Podcast: Revelation 20 – What is the Millennium? How is Satan Bound? What is Gog and Magog?

Jared and I talk about the most controversial chapter in the Bible: Revelation 20.

Whole schools of thought fight against each other, declaring each other heretics for their difference.

What is the truth about it?

Now, we finally have the only true answer that everyone else has gotten wrong.

Just kidding. We wouldn’t be that arrogant.

But we do think there are some things that the usual suspects of the Bible Prophecy Industrial Complex are missing.

Watch it here.

Podcast: Revelation 19 – Jesus on the Clouds – In Our Future or in the First Century?

Jared Chrestman and I continue our series in Revelation.

We talk about Revelation 19 and the cloud coming of Christ.

Many think this speaks of an event in our future. But is it?

Learn more about the ancient context of Revelation as the first century Jewish Christians understood the imagery, NOT how modern prophecy pundits spin it through our modern lens.

Watch it here on YouTube.

Podcast: What is the Whore of Babylon? There is only ONE possibility. See Why.

This one is the climactic proof that all the futurist speculations about Revelation are wrong.

And one of my most fascinating podcasts ever.

2 full hours on Revelation 17 about Mystery Babylon, the harlot that rides the Beast.

Watch my talk with Jared Chrestman and see, BIBLICALLY, why Mystery Babylon can only be ONE entity.

And it ain’t what the speculators are telling you.

Scripture interprets Scripture.

See why…

Watch the podcast on YouTube here.

Podcast: The Battle of Armageddon. They Told You It’s in Megiddo. It Wasn’t.

Jared Chrestman interviewed me on Through the Black about Revelation 15 and 16.

It’s part 9 of a series on prophecy and the book of Revelation.

And trust the Scripture, it’s not what most Bible prophecy pundits are telling you.

But check it out and have your mind blown — and your eschatology!

Guaranteed to be fascinating.

Check out the podcast here on YouTube.

Podcast: What are the Seven Bowls of Judgment in Revelation?

Jared Chrestman interviewed me on Through the Black about Revelation 15 and 16.

It’s part 9 of a series on prophecy and the book of Revelation.

And trust the Scripture, it’s not what most Bible prophecy pundits are telling you.

But check it out and have your mind blown — and your eschatology!

Guaranteed to be fascinating.

Check out the podcast here on YouTube.

Podcast: Who are the 144,000 of Revelation 7? It’s not what they told you.

Prophecy speculators for the future are way off.

They’ve always been wrong.

Now, check out an answer that uses the Biblical principle of Scripture interpreting Scripture instead of newspapers interpreting Scripture.

Fascinating explanation of the first century understanding of Revelation.

This episode: Revelation 6 and 7.

Check out the series here.