I was on Fire Theft Radio for a great in depth interview. Here is what the podcast had to say about it:
Christian art like movies and books often suffer so much in quality because the focus is on the message and not the art itself.
How can a believer talk about moral relativism, or anything in the modern “woke” culture from a christian perspective and get the point across?
Author Brian Godawa tackles this and much more in his thrilling new novel “Cruel Logic”. Where a Serial Killer asks his victims before he kills them to give him a valid moral argument for him not to commit such a horrible crime against them.
We discuss on the show how moral relativism has destroyed western civilization and continue our conversation on the importance of being a defender of the faith.
Although the book is based on fictional characters, Brian makes sure he bridges the gap between christian themes and the art of a great story!
Chuck and Mav had a great conversation bringing up the modern state of decline of morality here in America.
Listen here