Podcast: Joel 2 and Acts 2 – The Last Days & The Day of the Lord

A new podcast interview with Jared 2.0!

The prophet Joel predicts a judgment called the Day of the Lord.

Many Christians assume this applies to a time future to us that is the End of Time.

But in Acts 2, the holy Apostle Peter told us that it wasn’t in our future.

He said it was beginning to take place right then and there at the Day of Pentecost.

See how it all works out in the first century.

If you read the text through the eyes of ancient Hebrew.


Podcast: Daniel 12 – The Time of the End, NOT the End of Time

Jared Chrestman and I finish up our examination of Daniel with this climactic chapter.

When is the End of Days?

Is the Resurrection in this chapter a metaphor like in Ezekiel or literal?

Futurist speculations break down and just don’t address the complex web of prophetic symbolism that runs through the entire book and climaxes here.

Understand Daniel and you will understand the book of Revelation.

Watch it here.

Podcast: Daniel 9 – The 70 Weeks & The Abomination of Desolation

This is one of the most fascinating podcasts I’ve done with Jared Chrestman in a while on his show Through the Black.

I go through Daniel 9 and the infamous 70 Weeks prophecy that leads to the Messiah and the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel and Jesus.

Some think this passage includes both the Christ and a future Antichrist thousands of years later.

I prove that it does not refer to a future Antichrist.

But it makes it that much more of a powerful and beautiful prophecy.

This could be one of the most central prophecy passages in the Bible because it gives the most precise dating for the arrival of Messiah.

Watch or listen here.

Get Hardcover Editions of Your Favorite Chronicles Series by Brian Godawa

Well, Amazon finally offered the ability to publish my books in hardcover.

So I jumped on it and now you can get hardcovers for most of my books in all three series. Just click on any of the series below to see the hardcover editions you can now get:

Chronicles of the Nephilim

Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Chronicles of the Watchers


Brian Godawa
Author, Chronicles of the Nephilim
Chronicles of the Apocalypse
Chronicles of the Watchers

Podcast: Daniel & Bible Prophecy: It’s Not What They Told You

So, Jared and I started a new series on Bible Prophecy at Through the Black.

This one is Daniel & Bible Prophecy: It’s Not What They Told You.

First episode here is introduction to Daniel chapter 2: The giant metal monster statue.

And yet again, It ain’t what modern Bible prophecy pundits are telling you.

Check it out here.