Join Strange O’Clock Podcast with Michael Basham and Jeralynn Peach, as they delve into the mind-bending world of ethics, morality, and the human psyche with world-renowned author and Hollywood scriptwriter, Brian Godawa.
In this gripping interview, they explore Godawa’s latest book, “Cruel Logic”, a pulse-pounding thriller where a serial killer challenges his victims to justify their right to live based on their philosophical ethics.
Brace yourself for a suspenseful and riveting journey from beginning to end, as they unravel the intricate web of the killer’s demands.
Get ready to question your own beliefs and delve into the dark depths of the human soul.
I was interviewed by Josh Peck on his podcast Daily Renegade.
We talked all about my new novel Cruel Logic and the religions, theological, philosophical and social ramifications of our modern culture’s adoption of the Woke worldview.
Studying topics like giants, gods, and dragons in the Bible is important.
But does focusing on these subjects detracts from the message of love, grace, and salvation in Jesus Christ?
Brian Godawa (, best-selling author of the new novel Cruel Logic, Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview With the Giant, join us to discuss the significance of geographic locations and religious context in biblical events with Derek Gilbert on A View From the Bunker.
Jesus himself waged war with demons, principalities and powers who rebelled against their Creator. We need a comprehensive theology that includes historical, cultural, and biblical knowledge. Without it, we cannot recognize or understand the devices of the enemy.
As our good friend the late Dr. Michael Heiser used to say, “If it’s in the Bible and it’s weird, it’s probably important.”
One of the most notorious characters in the Bible, and all of history, is a man about which we know almost nothing.
Nimrod is blamed for the Tower of Babel and the occult wickedness of Babylon.
Some identify Nimrod as the Sumerian king Enmerkar, some as Sargon the Great of Akkad, others as the mythical hero of Uruk, Gilgamesh.
How much do we really know about Nimrod? Is there any connection to Semiramis, Tammuz, and Christmas?
Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview With the Giant, and Brian Godawa (, best-selling author of the new novel Cruel Logic join us for our monthly round table to discuss the man, the myth, the legend—Nimrod.
Here is what my interviewer, Doug Van Dorn wrote about this interview:
Acclaimed Author/Novelist/Script Writer Brian Godawa takes us into the heart and soul of his work.
With a vast and wildly popular catalog of writings that span everything from fiction book series to Hollywood films, Brian shares with us, everything from where he draws inspiration to how he manages his writing process.
A must-listen for fans of his work and for those who wish to discover new and quality, reality-based fictional literature!
Are you creative and imaginative and wonder how it has to do with the Bible? Do you know what apologetics is and why it’s important?
I talk to Heidi Mortenson on Strong Tower Mental Health Podcast about my personal testimony as a believer in Jesus Christ, the importance of understanding apologetics as well as my journey into being a professional writer and filmmaker.
You will be pulled into a deeper part of Christianity than you ever have before using your heart, mind and will.
We can know God with our head, but when we use both the right and left side of our brain, our faith grows more than we could ever imagine.
GOD WAS very clear when He told Moses that sorcery was absolutely forbidden. Would He have bothered to mention it if it was make-believe?
Brian Godawa (, author of the new novel Cruel Logic, Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview With the Giant, join their monthly round table to discuss witches, warlocks, and the forbidden practice of spell-casting.