Podcast: Who are the 144,000 of Revelation 7? It’s not what they told you.

Prophecy speculators for the future are way off.

They’ve always been wrong.

Now, check out an answer that uses the Biblical principle of Scripture interpreting Scripture instead of newspapers interpreting Scripture.

Fascinating explanation of the first century understanding of Revelation.

This episode: Revelation 6 and 7.

Check out the series here.


Podcast: Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11? It’s not what they told you.

This is part five of our series walking through the book of Revelation chapter by chapter.

Brian Godawa on Jared Chrestman’s Through the Black podcast.

Who are the Two Witnesses? Literal? Symbolic? In the future? Or in our past?

The answer will shock most of you. But the answer is also based on solid rock Biblical exegesis, NOT newspaper exegesis.

Sit back, and have your mind blown—as well as your eschatology.

Check out the whole series here.


Pandemic Movies: In Depth Podcast Look from a Christian Worldview – Godawa & Mohr

I did this detailed podcast with Chris Mohr, a fellow storytelling professional about Pandemic Movies.

There are 3 parts. I promise it’s all fascinating, if you love movies, and especially pandemic movies, like viruses and zombie apocalypses.

Listen to the first episode here.

But it will also show you a playlist for the next two episodes.


Here are the topics:

Episode 1: Pandemic Movies: Viruses, Achoo!

00:00  Intro to Brian and Chris
09:45  Pandemic Movies and God
16:53  Contagion
42:50  Outbreak
50:53  Flu
63:00  Carriers

Episode 2: Pandemic Movies: The Zombie Apocalypse Part 1

00:00  Intro
03:30  Horror genre
18:00  Zombie genre
39:20  Night of the Living Dead
56:00  28 Days Later
68:00  Twilight Zone
77:00  28 Weeks Later

Episode 3: Pandemic Movies: The Zombie Apocalypse Part 2

00:00  Intro Horror
04:10  I am Legend Novel
05:40  The Last Man on Earth
12:50  The Omega Man
26:10  I Am Legend
53:20  Race in Movies
60:00  The Walking Dead
77:00  Writers controlling their writing
80:20  Walking Dead part 2

Matthew 24 Fulfilled in the Past: Brian Godawa on Through The Black Podcast

This is a great interview.

Jared Chrestman and I went through Matthew 24 almost verse by verse to show how it was all fulfilled by AD 70.

Yes, that’s right. All of it.

Even Christ coming on the clouds.

As a famous movie line goes, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Check it out here.