Eschaton Podcast: What if Everything They Told You About the End Times Was Wrong?

I was on Joshua Wisely’s podcast Eschaton.

Josh is quite Wise about the Last Days. So our talk was quite informed. Plus, I love this guy’s voice. 🙂

Here is what we talked about with the time locations:

6:15 – Resistant: Revolt of the Jews
19:00 – Josephus and the Jewish Wars
29:15 – Abomination of Desolation
40:00 – The Two Witnesses
50:25 – The Watchers in the Book of Revelation
61:00 – Divine Judgment
68:00 – Collapsing Universe Imagery
72:00 – Psychedelics and Prophetic Visions

Listen to the interview here.


Apocalypse Past? AD 70 Temple Desolation Was the Last Days. Yes, Really. Check it Out

The Left Behind Series was captivating because of its fast-paced rhythm and its dispensational appeal. It sold millions of copies. But imagine if a work of fiction was published based on an eschatological position that has gravitas in Church History but also a work of fiction which is based on actual historical events! This is what Hollywood Screenwriter Brian Godawa does in his new series The Chronicles of the Apocalypse. 

In this interview with Pastor Uri Brito, Brian delves into controversial theological areas and explains his rationale behind this successful series.




Podcast on Nero Caesar and the Persecution of Christians


I was on Michael Miano Gone Wild, a podcast of a full preterist.

I am a partial preterist, so it was an interesting discussion.

Don’t know what preterism is? You should. Cause it’s gonna be the dominant eschatological view in a decade.

Our talk was cordial, friendly, and no accusations of heresy or personal slander from either of us!

But you’ll find this fascinating because I talk about things I haven’t before regarding Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Listen here.

Resist False Prophets and Their End Times Delusions. Godawa Interview on Bible Over Brews

I had a great interview with the guys on Bible Over Brews.

We talked about various views of the end times, false prophets in the modern church, the forgotten history of the church in the first century, how Nero Caesar persecuted the Christians, how to interpret the Bible in its ancient context NOT based on modern newspaper exegesis, as well as my new novel in the Chronicles of the Apocalypse series.

Listen here.


July 4th Sale: Only 99¢. Shocking Conspiracy Novel of the Early Church & the Book of Revelation.

Only until Saturday. Ebook.

Rome, A.D. 64. A Roman warrior and his Jewish servant are ordered by the evil emperor Nero to track down a secret Christian document that undermines the Roman empire and predicts the end of the world. But they’re not prepared for the spiritual warfare they’ve unleashed. The truth behind the origin of the most controversial book of the Bible: Revelation. A historical conspiracy thriller with angels and demons.

Check it out here.


Book Review: Rock Gets Religion-The Battle for the Soul of the Devil’s Music

Mark Joseph’s fascinating third book in a trilogy about the difficult and oftentimes damaging relationship of Christian musicians with the worlds of mainstream secular music and Christian music.

I’m a friend and colleague of Mark Joseph, so when he asked me to read his book and give an honest review, I was a bit worried. I’m always worried in these cases because I face a potential conflict: If the book is good, no problem. If the book is bad (or worse, boring), I won’t lie and say it’s good. I owe that to God, the writer, and the public. But if that’s the case, then I worry about my relationship with my friend whose book I’ve just trashed.

So I just pray that it’s good and hope that they prefer honesty to boot-licking.

Whew. Rock Gets Religionis not only good, it’s excellent. It’s a well told tale, or rather an episodic series of entertaining tales about some of the most popular musicians in mainstream music and their struggles with integrating their Christian faith or background into their music.

We’re talking the likes of Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Lacrae, Chance the Rapper, Megadeath’s Dave Mustaine, Kendrick Lamar, Avril Lavigne, Kay Perry, Miley Cyrus and others.

That’s right, fascinating details about the spiritual journeys of some who I never realized were Christians, and others who have, shall we say, somewhat altered their beliefs after becoming famous.

But there are also many insightful stories about so-called cross-over artists who were able to bridge the gap into the mainstream with their music despite their explicit “Christian” expression: Mercy Me, Switchfoot, Stacie Orrico, Evanescence, Mumford & Sons, The Fray and others.

Full disclosure, I was raised on the original Christian Rock of the 1970s and early 80s: Larry Norman, Randy Stonehill, DeGarmo and Key, Stryper, Daniel Amos, Steve Taylor. But I lost interest in that world in the 90s and have not kept up with any Christian music beyond the popular worship songs that show up at my church. I saw some of the changes going on but I just haven’t cared much about it. Not for any spiritual reason. I just changed in my musical interests.

But what I found fascinating about Rock Gets Religionwas how author Joseph chronicles the very important philosophical/religious/moral struggle that artists go through in bridging those worlds of faith and music.

Sure, he addresses the moral fall that so often accompanies the consequences of success within the mainstream world of secular entertainment. And the all-too-common loss of faith exhibited be some of those very artists listed above.

But more importantly, this book wrestles with the philosophical struggle of what it means to integrate your Christian faith into your art, without being compromising or propagandistic. Every Christian artist knows this struggle.

One quote sums up the insightful exploration of this generational struggle well: Continue reading

Debate: The Harlot of Babylon – 21st Century America or 1st Century Israel?

I was on Parker’s Comparables, a podcast that engages differing interpretations of the Bible. Hosted by the wonderful hostess Parker J. Cole.

This one was on the book of Revelation. Are the prophecies of Revelation for our future or were they for the first century?

Then we focused on: Who is the Harlot that rides the Beast of Revelation?

Is she a symbol for modern America, as Doug Woodward believes?

Or is she a symbol for the first-century apostate Jewish priesthood as I argue for?

The discussion is mostly friendly until Doug breaks civility at one point and slanders me with a false ad hominem, an attack on the person instead of the idea or argument. But I called him out on it. I turned the tables on him, and then we got back to civility. Eschatology can get exciting! 🙂

I am telling you, this debate is an excellent example of why it is important to stick to Scripture rather than speculations when you want to understand prophecy.

Check out the debate here.

I just released the third novel of my series Chronicles of the Apocalypse, that actually show you how the Harlot and the Beast play out in the first century.

Click on the picture above if you want to check out my new novel release.