Iron Sharpens Iron Radio: Brian Godawa’s Vision for Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Two hours of a theologically in-depth discussion about the Best-selling Biblical Fiction series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

We talked about my personal testimony in apologetics and how it applies to eschatology and the End Times.

An excellent introduction to partial preterism and the prophecies of the Bible.

Listen to the podcast here.

The Dragon King – For Only 99¢ – Limited Time Offer

Last Minute Christmas Sale!

Limited Time Offer. Only 99¢. Historical fantasy novel on Kindle. By best-selling Christian author Brian Godawa & Marvel Studios Visual Director Charlie Wen.

An ancient Greek warrior sails to the mysterious land of China to capture a dragon. But what he finds is a mad emperor, Nephilim giants and angelic Watchers in a supernatural battle for control. Reveals the Biblical connection of China to the Tower of Babel.

Shop Here



Conspirinormal Podcast: Hollywood’s Rape Culture. End Times Prophecy.


I was on the Conspirinormal podcast to talk about Hollywood and my new novel Remnant.

Here is what Adam Sayne of Conspirinormal writes about the interview:

We speak to Brian about his new book “Remnant” the second installment of his “Chronicles of the Apocalypse” series. Brian gets a little deeper into the Preterist view of End Times Prophecy and how it has influenced his work. We also discuss some of what is going on in Hollywood right now.

My interview starts at the 1 hour 15 minute mark.

Listen to it here.

God Against the gods: Yahweh Vs. Ba’al

Did you know that the Bible treats pagan gods as if they are real demonic entities? Well it does. And god uses language that expresses his subversion of those false gods. Watch the video to find out how he does it with poetic imagination.

If you don’t see the video below, watch it here on YouTube.

And this is only a clip out of a NEW online course I have called “The Imagination of God.”

4 Video teachings and 2 books and audiobooks.

Check out what the course offers here.

Use this code to get 20% OFF the course price: DEC1720
This discount is only good until this Saturday, December 9.



God Against the gods: Yahweh Vs. Leviathan

Is Leviathan in the Bible a dinosaur? A whale? A sea monster? NO! He is the many-headed sea dragon of chaos. God used Leviathan as a very important covenantal symbol.

Watch the video to find out exactly how it all fits.

If you don’t see the video below, watch it here on YouTube.

And this is only a clip out of a NEW online course I have called “The Imagination of God.”

4 Video teachings and 2 books and audiobooks.

Check out what the course offers here.

Use this code to get 20% OFF the course price: DEC1720
This discount is only good until this Saturday, December 9.



God Against the gods: What C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien Understood About Myth

This is a video I made to help explain to Christians the power of myth in storytelling that they often miss out on because of their fear of that word, “myth” as meaning a false tale. It does not. CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien understood this. So should we. Or we miss out on all God has for us with our imagination. Watch the video to find out.

If you don’t see the video below, watch it here on YouTube.

And this is only a clip out of a NEW online course I have called “The Imagination of God.”

4 Video teachings and 2 books and audiobooks.

Check out what the course offers here.

Use this code to get 20% OFF the course price: DEC1720
This discount is only good until this Saturday, December 9.



Bible Codes: Prophecy or Lunacy? – Peeranormal Podcast Episode

I was a cohost on this Peeranormal episode, about Bible codes. Along with Michael Heiser, Doug Overmyer, Doug Van Dorn and Trey Stricklin.

Back in mid-nineties a peer-reviewed article was published that sought to legitimize the idea that the Hebrew text of Genesis encrypted meaningful information about modern persons and events. Their method for detecting the presumed encrypted knowledge was known as equidistant letter sequencing (ELS).This article (Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg) became a reference point for journalist Michael Drosnin, who wrote the bestselling book, The Bible Code, shortly thereafter. Subsequent to the success of Drosnin’s book, Bible-code research expanded to the full Torah and beyond, to the rest of the Hebrew Bible. In this episode we ask whether there is such a thing as ELS Bible codes. Have other statisticians and biblical scholars agreed with Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg, or are there serious problems with the method and its assumptions?

Catch the podcast here.

1 Day Left for Black Friday 50% on End Times, Watchers, Nephilim, Apocalypse, Hollywood Worldviews

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