The Boys – Amazon Series: Woke Hollywood Anti-American Christophobic Absurdity

The anti-superhero series on Amazon. What if superheroes got publicists and social media?

The premise of this series is that a major private corporation manages superheroes’ careers and brand images like Hollywood celebrities. Of course, there’s big money in them thar hills and the whole “save the world” thing is just a cynical meme for exploitation by the elite.

I’m not that entirely adverse to the premise because, while I applaud the elevation of noble values that comes with most superhero stories, I have also had a deep distrust of the genre because of its tendency to replicate the idolatry of pagan religions.

Superheroes as God Substitutes

On the one hand, a superhero like Superman can certainly be a “Christ figure,” a myth that points toward a spiritual truth. But I have also observed that as our culture becomes more secular and more god-hating and anti-Christian, it is no surprise to me that superhero stories become replacements for that lost narrative. Superhero blockbusters are evidence of a deep inescapable hunger for deity. And when the Judeo-Christian god is expelled from society, superheroes function as replacements of human projections.

There is very little difference between, say the gods of the ancient world, and modern superheroes. Sometimes, they are even direct references to such (Wonder Woman, Thor, etc.). They perform the same purpose: they express and explain cultural and moral values and incarnate the pursuit of transcendence, that hunger for deity.

Humankind is “homo-religicus” or an inherently religious being. And when you cast away the constraints of the Judeo-Christian God, you do not become strictly secular, you actually construct a new mythology (religion) to fulfill those transcendent needs. You create new gods. And if you try to stay secular, ideology becomes your religion, or totalizing discourse that is your god of ultimate values: Leftism, Marxism, Socialism, identity politics all operate in this way. They are God-substitutes. They are idolatry.

And those gods are tyrants. Because human beings are essentially evil, and therefore, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

In this sense, I actually found myself quite interested in the series, at first.

At first.

In fact, the story can be seen as a critique of the corruption of power and of elitist celebrity culture. That is how it is set up, before it all comes unwound… Continue reading

Orbs in Photographs: Are They Spirits or Something Else?

I co-hosted the show again with the usual suspects, Michael Heiser, Trey Stricklin, Doug Overmyer and Natalina (Doug Van Dorn missing because he forgot and was raking the leaves in front of his house :-).

We veered off into an interesting rabbit hole of the dangers of Biblical hyperliteralism and the attempt to correlate the Bible with modern sciences. It’s a good one.

Listen here.


Not Your Mother’s End Times Novel. The Last Days Are Not What They Told You

A great interview with Evan Minton at the Cerebral Faith Podcast.

We talked about the story of my series Chronicles of the Apocalypse. The first century, Nero Caesar, the persecution of Christians, the Roman war with the Jews and the destruction of the temple in AD 70.

And why Christians need to know about this most important spiritual event in Jewish and Christian history.

Listen to it here.

My Testimony Plus Hollywood & the Christian Worldview

This was a different interview than most I’ve had.

Seth McVey from Apolo-Neering asks me to give my testimony about how I became a Christian. Then we talk about Hollywood and whether or not it is controlled by dark occultic forces and how a Christian worldview can make it in that dark world.

YouTube took the video down, so here is the audio:

Unplanned: A Deeply Moving Story of a Planned Parenthood Whistleblower

The true story of Abby Johnson, a Planned Parenthood clinic director who presided over tens of thousands of abortions. But when she finally sees an actual abortion, her entire life is turned upside down.

I just saw the premiere a couple days ago in Los Angeles. I was blown away. Put it on your calendars NOW to see it opening weekend March 29.

If you care at all, even a little bit, about the issue of abortion in this country, you must see this woman’s story. It is a deeply moving portrait of redemption. It is both gripping and beautiful.

Ashley Bratcher plays Abby Johnson with a fresh innocence, a growing awakening, a broken heart, and a freed soul. Her journey is nuanced, honest and without malice.

The Cover Up

All the demons of hell are going to come out against this movie. Why? Because it is good story told well that will move the hearts of anyone with a conscience who watches it.

And it isn’t a propaganda piece. It shows some pro-life protestors at their worst, and all the Planned Parenthood workers at their best. It is honest about the nuances and complexities of the issue of abortion in the real world of women’s lived experiences.

This is not good news for Planned Parenthood. It’s a whistleblower movie about justice that is on the level of Silkwood, The Insider, Erin Brockovich, A Civil Actionand Michael Clayton.

And like those movies, the evil corporate beast seeks to crush the hero.

The powers that be already tried to suppress it by giving it an R-rating, even though it is only a PG-13 movie.

Next, the godless secular press will ignore it as much or more than they did with the other spectacular abortion movie Gosnell. They will block, censor, ban, demonetize, deplatform and deboost the movie’s advertising and conversation. Just like they did Gosnell.

I would not be surprised if Planned Parenthood sues the filmmakers, even though they already sued Abby Johnson and lost. Which is a most satisfying and humorous part of the movie.

It is nothing short of a miracle that Gosnelland Unplannedcame out within a year of each other.

Be a part of that miracle, put it on your calendar, March 29 opening weekend.


Snowflakes and Victims Beware: I’m Cohost of a New Podcast Called “The Offensive Christ.”

The unique and famous Doug TenNapel (Earthworm Jim, and Veggie Tales) invited me to cohost a new podcast along with Joe Potter and Mike Nelson (Of Mystery Science Theater fame).

It’s called The Offensive Christ, which kind of gives you an idea of our understanding of Truth.

Our goal is to talk about apologetics related topics without shame.

And a little bit edgy.

Check out our first episode here.

Subscribe and click the “bell” to get our latest when it comes out.


Book of Revelation Scholar Endorses My Chronicles of the Apocalypse Novel Series!

Kenneth Gentry, a significant scholar of eschatology and the book of Revelation endorsed my Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

See what he wrote here.

This is significant, because he is coming out with a commentary on the Book of Revelation THIS YEAR called “The Divorce of Israel.”

It is a game-changer on Bible prophecy and Revelation. I am not exaggerating.

It was Gentry’s scholarship that opened my eyes to the eschatological viewpoint in my novel series. And I footnote him a lot in my novels from that new commentary because he gave me an advance copy of it to read.

His books on the subject are already classics. Check out “The Beast of Revelation,” “Before Jerusalem Fell,” “The Book of Revelation Made Easy” and others at

His blog post on my series.


Josh Peck Podcast: Just What is a Preterist View of Bible Prophecy All About?

This is my most in-depth podcast interview on the subject of preterism and Bible Prophecy.

Josh Peck’s podcast, Peck Underground Church. It went five hours!

Josh is an enthusiastic and kind host who is gracious in disagreeing over issues like prophecy.

We talk all about my conversion out of Left Behindism, explicit passages that are an introduction to preterist interpretations, how we should treat those with whom we disagree over prophecy, Matthew 24, a little about Revelation, and we had a whole lotta fun!

You will too. You will be caught up in the fascinating pace of it all and will wonder, where did the hours go???

And then you will want to buy my books!

Watch the YouTube podcast here.

One Little Word Proves the Book of Revelation is NOT About the End of the Earth

Revelation is surely one of the most controversial and debated books of the Bible. It is visionary, it is fantastic, it is earth-shattering in its significance. And I had always assumed it was about the end of the world in our future. But I would eventually discover that it was not about the end of the world, but about the end of the old covenant and its earthly elements of holy city and temple in the past. It is earth-shattering in heavenly significance, but not in earthly geographic scope.

And I can prove that with one little word: earth.

To finish this article, please go here to, where I published the article.