Marscast: Cruel Logic and Apologetics Through Narrative – the Godawa Interview

In this episode, Dr. Compton sits down with Brian Godawa, celebrated novelist and author.

Their conversation dives into Godawa’s creative process in narrative storytelling and his unique approach of intertwining apologetics and a defense of the Christian faith, particularly in the gripping tale he wrote called Cruel Logic about a psychopathic philosophy professor.

In their dialogue, Dr. Compton and Godawa look at how Christians can reconcile living in a world marred by darkness and evil with biblical teachings, examining the potential of fiction as an artistic medium to portray and communicate such realities.

Listen on Apple Podcasts here.

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Iron and Myth Podcast: The Gods of War in the War of Gods

Some of the most epic stories from the ancient world deal with the wars of the gods.

It’s not a coincidence that one of the most commonly used titles for God in the Bible is “Lord of hosts,” which literally means “Yahweh of armies.”

Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview With the Giant, and Brian Godawa (, best-selling author of the new novel Cruel Logic, get together with Derek Gilbert to discuss warrior gods of the ancient world like Ares/Mars, Inanna/Ishtar, Baal/Zeus/Jupiter, and the violent old gods the Titans, and how their motives differ from those of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We also talk about how we Christians, believing in a loving God who’s willing to forgive those who repent and accept Him as Lord, can reconcile the image of Jesus as the suffering servant with the depiction of Yahweh the warrior.

Watch or listen here.

God’s Comic Brad Stine Interviews Brian Godawa on Conversion, Hollywood and Nephilim

I was on Brad Stine’s podcast to talk about my conversion to Christianity, my Hollywood screenwriting and my wildly successful Nephilim novels.

Brad is an interesting guy. I actually met him many years ago when he first started out. I did the graphic design for some of his marketing when he was with Clean Comedians.

My interview starts at 14:53.

Watch or listen here.

Brian Godawa Interview on Warrior Chamber: The Christian’s Role in Film, “My Son Hunter”, “Cruel Logic” & More!

I had a great talk with Brett Prieto of Warrior Chamber Studios.

Brett is a Christian and a screenwriter and actor in Hollywood, AND he loves apologetics  so we had alot in common to talk about.

We talked about being a Christian in Hollywood, sex and violence in the movies and the Bible, storytelling, apologetics…

As well as my new novel Cruel Logic: The Philosopher Killer.

Brett gets it. He’s sharp.

Watch or Listen here

At the Table Podcast: From Hollywood to Biblical Novels to Philosophical Serial Killers


This was an interesting interview.

I talked to the guys on At the Table Podcast about my origins in Hollywood and how that lead to becoming a best-selling author of Bible novels!

Then we talked about my newest novel, a theological thriller called Cruel Logic: The Philosopher Killer.

Sit back and enjoy this fun discussion. I did.

Listen on Spotify here

Listen on Apple Podcasts here


Fire Theft Radio Interview: Cruel Logic-The Philosopher Killer – Brian Godawa

I was on Fire Theft Radio for a great in depth interview. Here is what the podcast had to say about it:

Christian art like movies and books often suffer so much in quality because the focus is on the message and not the art itself.

How can a believer talk about moral relativism, or anything in the modern “woke” culture from a christian perspective and get the point across?

Author Brian Godawa tackles this and much more in his thrilling new novel “Cruel Logic”. Where a Serial Killer asks his victims before he kills them to give him a valid moral argument for him not to commit such a horrible crime against them.

We discuss on the show how moral relativism has destroyed western civilization and continue our conversation on the importance of being a defender of the faith.

Although the book is based on fictional characters, Brian makes sure he bridges the gap between christian themes and the art of a great story!

Chuck and Mav had a great conversation bringing up the modern state of decline of morality here in America.

Listen here

Are there spiritual portals linked to locations? Iron and Myth podcast discussion

DO PLACES EXIST where the veil between this world and the next is thinner—namely, portals?

Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview With the Giant, Brian Godawa (, best-selling author of the new novel Cruel Logic, and Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and join Derek Gilbert to discuss the concept of portals.

From Mount Hermon to the Tower of Babel to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, a belief in portals between the supernatural and human realms is ancient and widespread.

Do portals actually exist? Can our entertainment choices open us up to spiritual influences?

This would all be an intellectual exercise if Jesus hadn’t specifically chosen to declare his divinity at Caesarea Philippi, a location widely believed to be a portal in the ancient world.

Watch or listen here