Gosnell: A Movie About America’s Most Notorious Serial Killer. And Why You Don’t Know About Him.

True story of the Philadelphia abortionist Kermit Gosnell whose infanticide and other criminal activities were ignored by the government and the media for decades, resulting in the cover-up of the worst serial killer in American history.

I got to see an advance screener of this new amazing movie coming out in October. Keep your eyes open for it. I’ll remind you on this blog when it’s out.

Right off the bat, this is NOT a pro-life political movie. It is a detective legal drama about a serial killer and how justice was delayed for a criminal monster. It is a movie about the cover-up of crimes and how the system and political bias of those in power feed that cover-up. This is no different than Erin Brockovich, Michael Clayton, Spotlight, The Insider, The Verdict, A Civil Action, China Syndrome and many other Hollywood conspiracy movies. The only difference is that Gosnell is about a politically incorrect villain so you would have never had the opportunity to see this unique movie if it were not for the brave, courageous storytelling of its producers, Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney (They also wrote a NYT Bestselling book by the same title). I have mentioned previously on this blog that I have had the privilege to work with them and I believe they are two of the most heroic storytellers in filmmaking today.

Secondly, this is NOT a gross-out horror movie (though it could easily have been). There are no in-your-face grotesque images of what Gosnell actually did. Yes, creepy images at times, but not gruesome. The director, Nick Searcy, had the creative foresight to understand that it would take the focus off the amazing story and turn off their mainstream audience. It would also get them branded as “Anti-abortion propagandists” by the Media Goliath. This movie is no more explicit than an episode of most television legal or detective procedurals.

It’s safe to watch.

This is actually a detective and legal drama that focuses on the detective who was a part of uncovering the crimes, James Wood (played by Dean Cain), and the D.A., a “pro-choice” liberal (played by Sarah Jane Morris) who both seek the truth no matter where it leads. Hers is a deeply personal journey of discovery and the honesty it takes to face one’s own bias in a world of high stakes and consequences.

That pursuit of truth, regardless of political affiliation, is mostly absent from our once-great culture. Those who are in power in the most influential institutions of the government and the media use their positions of influence to promote their political agenda and destroy their opponents, NOT to uncover the truth. Truth dies in darkness. And that of course is the theme of Gosnell.

The Genesis of Discovery, the Origin of Evil…

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Bible Over Brews Podcast Part 2: How to Resist the Constant Failure of Bible Prophecy Pundits

If you want to listen to the first part, it can be heard here.

We dove into a deep dive of why Bible prophecy about the End Times is VERY important, but not for the reasons you’ve been told.

Listen and you will learn a ton about how the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70 was the focal point of the Last Days of the Old Covenant.

Listen here.


View From the Bunker Podcast: Revolt of the Jews and the End Times. It’s Not What You Think

I was on View from the Bunker with Derek Gilbert to talk about my new book Resistant: Revolt of the Jews and the Book of Revelation.

Derek and I have very opposing beliefs and Derek is very successful in his world of Bible prophecy so he was very kind to have me on his show even though we disagree fundamentally on these issues.

Where we do agree is on the Divine Council in the Scriptures and the Watcher paradigm.

We talk a little bit about all that on this very engrossing discussion.

You won’t want to skip this one.

Listen here


Eschaton Podcast: What if Everything They Told You About the End Times Was Wrong?

I was on Joshua Wisely’s podcast Eschaton.

Josh is quite Wise about the Last Days. So our talk was quite informed. Plus, I love this guy’s voice. 🙂

Here is what we talked about with the time locations:

6:15 – Resistant: Revolt of the Jews
19:00 – Josephus and the Jewish Wars
29:15 – Abomination of Desolation
40:00 – The Two Witnesses
50:25 – The Watchers in the Book of Revelation
61:00 – Divine Judgment
68:00 – Collapsing Universe Imagery
72:00 – Psychedelics and Prophetic Visions

Listen to the interview here.


Apocalypse Past? AD 70 Temple Desolation Was the Last Days. Yes, Really. Check it Out

The Left Behind Series was captivating because of its fast-paced rhythm and its dispensational appeal. It sold millions of copies. But imagine if a work of fiction was published based on an eschatological position that has gravitas in Church History but also a work of fiction which is based on actual historical events! This is what Hollywood Screenwriter Brian Godawa does in his new series The Chronicles of the Apocalypse. 

In this interview with Pastor Uri Brito, Brian delves into controversial theological areas and explains his rationale behind this successful series.




Podcast on Nero Caesar and the Persecution of Christians


I was on Michael Miano Gone Wild, a podcast of a full preterist.

I am a partial preterist, so it was an interesting discussion.

Don’t know what preterism is? You should. Cause it’s gonna be the dominant eschatological view in a decade.

Our talk was cordial, friendly, and no accusations of heresy or personal slander from either of us!

But you’ll find this fascinating because I talk about things I haven’t before regarding Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Listen here.

Resist False Prophets and Their End Times Delusions. Godawa Interview on Bible Over Brews

I had a great interview with the guys on Bible Over Brews.

We talked about various views of the end times, false prophets in the modern church, the forgotten history of the church in the first century, how Nero Caesar persecuted the Christians, how to interpret the Bible in its ancient context NOT based on modern newspaper exegesis, as well as my new novel in the Chronicles of the Apocalypse series.

Listen here.


Peeranormal Podcast: Quantum Physics & Metaphysics – Part 2

This episode continues our series on quantum mechanics and its presumed relationship to metaphysical ideas, religion, theology, and the paranormal. As in Part 1, our panel welcomes Dr. Rob (“Putty”) Putman, who holds a PhD in theoretical quantum physics, but who is presently pastoring a church in Illinois. In this second episode, we focus on how (or whether) quantum mechanics relates to the subject of (1) other dimensions; (2) whether one of those other dimensions is the spiritual realm talked about in the Bible and other religious texts, and (3) fears about what’s happening at CERN in regard to puncturing holes into other dimensions releasing demons. Are such ideas coherent? Are they justifiable in light of the science?

Listen here.