Recommended. Great popcorn adventure movie. Actually, a survival adventure movie about a group of people trying to get out of the Gobi desert by rebuilding a small plane out of the parts of the plane they crashed in. I really enjoy Dennis Quaid. He is an underestimated actor. And the story really kept me interested. The writers, Scott Frank and Edward Burns, even put a heart and worldview into it. Unfortunately, the worldview is rather humanistic and empty. Once again, a story about life and death where God is virtually ignored, except to criticize him. A guy sees another guy praying over his ration of peaches and says, “I’m amazed that during these dire times, you thank God for anything.” He then tells a little joke about a boxer crossing himself before fighting and someone asks what it means, and another says, “Not a damn thing if the man can’t fight.” Well, yes, this is another humanistic interpretation that tries to reinforce the fact that if we survive it is because of our own ingenuity because God is irrelevant. Man will fly himself out of his problem. Then later, that joke teller answers someone regarding his “belief” in getting out of the desert. He says he believes in spirituality not religion. “Religion divides people. Belief in something unites.” Well, duh. What do you think religion is? IT’S A UNITY BASED ON BELIEF. The storytellers here clearly show their philosophical ignorance and religious bigotry. It is not religion that is the problem it is man’s inherently selfish nature that turns all beliefs into division rather than uniting. Of course, it’s TRUTH that ultimately divides anyway. Those who do not have the truth or want it accuse those who do of division, when in fact, it is the rejecter of truth who is the divider. But that aside, you know this is the writer’s own viewpoint because he provides no retort in the mouth of the believer. Believe me, I can think of a hundred great responses. So, that means the writer wants that view to prevail or have the upper hand cause it has the “last word.” Unless of course, the director changed the original script by cutting out a good response in the editing. That is entirely possible. There is another “thematic” moment where a character spells out the theme: “Man only needs one thing in life: Someone to love. And if you can’t give him that, give him something to hope for. And if you can’t give him that, just give him something to do.” In this sense, hope or meaning is constructed by the individual in a meaningless universe where our value comes from choice. A touch of Existentialism. As Sartre would say, “to do is to be.” Also a typical Romantic idea that in the absence of God, “love” between two humans is all there is. Well, Ironically, later on, when the hero tries to validate his reason to go on when there is no hope because “We’re not garbage. We’re people. We’ve got families, lives to live.” But of course, if there is no God, then all that meaning is self-delusion. There simply is no difference between garbage and people. We’re all made from the same molecules. There was a great opportunity in the Giovani Ribisi character, who was a great character as the annoying know-it-all, whose knowledge saves them all because he builds planes. There is a time when his arrogance reaches a truly repulsive level when he says that everyone else but him is dispensable. In other words, the typical humanist notion that knowledge is salvation. I think that this was a wasted set up because they never conclude with this character fault. They never really shame this part of him. They could have shown how knowledge alone does not save, but so does character and sacrifice. Like maybe a character could have saved Ribisi by sacrificing himself and that would be a point in the story that, No, the only reason Ribisi is alive is because of the goodness of another or something like that. My point is not to rewrite the story but simply show that a better worldview could have made this story more satisfying for me. But it’s still a good adventure movie anyway. There is some humbling and self sacrifice, it’s just never tied in with the theme like it should have been. Alas, you can’t expect much character or value from humanists with no understanding of transcendence.
Author: admin
Beyond the Sea
Not Recommended. Boring biography about Bobby Darin. This guy’s life and character and music was so uninteresting, that I kept falling asleep. So, to be technical, I didn’t see a lot of the movie. One thing I did catch was a theme that expressed, “Memories are like moonbeams. We do with them what we will.” And it seems to justify the fanciful construction of the movie into a fantasy of memories itself. Loose history is all right cause, hey, what are memories, anyway, but arbitrary constructions? Its one thing to say we do this, but another to affirm it.
