Podcast: Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation 11? It’s not what they told you.

This is part five of our series walking through the book of Revelation chapter by chapter.

Brian Godawa on Jared Chrestman’s Through the Black podcast.

Who are the Two Witnesses? Literal? Symbolic? In the future? Or in our past?

The answer will shock most of you. But the answer is also based on solid rock Biblical exegesis, NOT newspaper exegesis.

Sit back, and have your mind blown—as well as your eschatology.

Check out the whole series here.


Pandemic Movies: In Depth Podcast Look from a Christian Worldview – Godawa & Mohr

I did this detailed podcast with Chris Mohr, a fellow storytelling professional about Pandemic Movies.

There are 3 parts. I promise it’s all fascinating, if you love movies, and especially pandemic movies, like viruses and zombie apocalypses.

Listen to the first episode here.

But it will also show you a playlist for the next two episodes.


Here are the topics:

Episode 1: Pandemic Movies: Viruses, Achoo!

00:00  Intro to Brian and Chris
09:45  Pandemic Movies and God
16:53  Contagion
42:50  Outbreak
50:53  Flu
63:00  Carriers

Episode 2: Pandemic Movies: The Zombie Apocalypse Part 1

00:00  Intro
03:30  Horror genre
18:00  Zombie genre
39:20  Night of the Living Dead
56:00  28 Days Later
68:00  Twilight Zone
77:00  28 Weeks Later

Episode 3: Pandemic Movies: The Zombie Apocalypse Part 2

00:00  Intro Horror
04:10  I am Legend Novel
05:40  The Last Man on Earth
12:50  The Omega Man
26:10  I Am Legend
53:20  Race in Movies
60:00  The Walking Dead
77:00  Writers controlling their writing
80:20  Walking Dead part 2

Canary Cry Podcast: Is the Spirit of Jezebel a Real Thing? Godawa on His New Novel About Jezebel.

Was the Harlot Queen of Israel merely a pure evil witch who wanted to destroy God’s chosen and ruin the lives of anyone around her?

Not exactly according to the Scriptures. It’s a little more complicated.

In this episode, multi-time guest Brian Godawa returns with yet another Biblically based fiction book for the Chronicles of the Watchers series, JEZEBEL: HARLOT QUEEN OF ISRAEL!

We discuss the complexity behind Jezebel, mostly found in the book of 1st and 2nd Kings, but also how it all ties together with the greater story arc of God vs the gods, the watchers, the Nephilim, the chosen people of ancient Israel, and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The Last Days of God’s Temple, AD 70: Great review of Chronicles of the Apocalypse. Even better podcast interview.

This is one of the best book reviews of my novel series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

The reason is because the reviewer, Jerry Bower, is both responsibly knowledgeable on the material AND read all the books.

PLEASE note, that the podcast link at the bottom of the page is even better than the review and one of the BEST interviews on the series ever. We talk about the historical event of the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, Josephus, the origin of the book of Revelation, 666, various interpretations of the end times and how they fail, false prophets of today, but also the supernatural dimension of the unseen realm as described by scholar Michael S. Heiser. I explain how I incorporate Heiser’s divine council and Watcher paradigm and how it fits into Revelation in the first century.

Read the review here.

(And don’t forget to click the link at the bottom of the review to listen to the podcast)

If you want to go straight to the podcast online to listen, click here.

Podcast: Are Superheroes False Gods?

It’s not quite that simple. But there is much profundity in this discussion about our culture and superheroes.

Nate is one of my all-time favorite podcast hosts. This was an engrossing discussion.

Okay, I like the co-host Gene Gosewher too.

I talk alot so if you like to listen to me, you will love this podcast. If you hate the sound of my voice and my thoughts, then this will drive you up a wall.

Listen here.

Orbs in Photographs: Are They Spirits or Something Else?

I co-hosted the show again with the usual suspects, Michael Heiser, Trey Stricklin, Doug Overmyer and Natalina (Doug Van Dorn missing because he forgot and was raking the leaves in front of his house :-).

We veered off into an interesting rabbit hole of the dangers of Biblical hyperliteralism and the attempt to correlate the Bible with modern sciences. It’s a good one.

Listen here.