazon finally offered the ability to publish my books in hardcover.

So I jumped on it and now you can get hardcovers for most of my books in all three series. Just click on any of the series below to see the hardcover editions you can now get:

Chronicles of the Nephilim

Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Chronicles of the Watchers


Brian Godawa
Author, Chronicles of the Nephilim
Chronicles of the Apocalypse
Chronicles of the Watchers

My Midrash on Human Origins. An Article Interview with

Did you know that Midrash is a well known way that ancient Jews retold Bible stories to their generation? Well, these guys picked up that I was following that ancient literary technique. Bravo!

I was grateful that, even though they do not agree with me on some important things, they were still willing to interview me about some things they thought were worthy of discussion in the Christian world.

Well done interview.

Check it out here.

My Testimony Plus Hollywood & the Christian Worldview

This was a different interview than most I’ve had.

Seth McVey from Apolo-Neering asks me to give my testimony about how I became a Christian. Then we talk about Hollywood and whether or not it is controlled by dark occultic forces and how a Christian worldview can make it in that dark world.

YouTube took the video down, so here is the audio:

Josh Peck Podcast: Just What is a Preterist View of Bible Prophecy All About?

This is my most in-depth podcast interview on the subject of preterism and Bible Prophecy.

Josh Peck’s podcast, Peck Underground Church. It went five hours!

Josh is an enthusiastic and kind host who is gracious in disagreeing over issues like prophecy.

We talk all about my conversion out of Left Behindism, explicit passages that are an introduction to preterist interpretations, how we should treat those with whom we disagree over prophecy, Matthew 24, a little about Revelation, and we had a whole lotta fun!

You will too. You will be caught up in the fascinating pace of it all and will wonder, where did the hours go???

And then you will want to buy my books!

Watch the YouTube podcast here.

AK47 Podcast: All About Nephilim and the Divine Council in Brian Godawa’s Bestselling Series

I was on the AK47 Podcast, hosted by Aaron Gleason.

Aaron interviews bestselling author Brian Godawa and they discuss the weird stuff in the Bible. Brian has written several series of “Theological Novels” (Aaron, in his characteristically pretentious style describes them as “Didactic Christian Myth”) which explore the more bizarre (but scholarly accurate) aspects of the Old Testament. We discuss the book of Enoch, Giants, Angels, Demons, and other aspects of what Dr. Michael Heiser calls the Deuteronomy 32 worldview. Even the Epic of Gilgamesh comes up at one point. We talk alot about Michael Heiser and his work.

Listen to it here.


Podcast: From Nephilim to the Apocalypse. Lies Exposed, Truth Revealed

I had one of my favorite interviews by my new friends at The Not Too Dissident Future Podcast, Mel and Andy.

We talk about the Nephilim, the Unseen Realm, Giants, Leviathan, and transition to the End Times, why so many Christians get it so wrong and what Jesus really said about it.

The coolness is just beginning.

Listen to Part 1 here.

You’re going to love this one! They’re great interviewers.

Find Out Why Chronicles of the Nephilim & Apocalypse Dominate Amazon’s Top 10 Biblical Fiction

This is an un-retouched screen grab of Amazon’s Top 10 in Biblical Fiction.

7 out of 10 are Godawa’s Chronicles of the Nephilim or Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

The facts speak volumes for themselves.

Don’t you want to know why?

They’re fantastical, supernatural, theological, imaginative and very Biblical.

And readers are consuming the Chronicles with ravenous spiritual hunger.

Brian Godawa is a Christian and respected biblical author. The Chronicles deal with an amazing biblical storyline missed or ignored by many Christians: The War of the Seed. That’s the Seed of the Woman vs. the Seed of the Serpent. The supernatural story of Christ’s victory over the powers.

Here is what Bible scholar Michael Heiser says about the Nephilim Chronicles:

“A stirring tale of gods and men that confronts us with biblical reality through mythical fantasy. Noah Primeval is what Tolkien called “sanctifying myth” that we need in our own place and time.”
– Michael S. Heiser, PhD, Hebrew and Semitic Languages
Academic Editor, Logos Bible Software

Take a look at the books here at Amazon

Get the Best-selling first book, Noah Primeval for only 99¢ here.