Kind of Recommended. James Brooks is a brilliant dramedy director. I recommend his stuff because regardless of his lack of a strong moral worldview, he does try to address morals and the emotional reality of life and he makes you think. Lots of laughs here and touching human moments that make it rather good storytelling. This story about a Spanish speaking woman hired by a rich family and how she brings light and life into their lives is very well written with some GREAT lines and great characters, very true to life, and funny moments all wrapped in together. I must say, Adam Sandler is GREAT when he is not in an Adam Sandler movie. He can really be a great understated actor. I thought he was great in Punch Drunk Love as well. Anyway, this movie is about a lot of things. But one of the themes is how the heart of our humanity lies not in perfection and success and excellence, which tends to destroy and dehumanize, but in loving one another with all our faults and messy weaknesses. So you have a wife, played a bit too over the top by Tea Leoni, who is neurotically obsessed with perfection and excellence, while Adam is the husband/father who is a chef but who is the opposite. He hates perfection precisely because it does destroy the fun of life. He doesn’t want his restaurant to be reviewed with too high a score because that happened before in New York and the “heart went out of it all” when it happened. He just wants a pleasing loving environment. Well, these opposites cause the comedy and pathos in the film. A great mom character by Cloris Leachman, a has-been singer who wasn’t really famous anyway but admits in the film, “I loved everybody, that’s what’s killing me.” And to the Spanish maid, “I lived for myself, you live yours for your daughter, none of it works.” Great lines from her, like to Tea, “Lately, your low self-esteem is just good common sense.” Some very touching and moving relationship issues with Leoni’s daughter, who is a little chubby and suffers implied rejection from her mother from this. Very poignant thing about love and acceptance without perfection. So, back to the main story. The father, played by Sandler, of course is pushed into struggling with a growing interest in the beautiful Spanish Maid played by Paz Vega. I don’t have a problem with having this in the story, but it seemed to be a dominant focus. That sexual tension becomes the driving force of the movie rather than a factor that drives him to redemption back to his marriage, like in Shall We Dance?, which is superior in this sense. My big complaint is that Brooks fancies himself a “realist” in leaving the dominant relationship between Sandler and Leoni up in the air at the end rather than bringing redemption or resolution like in Shall We Dance? Sure, some good things happen. Leoni confesses adultery and tries to fix it, and Sandler gets to the moment where he wants to sleep with the maid but in her wisdom she says, “There are some mistakes you cannot make when you have children.” They don’t do it. Some great stuff here, but I felt that Brooks lingered too long on that “connection” between Sandler and Vega, trying to milk some good out of it as if it’s just another “just married to the wrong person” kind of thing. Like maybe we can get that human connection from each other even if we “can’t have sex.” Rather than, No, I need to rekindle my marriage rather than wallow in fantasy (again, like in Shall We Dance?). And the Maid should NOT have told him she loved him and walked away. That was very irresponsible. It was not the right thing to do. And don’t attack me with “that’s reality. Sometimes marriages don’t get back together etc.” Because movies ARE NOT REALITY. They are worldviews to teach about how we should act in our reality. It’s okay if someone doesn’t fix their marriage. But what’s not okay is for the hero to not make a defining choice of redemption. THAT is unsatisfying. I want values affirmed, I don’t want nihilism affirmed. If he loses his marriage because he makes the right choice, fine. Just so long as the hero makes the right moral choice. DOING THE RIGHT THING is what it is all about. And another annoying thing was that Sandler was made to be the good guy, but he really wasn’t in my mind. His fault was just as wrong as the others, but it was never resolved. His fault was that he was TOO easygoing. Or rather, that his own desire of avoiding perfection was itself a flaw of him wanting to avoid some kind of responsibility like growing up. But this was not developed. He says school is supposed to make his daughter feel good about herself. And this is shown as positive. Yes, school should not make you feel BAD, as in attacking you. But the purpose of education is the same as maturity: To grow. And growth does not come without pain. The problem with educational philosophy in this country is precisely that they have jettisoned excellence or growth and replaced it with self-esteem, which has created an entire class of stupid young people who feel good about themselves. Well, I guess that makes them better slaves of the State, which is the purpose of secular indoctrination anyway, which is the ultimate goal. Back to the movie. My point is that this nice guy laizzes faire calmness should have been a flaw that the hero had to overcome, but it was not. I reckon the major theme was focused around the main character, which was the daughter of the Spanish Maid. And her problem was that mom was so overprotective of her because she wanted her to maintain her Mexican heritage. SO when the little girl gets a scholarship to a private school and becomes the substitute darling daughter of Leoni, the Maid loses control and her daughter becomes TOO American. She still ends up taking her daughter out of private school. But the daughter concludes in an admissions application to Princeton that If they don’t pick her, that won’t hurt her. Because “Your decision will not define me. My identity rests on one fact. I am my mother’s daughter.” So the main character learns to accept becoming like her mom. Well, this seemed rather weak to me. I think that the answer is really more in between, like My Big Fat Greek Wedding where it concludes “Don’t let your past control you, let it be a part of who you are.” That middle way seems more wise to me. You don’t reject your heritage, but you don’t worship it either. It’s only a part of who you are, not the whole. And the Maid never really learns this either. But anyway, the girl’s conclusion doesn’t really say much to me. It doesn’t seem to include the balancing fact that she is also who she is because of all the influencing people in her life, not merely her mother. I mean she should have learned a lot about life from that family she was with for three months, you’d think. Despite these confusing and contradicting elements and themes, the movie still captures some very touching human moments and wisdom along the way. I probably sound more negative here than I should. Oh well, forgive me.
Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events
Not Recommended. I put this into the category of boring expensive kid’s films like Harry Potter. I actually had to go to the bathroom in the middle of it and waited for an action sequence cause I knew I wouldn’t miss anything. This movie tries to bring some depth to the kids genre by being a story that isn’t about happy endings with elves and sweet candy. It’s the story of three siblings whose rich parents die and whose uncle, Count Olaf, wants to get rid of them so he can inherit the money. Jim Carey is great in the role of the sleazy actor, Count Olaf, trying to off the little siblings. And it’s not a dreadfully boring movie like Harry Potter. But it does seem a bit dark for younger kids, what with all the death and scariness going on in it. The narrator gloats over how his story is not happy at all and if you want happy stories, you had better go elsewhere. Then again, look at many of the original fairy tales like Hansel and Gretel and Little Red Riding Hood and others. Those were very brutal stories and yet they are classics. On one level, I think the essence of growing up and “coming of age” is precisely facing one’s mortality and fairy tales help children to do this. Fantasy can be extreme cause its not real life, and it is symbolic. So it could be argued that this story is in that tradition. Okay. Fine. But the moral of the story is read at the end through a letter to the kids from their parents that was sent to them before they had died. And it just reads like a tacked on moral that doesn’t carry much weight to it. It was not emotionally moving or incarnate like The Incredibles. The parents just tell the kids, after we have seen them go through all these life threatening attacks from evil people, that “there’s much more good in the world than bad, you just have to look hard. And what may seem as unfortunate incidents can be a doorway to a new journey. With family around, there’s always something to do, whether inventing something (like the older sister Violet) or reading (like the middle brother Klaus) or biting (like the young Sunny).” Well, it just doesn’t have much punch to it. Like this is the solace for all the pain and suffering in life? Like this is how we grow up by just sticking our head in the sand regarding evil and keep moving? Very weak and humanistic. Without any moral fiber or character. Unsatisfying. It should be “Fight evil!” “Do right!” Like The Incredibles.
The Aviator
Not Recommended. All right. I have decided to announce the Triumvirate of Mediocrity: Martin Scorsese, Oliver Stone and Quentin Tarantino. These three guys are somehow worshipped as “auteurs” of artistic films. But what they really are is masters of mediocrity; overlong boring mediocrity, I might add. All of them think their movies are worth two and a half or three hours of our lives, and thus become thieves for stealing this precious time from us. While this movie has an interesting depiction of Hughs’ descent into his madness, it is all rather unfocused and boring drama. Scorsese thinks that “mental illness” Hollywood glamour and movie stars makes for interesting movies, but he is wrong. It’s what these external things reveal about our internal spirituality that is interesting. I did not care one whit for Hughs. He is no hero. And is therefore unworthy of such status in a film. He is an unsympathetic selfish self-obessessed idiot. And he was interested in sexy movie stars like Hepburn and Gardner, who were also unsympathetic selfish self-obessessed idiots. And the whole thing about how he sought to make fast planes and fought to share the airs in competition with Pan Am – who cares? I did not care one moment for this story because it was not made interesting. The Right Stuff made manned flight to the moon and the history of flight with Jaeger and everything very interesting. This made the history of flight boring. Well, it wasn’t horrendously boring like Alexander , made by Oliver the Mediocre, it was only mildly boring. But that’s enough to just say No. And you know, it shows Hughs’ descent into neurosis, but it makes no sense of it. It is just arbitrary. Where did it come from? Why did it happen? Maybe in real life it was a mystery. But this is the movies, not real life. Since they show nothing of his inner character, or his true quest for meaning, it reduces to a shallow examination of the external degeneracy of neurosis. Yeah, but how is this a reflection of his INNER SELF? Everything is external in this movie, and thus boooooring because it seeks the external sufferings of life without the true INNER HUMAN DRAMA. Pretty movie stars with pathetic juvenile temperaments are not interesting if we learn nothing about where this lack of character comes from. Hughs’ external malady should have been a metaphor for the internal flaw of everyone in this film but nothing like this is ever attempted. Thus it fails even as a tragedy because this Hero is a victim, not of his own flaws, but of some external arbitrary malady. I guess this is the essence of humanist tragedy. Life is arbitrary suffering in a chance universe. And that is why true humanist epics are unsatisfying and lack the transcendence that makes for a great movie.
