What’s the difference between angels, cherubim, and seraphim? Who are the Watchers, and can a messenger angel, a malak, be promoted to the rank of Watcher?
I was on another Iron and Myth Podcast talking with Derek Gilbert, Judd Burton and Doug Van Dorn.
DEMONS ARE the spirits of the giants destroyed in the Flood of Noah.
At least, that’s what Jews of the Second Temple period and the early Christian church believed.
Author and pastor Doug Van Dorn, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton join Derek Gilbert’s podcast for our monthly Iron and Myth round table to discuss the origin of evil spirits. We dig into what the Bible says about these spirits, extrabiblical texts, and startling evidence that the demigod heroes of Greece like Herakles and Perseus were the Rephaim of the Amorites, Canaanites, and Hebrews.
Renowned Bible scholar, author, friend, and mentor Dr. Michael Heiser stepped into eternity Monday, February 20, 2023.
All of us owe Mike a debt. Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Pastor Doug Van Dorn return this week with Derek Gilbert to share memories of Mike—how we first became aware of his work, how it’s influenced our lives, and the legacy Mike leaves behind.
I was on Derek Gilbert’s channel again, the podcast Iron and Myth.
Who or what are demons? Where do they come from, and how are they different from fallen angels?
Author and pastor Doug Van Dorn, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton join best-selling author and biblical researcher Derek Gilbert for our monthly Iron and Myth round table to discuss evil spirits of the unseen realm—and the connections between the heroes of Greek mythology and the Nephilim of the Bible.
Western Christians have been so desensitized to the supernatural that we usually don’t recognize evil when it’s staring us in the face.
Joining View From the Bunker for our monthly Iron and Myth series are Brian Godawa (www.godawa.com), best-selling author and award-winning screenwriter, Pastor Doug Van Dorn (www.douglasvandorn.com), author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (www.burtonbeyond.com), author of Interview with the Giant: Ethnohistorical Notes on the Nephilim.
We discuss the lack of discernment in the church today, the use of mind and mood altering drugs to open doorways to the spirit realm, and whether it’s possible for a demonic entity can inhabit an artificial intelligence, a website, or even the entire Internet.
I was on the Iron and Myth podcast again. This one is going to fascinate you.
IS CHAOS a symbol of disorder, or is it, as certain passages in the Bible suggest, an entity?
Back this month for another in our Iron and Myth series are Brian Godawa (www.godawa.com), author of Leviathan and Behemoth, Pastor Doug Van Dorn (www.douglasvandorn.com), author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (www.burtonbeyond.com), author of Interview with the Giant: Ethnohistorical Notes on the Nephilim.
We discuss the various ways chaos is described in the Bible (Leviathan, Rahab, a multi-headed sea dragon, and the sea itself), the apparent struggle to subdue chaos in scripture and in pagan cultures of the ancient world, and the disturbing connection between chaos and the modern UFO phenomenon.
Pastor Doug Van Dorn, author Brian Godawa, and Dr. Judd Burton join Derek Gilbert for a monthly ‘Iron and Myth’ session to discuss the death of the gods: When will it happen—or has it happened already?