Podcast Debate: Are We in the Last Days? I Say NO! And I Win.

Okay, I admit the headline is provocative and hyperbolic (just like Bible prophecy). I was only joking, Doug.

Actually, It was a VERY friendly discussion more than a debate. And it was more about discussing how the two viewpoints may differ rather than fighting out for who is right and who is wrong.

In fact, in light of the lack of civility today, I’d say this would be for people who want a more fair and open dialogue instead of everyone accusing everyone else of heresy.

Douglas Woodward took the more futurist position and Brian Godawa took the partial preterist position on the VERY FIRST PODCAST OF…

Parker’s Comparables! Parker is a friend and smart cookie podcaster. I think she’s onto something here.

You can watch it here.

Peeranormal Podcast: The Piri Reis Map – Based on Aliens? Atlantis? Ignorant “Researchers”?

I co-hosted another Peeranormal show with Michael Heiser, Natalina, Doug Overmyer and Trey Stricklen.

The copy from the website: Discovered in 1929, the Piri Reis map, dated to 1513, was virtually unknown except by those who may have seen it displayed in its current home, the Topkapi Palace Museum in Instanbul. That all changed when Erich von Däniken made it part of his ancient astronaut theory in the 1960s. Other ancient aliens theorists have followed suit, as well as alternative historians such as Graham Hancock who, following the work of Charles Hapgood (Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings, 1966), theorized the map provided evidence of a long-lost advanced civilization. 

In this episode of PEERANORMAL our hosts discuss the scholarly study of the Piri Reis map, which is well known to experts in cartography and 16th century seafaring. Is it evidence of lost knowledge from a forgotten civilization? Ancient aliens?



Bible Codes: Prophecy or Lunacy? – Peeranormal Podcast Episode

I was a cohost on this Peeranormal episode, about Bible codes. Along with Michael Heiser, Doug Overmyer, Doug Van Dorn and Trey Stricklin.

Back in mid-nineties a peer-reviewed article was published that sought to legitimize the idea that the Hebrew text of Genesis encrypted meaningful information about modern persons and events. Their method for detecting the presumed encrypted knowledge was known as equidistant letter sequencing (ELS).This article (Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg) became a reference point for journalist Michael Drosnin, who wrote the bestselling book, The Bible Code, shortly thereafter. Subsequent to the success of Drosnin’s book, Bible-code research expanded to the full Torah and beyond, to the rest of the Hebrew Bible. In this episode we ask whether there is such a thing as ELS Bible codes. Have other statisticians and biblical scholars agreed with Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg, or are there serious problems with the method and its assumptions?

Catch the podcast here.

Peeranormal Podcast: Zombies in the Real World

Are zombies real or just something Hollywood is into nowadays? If you’ve ever seen the movie The Serpent and the Rainbow, you know the question is legitimate. That movie was based on a book by Wade Davis, who earned his PhD in part on the basis of his research into “zombification” in Haiti. Davis and others theorize that zombies are real, and that they are the result of specific drugs given to individuals against their will that produce zombie-like states and behavior.

The modern drug Flakka is a current, frightening example. Other researchers disagree, noting that zombie lore is very old and encompasses notions that sound a lot like demonization and possession.

This episode of PEERANORMAL explores the topic just in time for Halloween.

Catch the podcast here.


Peeranormal Podcast: Bigfoot DNA Examined by Scientists

I was a cohost on the Peeranormal podcast about Bigfoot DNA.

Back in 2012 the world heard that Bigfoot DNA had been isolated and genetically tested under controlled laboratory conditions. Those involved claimed that the testing had proven the existence of Bigfoot (aka, Sasquatch), and that the creature was a hybrid between modern homo sapiens and an unknown primate species.In a short time, the story unraveled and the research was scrutinized by experts revealing a number of flaws. But this was not the only attempt at producing genetic evidence for Bigfoot. There were earlier and subsequent tests. Is there genuine evidence for Bigfoot DNA?

Listen to it here.

Frankly Faraci Podcast: Are Godawa’s Biblical Novels Rated R Like the Bible?

The novel series Chronicles of the Nephilim is sometimes edgy and shocking, but no more than the Bible is.

I explained to Matt Faraci how I integrated imagination and fiction with theology in my Biblical novels while seeking to maintain an honorable fidelity to the holy Scriptures.

Find out why many of my fans say that these novels have brought to life the Scriptural narrative in a way that has not been done before for them.

Hear why this series has dominated the Top 20 in Biblical Fiction for years on Amazon.com.

Listen to the podcast here in all its glory!


Is Rh-Negative Blood Evidence of Alien / Nephilim Hybridization?

I was a co-host for this podcast with Michael Heiser, Doug van Dorn, Doug Overmyer and a doctor with blood background.

The idea that people with Rh-Negative blood indicates alien or nephilim ancestry is on the rise in fringe internet communities and websites. In this episode our panel is joined by someone with medical training (MD) who is familiar with blood typing and the genetics behind Rh-negative blood. The episode discusses the nature of Rh-negative blood, its genetic explanation, and speculations about other traits associated with Rh-negative blood.




The Great Tribulation is in the Past – Godawa on the Parker J Cole Show

Parker J Cole is an open-minded host willing to explore ideas that challenge the mainstream.

Well, my ideas challenge the mainstream Bible Prophecy Industrial Complex.

You’ll love this show. We talk about the failure of the predictions of modern Bible prophecy pundits, and my own journey of waking up to a new viewpoint of the end times, the fallacious assumptions of Christians with other viewpoints, and how we have missed the meaning of so much of Revelation because we interpret it through modern eyes instead of the eyes of ancient Jews who wrote the New Testament. I talk about the corruption of prophecy interpretation from literalism.

Listen to the show here: 

Godawa on Nero, Rise of the Beast, Bible Prophecy: View From the Bunker Interview

Derek Gilbert was open to have me on View From the Bunker to talk about my new novel, Tyrant: Rise of the Beast.

This is particularly interesting because Derek and Skywatch do not share my End Times viewpoint, but they were kind enough to let me talk about my view and the novel!

Shocking revelations are guaranteed. You ain’t read nothing like this yet.

Kudos to you, Derek, and your open-mindedness!

Listen to the VFTB  interview here.

Watch it on video here.


A Clear Lens Podcast: I just can’t shut up about Silence or The Shack.

I love these guys. They love movies and Jesus, and we don’t always see eye to eye, but that’s what makes it such engaging discourse. We talked about how powerful the Shack was, but where it failed in a full picture of the Gospel. And with Silence, we dug deep. Some of them liked it more than I did, but after talking, we did agree on the most important thing of all, and that was quite profound…

Take a listen to us talk about The Shack and Silence on their podcast here.