Not Recommended. These guys are good filmmakers. About Schmidt was brilliant. Election was naughty, but original. But this movie shows that the filmmaker’s humanism is quite frankly, morally inadequate for a fulfilling story. Miles, a depressed failed writer takes his best friend, Jack out for a week of wine tasting in Northern California before Jack’s wedding. It all goes down hill when Jack, being the shallow actor that he is, turns out to be a heat seeking sexaholic. He lacks any sense of faithfulness to a woman he is about to be married to. He will literally jump in the sack with any woman he can find, and does so a couple times. Well, that ain’t so bad for a topic of a movie if you deal with it right. After all, Miles, the hero, hates this infidelity, but he tolerates it in the name of friendship. In the mean time, he hooks up with Maya, thanks to jack’s help who tells Miles, “This is my nut. Don’t sabotage me. Have some fun.” So the whole story is about honesty and grabbing for the wine of life. In fact, there is one brilliant and touching scene where Jack and Maya tell each other about their favorite wines and they are clearly analogies of their own lives. Jack likes grapes that need to be tenderly and patiently handled and believed in their potential. Maya loves the process of wine being a gusto of reaching out and enjoying it all, etc. But this movie proves to be morally bankrupt for a couple reasons. I have no problem with a story about a guy who learns to deal with his unloyal friend IF the hero actually grows up or ultimately makes the right choice and finds redemption in walking away from such “so-called” friends. The point is that such friends are NOT friends, but users. That’s what honesty and loyalty stories are about. Problem is, Miles never does. He continues to aid and abet Jack in all his infidelities, all the while griping and complaining about how wrong it is. BUT THEN HE NEVER TELLS JACK’S FIANCE AND ALLOWS THE WEDDING TO GO ON. This is so morally pathetic that I lost all respect and sympathy for Miles. He is an idiot and a fool for staying with a man like that. He doesn’t even challenge this toad. And this is supposed to be a hero? The story hurts itself. The only redemption is that Miles has trouble going for Maya, and when she discovers Jack’s deception she breaks it off with Miles. Miles says, “I’m not Jack.” But of course, he is. If he never chooses to stand up to or divorce himself from this kind of lack of character, then he is in fact exactly the same. This comes from an obviously modernist humanist moral view that thinks loyalty to friendship is higher than the truth or morality. So, allowing the fiancé to be betrayed is somehow moral? I don’t think so. Jack is a creep and Miles never does the right thing. And Jack is supposed to just be this comedy relief, “isn’t that funny how shallow he is, but hey, they’re best friends.” No, he’s not. He’s a turd that should be flushed down the toilet of life. This makes Miles a repugnant undesirable hero, and that is why the story not satisfying. Furthermore, the actual redemption of the movie focuses on Miles going back to Maya at the end, as if all he really needed to do was to get the girl. Which makes the girl look pretty stupid to be willing to take back a man who never apologizes for partaking in such betrayal. And she complains about being betrayed before by her ex-husband, but she continues to choose moral losers like Miles? This is the problem, not the solution. This is her character flaw, not her redemption. But alas, this is the central conceit of humanism. It really thinks finding another human to love is the ultimate meaning of life, not truth or morality, which reflect higher values of character that make a person worthy of their humanity. Well, humanism doesn’t want to make moral judgments on things like infidelity or irresponsibility, or rather, it values loyalty to friends higher than loyalty to spouses, which is fundamentally inverted morality. But after all, humanism thinks there are no ultimate higher absolutes or God to which we are accountable. A humanist universe is ultimately relative morality and truth, so the love of another human becomes the God substitute, which explains this morally pathetic story.
