Church & Other Drugs Podcast: The Supernatural Side of the story of Jezebel, Harlot Queen of Israel

This was a great show with Jed Payne.

We talked a lot about the theological underpinnings of my new novel, Jezebel and how the series addresses the Watchers and the Nephilim.

It’s all a theological narrative thread in the Bible. Hear how it all fits together.

Then buy the book at Amazon!

Listen right below or click on this link to listen to it on Soundcloud: Church and Other Drugs.


Canary Cry Podcast: Is the Spirit of Jezebel a Real Thing? Godawa on His New Novel About Jezebel.

Was the Harlot Queen of Israel merely a pure evil witch who wanted to destroy God’s chosen and ruin the lives of anyone around her?

Not exactly according to the Scriptures. It’s a little more complicated.

In this episode, multi-time guest Brian Godawa returns with yet another Biblically based fiction book for the Chronicles of the Watchers series, JEZEBEL: HARLOT QUEEN OF ISRAEL!

We discuss the complexity behind Jezebel, mostly found in the book of 1st and 2nd Kings, but also how it all ties together with the greater story arc of God vs the gods, the watchers, the Nephilim, the chosen people of ancient Israel, and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Podcast: Godawa on View from the Bunker all about Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel

JEZEBEL GETS too much credit for the evil in the world today. Jezebel spirit? She was human, so she’s dead and her spirit is powerless.

However, there were spirits behind Jezebel, and it’s them we have to be concerned with.

Award-winning Hollywood screenwriter Brian Godawa is back to talk about his new novel, Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel, Book 1 in his Chronicles of the Watchers series. We discuss Jezebel, Ahab, the gods of ancient Tyre and Samaria, and why Brian chose to use Jehu, one of Ahab’s military commanders, as a major character in the novel instead of the prophet Elijah.

Listen Here.

Babylon Bee and Me: We talk about the transcendence of epic movies

I was on the Bee again with the most excellent Ethan Nicolle and the most disturbing Kyle Mann.

We talk about epic films (Braveheart, The Patriot, Ben Hur) where individuals are willing to live and die for transcendent values set in all-encompassing civilization-shaking settings, and a lot of people get stabbed. We also talk about the secular-sacred divide in films and the genre of “Christian” movies. Spoiler: Not all Christian movies are crap.

Listen here

Ancient Child Sacrifice: The Legacy of Modern Abortion

I have recently done some research on child sacrifice in the Bible for the sake of a novel I am writing about Queen Jezebel and ancient Israel in the ninth-century B.C. Most readers of the Bible do not find it controversial that human sacrifice was performed in the ancient world and that it was prohibited by the God of the Hebrews. But as always, modern scholars and skeptics try to argue away the facts with their literary theories of deconstruction. If the Bible is wrong and the ancient world was not so bad, then we can go ahead and sacrifice our own children on our altars of convenience and dismiss those nagging guilty pangs of conscience that come from learning the lessons of history.

So I wrote an in-depth article about child sacrifice in the ancient world and the Bible.

Read the article here at,

New Jezebel and Qin Novels Ready for Pre-order

This is my first time doing a release of more than one book at a time.

I am rebooting my Chronicles of the Watchers series, and these are the first two books.

Chronicles of the Watchers: A Spin-off Series to Chronicles of the Nephilim

What if the pagan gods of the nations were fallen angelic Watchers from God’s throne? Chronicles of the Watchers charts the influence of spiritual warfare on human history, just like Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Book 1 is Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel
Ancient Israel thought Jezebel was bringing progress and change. She brought Baal, the storm god of Canaan.

Book 2 is Qin: Dragon Emperor of China
A Greek warrior travels to ancient China in search of a dragon. He finds Nephilim, Watchers and a mad emperor in search of eternal life.
NOTE: This is a re-release of the novel The Dragon King (2016) with a new title. There is nothing new in the novel. Just different title and cover.

Pre-order Jezebel here.

Pre-order Qin here.