Down the Line Podcast: Last Days, End Times and the Book of Revelation — Back Then

I had a great interview with Mike Indest on his new podcast Down the Line here.

We talked about the Last Days in the New Testament, my journey out of Left Behindism, and how the book of Revelation was fulfilled in the first century.

Modern day prophecy pundits are speculative like conspiracy theories. They are always wrong, and they are always changing.

Find out why.


Bible Over Brews: Book of Revelation, Spiritual Warfare, and the Last Days

These guys like beer and theology. fascinating combination.

I start around 9 minutes in. I first talk about my screenwriting career.

Then we talk about how I gave up on “Left Behindism.”

And then I talk about the story of first century Rome vs. Jerusalem in the storyline of my series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Spiritual warfare stories. Supernatural worldview, and more!

LISTEN to the podcast here.


The Book of Revelation is about God Judging Israel, NOT the Earth

A View from the Bunker

Wait? How can that be? Haven’t we been told Revelation is about the judgment of the earth?

Well it’s not what they told you…

Shocking, yes, only because of a modern bias in interpreting the Bible through our worldview, instead of the ancient Jewish worldview.

A great discussion with Derek Gilbert, who does not agree with my view, but is very willing to entertain the conversation.

We talk all about my novels the Chronicles of the Apocalypse as well as the historical event of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70 and how it fits Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation.

You will find this fascinating.

Watch the podcast here.



TruthSeekah Podcast: The End Times – What You Are Not Being Told

A great podcast interview with TruthSeekah about the End Times. We talked about how the prophecies of the Last Days were not the Last Days of the earth, but the Last Days of the Old Covenant. If this is true then the entire paradigm of Bible prophecy that most Christians are following must be changed.

Listen how you can begin to do so. Check out the podcast here.


2 Heretics Again: Part 2 of the Great End Times Discussion

Me and Rob Skiba again! The guy is smart, sharp, he’s got a good sense of humor, and he’s a very fair host.

It’s so hard, trying not to fall into the trap of saying that every new podcast interview is “the best one yet.”  That dilutes the phrase. It’s a dangerous slippery slope into click bait.

But I have to say this series of discussions truly are the best interviews I’ve had. We go deep into issues and because it’s a series, we cover a lot more ground than I have before.

This interview starts out on the poetry of Bible prophecy. Metaphors, hyperbole, symbols versus “literal.” What about double fulfillment? Are the Last Days in our future or were they in our past as the Last Days of the Old Covenant?

Listen here to the podcast online. You’ll be glad you did.

Part 1 is on the same page as Part 2 if you want to listen to it.

Part 3 is coming next week. We’ll talk about the book of Revelation specifically.


The Spiritual Reason Behind the Superhero Craze – Godawa Podcast Interview

Living the Adventure: LISTEN to the podcast here.

Five of the top 10 movies at the box office this year are superhero movies. And eight of the top 25 films of all time are superhero flicks.

So, why are we as a society so obsessed with superheroes? Is there, perhaps, a spiritual reason behind the craze? Brian Godawa, a professional author and filmmaker, believes there is.

A Christian in the entertainment industry, Godawa says we are attracted to superheroes on the big screen because we have a natural desire to fill – as Pascal said – the God-shaped vacuum inside all of us. But that’s not the only reason.

Superhero movies are the topic of this week’s edition of War of the Worldviews.

Godawa also discusses:

  • What we can teach our kids after watching superhero movies.
  • What he thought about the popular movie Wonder Woman.
  • What he thinks about the trendy antihero movies.

Living the Adventure: LISTEN to the podcast here.


Frankly Faraci Podcast: Are Godawa’s Biblical Novels Rated R Like the Bible?

The novel series Chronicles of the Nephilim is sometimes edgy and shocking, but no more than the Bible is.

I explained to Matt Faraci how I integrated imagination and fiction with theology in my Biblical novels while seeking to maintain an honorable fidelity to the holy Scriptures.

Find out why many of my fans say that these novels have brought to life the Scriptural narrative in a way that has not been done before for them.

Hear why this series has dominated the Top 20 in Biblical Fiction for years on

Listen to the podcast here in all its glory!


Eschaton Podcast: The Dirty Little Secret Bible Prophecy Pundits Don’t Want You To Discover

I was on this podcast. It was a great interview. One of my best yet.

We started talking about my new novel, “Tyrant: Rise of the Beast”, the first release in my new series “Chronicles of the Apocalypse.”

Then we talk about the new book before diving deep into a broader discussion about biblical prophecy and how to properly understand it in the modern age. Whether or not you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, if you have an interest in prophecy or are curious to know what the ancient authors meant by the “end times”, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss!

Website audio here

iTunes audio here

Fringe Radio Network audio here

RSS direct download audio here


Is Rh-Negative Blood Evidence of Alien / Nephilim Hybridization?

I was a co-host for this podcast with Michael Heiser, Doug van Dorn, Doug Overmyer and a doctor with blood background.

The idea that people with Rh-Negative blood indicates alien or nephilim ancestry is on the rise in fringe internet communities and websites. In this episode our panel is joined by someone with medical training (MD) who is familiar with blood typing and the genetics behind Rh-negative blood. The episode discusses the nature of Rh-negative blood, its genetic explanation, and speculations about other traits associated with Rh-negative blood.




What is the Book of Revelation All About? Hint: It’s Not What They Told You.

I was on Nick Peter’s Deeper Waters Apologetics Podcast. It was a great interview. Lively, informative and exhaustive on the topic of the book of Revelation and the “last days” of Jesus’ teaching.  Boy, have modern prophecy pundits got it all wrong.

Listen to it here.

We talked about my journey of how I changed my mind in eschatology, as well as the book of Revelation and how it fits in the first century context. It will blow your mind. Nick is quite smart and knows how to ask penetrating questions that get right to the point.

And if you want to read his book review of my book Tyrant, click here.

He also reviewed my book End Times Bible Prophecy, here.