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Not Really Recommended. On one level, I really enjoy Wes Anderson films because he comes up with some very quirky characters and great dry humor. Bottle Rocket could very well be my favorite comedy of all time. Rushmore was brilliant. But this one was not quite there for me. It had some amusing moments and clever characters, but the story just didn’t hold me. Or rather, the lack of a story shall we say. This movie lacked transcendence. All it really had was quirky characters and dry humor. It is a satirical homage to Jacques Cousteau and his quirky little niche of ocean documentaries. But the only thing that approached a story here was the idea that Zissou was searching for the shark that ate his best friend and partner of 30 years. Problem is, it fizzled in the process as it was overwhelmed by quirky subplot tangents, like being held up by ocean pirates and trying to rescue their bond company stooge after he is kidnapped by the Filipino criminals. Funny little scenes but they diffused the interest of the story. Also, the only good subplot that tried to be there was Owen Wilson playing a pilot who thinks he is Zissou’s son, so he joins the mission in order to find himself and a relationship with his father. Unfortunately, this subplot is never resolved and we are left hanging with an empty reality at the end. He isn’t Zissou’s son, but never finds out. So a whole lot of emotional and human drama is bypassed in the interest of some “I don’t want to be like Hollywood” snobbery on the writer-director’s part.
A Time To Kill: A Time For Revenge? Movie Justice and Vigilanteism
TimeTo Kill.Article in PDF
Ocean’s Twelve
Not Recommended. I dreaded having to watch this film. Paying for this movie is thievery. It’s really very simple, folks. Kindergarten lesson in morality: CRIME IS NOT COOL. If you support crime as cool, then you are morally responsible for adding to the culture of crime by encouraging kids to do so. And don’t tell me it doesn’t influence kids. Hollywood will go on moralistic crusades against displaying cigarettes in movies and they spew hatred at those who do because they say it MAKES SMOKING LOOK COOL. BUT IT’S ALL RIGHT FOR THEM TO depict crime as cool and all of a sudden, it doesn’t affect kids. What absolute hypocrites. Now they believe movies affect kids, now they don’t. Surprise! I normally try to say what I like about a film, even if I don’t agree with it, but this one is so morally bankrupt, the immorality overshadows the good. It would be like trying to say what is good about a porn film. There is a point at which the bad overcomes the good and devalues anything that might have been good. Same here. In this movie, the whole lump of dough has been leavened. The only reason why I didn’t leave half way through is because I knew I couldn’t say this with authority unless I knew how it ended. And I actually gave it the benefit of the doubt, thinking, maybe, just maybe it would have a moral twist at the end like Matchstick Men. But alas, it did not. Please don’t miss this. I am NOT saying making a movie about crime is wrong, or depicting crime is wrong. I am saying depicting crime as COOL and making it pay IS WRONG. I have no respect for these actors who protest with their self-righteous Church Lady tongue wagging that the war in Iraq is criminal, and then make a movie saying crime is cool. This is moral pollution. Do they really think God is not watching? And oh yeah, it’s just one big celebrity worship orgy. Everyone acting their parts like celebrities playing cool criminals and having a ball at it. Oh, yeah, fun! Hey, aren’t they such cool criminals! At least that’s what kids are going to think. I sure as heck didn’t. I was repulsed. The antidote to this movie is The Ladykillers, where crime starts out as cool, but then it is revealed to be what it truly is: Fool. Now that is cool.
Not Recommended. This movie is terribly dishonest and morally criminal. It is the cliché accusation that Christian morality suppresses natural desires which cause dysfunction in society (embodied in Kinsey’s cliché “sexually repressed” religious father, who is himself an obsessed masturbator). First of all, the fact that Kinsey is a hero is itself a sign of moral bankruptcy. If it was a tragedy, like Amadeus, I could buy it, but alas, it is not. This is supposedly the story of Alfred Kinsey, who wrote the infamous pseudo-scientific studies on male and female sexuality beginning in the 1930s. The scandal of it all is that he explored and frankly communicated details of sexuality in a culture that had suppressed talking about such things. He tried to legitimize pornography and perversion by wrapping it in an academic veneer of analysis. True, 70 years ago, society had some pretty unscientific beliefs about sexuality, like masturbation causing blindness, oral sex reduces pregnancy and the like. And it can be true that “strongly prohibited desires become an obsession.” But the fundamental philosophical and moral failure of this film is its assertion of the naturalistic fallacy. This is the belief that the way nature acts is the way nature ought to be. And it is the fundamental philosophical conceit of all pseudo-scientific endeavor that reality is purely physical and we must not apply morality to scientific pursuit. This is, of course, the dominant scientific philosophy of today. As Kinsey says, “the only way to study sex is to strip away everything but physiology.” “Human beings are just larger, slightly more complicated gall wasps.” “Every living thing is different from every other living thing,” and “diversity becomes life’s one irreducible fact.” Of course, what the filmmaker does not seem to realize is that these statements are themselves as absurd as the unscientific beliefs of the 30s that he mocks. Reductionism of reality down to mere physiology has proven over and over again, to not only be self-contradictory, but a failure in yielding accurate scientific results. Interestingly, it is still growing strong in the sociobiological movement of today that says immaterial notions like spirit, mind, love, good and evil are reducible to chemical and physical laws in our bodies. Okay, so if mind and reason are not abstract external immaterial notions of reality, but merely chemistry in our brains, then the sociobiological theory is itself not “true”, but merely the result of chemicals in the brains of naturalists, who are, I might add, a statistical minority, which makes them a natural abnormality by their own theories. The universal problem of reductionism is that it reduces itself to absurdity. And you know, diversity CANNOT be the absolute diviner of reality. Diversity simply cannot explain the UNITY that is also seen in the world. One’s metaphysic MUST explain both unity and diversity, or suffer under the weight of absurdity. If diversity (particulars) is the “one irreducible fact,” then one could NOT say there are such things as men, women, children, adults, gall wasps, and any other universal category that groups common things through similarity. Even to talk about sex itself is to categorize the idea through unity, not diversity. Yes, there is a diversity of sexuality, but sex itself is the unity under which those diverse sexualities are unified. What this really is is not science, but relativism disguised as fact. (Ironic that Kinsey was the one, in the film, who accused moralists of disguising “morality as fact.”). The obvious agenda of saying that “everything is different from everything else,” and that no sexual proclivities should fall into “biological abnormality” because there is no such thing as abnormality – the real agenda is obviously the normalization of abberant sexuality. It is interesting to note that atheistic evolutionists are now starting to admit that within their evolutionary myth, rape IS normal. IDEAS DO HAVE CONSEQUENCES. Kinsey tries to justify his pornography addiction by claiming it is “Simply the depiction of man in his natural state.” Okay, in a sense, I agree. That is, man is NATURALLY EVIL, so it does not surprise me that our natural tendencies will be toward evil, which include pornography. The fact that most of us men struggle with pornography may make it normal, but it does not make it morally right. We cannot look at nature to define good and evil. In this sense, normal and abnormal simply mean statistical averages, not moral “normality” or “abnormality” as in right and wrong. So the film is also guilty of this equivocation of bouncing back and forth between defining normal as statistical average and then as morally acceptable. A common trick of moral relativism. One of the most revealing aspects of the film is its unwitting deconstruction of its own ethic. To be fair, the filmmaker does put in some counter arguments to Kinsey in the mouths of his fellow laborers, but they are not carried out to a conclusion. Kinsey encourages his “researchers” to violate their marriage covenants and have sex with each other in the name of research and make their own pornography from it. Well, obviously this starts to screw up their marriages and families and one of the kids says, “Stop using science to justify what you’ve done.” But the kid stays with him. And then he says later, “What are we, lab rats? F—ing is no more than mere friction, mere fun?” But the kid stays with him. The point is that this set up is never paid off with the tragedy that it should have. Kinsey continues on in his stoic “Scientific” pursuit like a hero who weathers minor difficulties. Condon does not seem to realize that these mere arguments at moments of frustration to the hero’s goal are actually the moral truth revealing the actual absurdity and actual evil of Kinsey’s criminal activity. Perhaps the most telling scene of the whole movie is when Kinsey and a fellow researcher meet with a man so perverse in his sexual behavior that he has had sex with thousands of people, dozens of species of animals, and molested hundreds of pre-adolescents, all the while keeping detailed journal entries on it all. The young researcher actually has his limits and leaves, but not Kinsey. No, he says the kid just gets a little judgmental sometimes. BUT the scene is never carried out to its moral conclusion. It remains in the movie as a mere extreme of the hero’s obsession, rather than the actual refutation of Kinsey’s entire ethic that it is. What the filmmaker does not go on to tell us is that the real person this character was based on actually continued in correspondence with Kinsey who used his journal entries for his research. So KINSEY WAS A CRIMINAL and the filmmaker considers him a hero for it. An accomplice to pedophilia and crime. “Everyone should do what they want” the criminal says and Kinsey replies, “I’ve never said that. Nobody should hurt anyone.” But he did say it – when he said in the film that if everyone is having all this socially unacceptable sex, then “everybody’s sin is nobody’s sin. Everybody’s crime is nobody’s crime.” HE DID IN FACT SAY IT. The problem is that people do not want to face the logical conclusion of their own moral premises that all sexuality is acceptable. Even they believe that some sexual behavior is not acceptable. But who says so? By whose moral standard? If you deny the external objective moral absolutes of God’s Law, then you are left with nothing but the will to power, my friend. You have no moral authority to condemn ANY sexual behavior, including incest, polygamy and pedophilia. The logical conclusion of the “Kinsey ethic” of sexual relativism is precisely the moral acceptance of pedophilia. This is exactly the ultimate goal. When Kinsey says to the pedophile he shouldn’t hurt anyone, he is denying all he has ever said about making judgments and imposing morality and he DARES to be judgmental and impose HIS morality on others? You cannot strip away morality from sexual behavior without facing the logical conclusion of your belief. IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. If you say there is no morally unacceptable sexual behavior, then you must accept the pedophile because that is simply their “natural state.” And you are trying to suppress their desires just like the religious moralists try to suppress the desires of those they disagree with. The second a person places a limit on certain kinds of sexuality (pedophilia) as morally unacceptable, he is doing the very thing he accuses Christians of doing: imposing his morality on others. This, dear friends, is hypocrisy at its worst. If we are supposed to “strip away everything from sex but physiology,” then who is anyone to condemn the physiology of a pedophile or polygamist or any sexual predator? And who says we can’t hurt anyone? That is a moral judgment that Kinsey and other moral relativists say we are not allowed to make. It is arbitrary to claim you cannot hurt anyone if you have no absolute standard in your sexual ethic. After all, there are many people (as Kinsey no doubt observed) who actually like being hurt. So who are you to define “hurt” and impose it on everyone else? Condon ends with showing shots of all those “big bad laws against sexual perversion” being overthrown. But who says those laws were bad? What right does Condon and other moral relativists have in saying any law is “bad” or “wrong?” What right do they have to impose their morality on anyone through law, since all morality is relative and there is no abnormality? To strike down those sexual perversion laws is to tell moralists what they cannot do sexually, namely, maintain their own sexual views. More hypocrisy. We see in the end that this moral relativism is really just a cover for a fascistic oppression of the majority by the minority. Moral tyranny of the minority. Condon tries to justify Kinsey’s research with a tear-jerker scene of a lesbian thanking him for his books because they helped her come out of the closet and find a lesbian partner. “You saved my life, sir,” she says. And this is the obvious agenda. Kinsey’s work helped gays to be less ashamed and more acceptable in society, so what he did was good. In other words, the ends justify the means. Since Kinsey reinforced MY beliefs, the filmmaker says, it’s okay that he lied in his research, its okay that he lied about using an excessive amount of prison inmates to create the now-discredited statistic of 10% homosexuality in the population. It’s okay that he was a criminal in aiding and abetting a pedophile and using his journal as “research.” It’s okay that in the name of “science” he engaged in crime, adultery, orgies, pornography and pedophilia. THIS IS SCIENCE to these people? Of course, none of these facts are in the movie because then that would make it the moral tragedy that it should have been. Judith Reisman put it best, this movie is criminal because it lionizes Kinsey, “Leader of the most barbarous international pedophile sex ring of the twentieth century.” For the true story of Kinsey go here: <>