Canary Cry Podcast: Is the Spirit of Jezebel a Real Thing? Godawa on His New Novel About Jezebel.

Was the Harlot Queen of Israel merely a pure evil witch who wanted to destroy God’s chosen and ruin the lives of anyone around her?

Not exactly according to the Scriptures. It’s a little more complicated.

In this episode, multi-time guest Brian Godawa returns with yet another Biblically based fiction book for the Chronicles of the Watchers series, JEZEBEL: HARLOT QUEEN OF ISRAEL!

We discuss the complexity behind Jezebel, mostly found in the book of 1st and 2nd Kings, but also how it all ties together with the greater story arc of God vs the gods, the watchers, the Nephilim, the chosen people of ancient Israel, and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


The Last Days of God’s Temple, AD 70: Great review of Chronicles of the Apocalypse. Even better podcast interview.

This is one of the best book reviews of my novel series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

The reason is because the reviewer, Jerry Bower, is both responsibly knowledgeable on the material AND read all the books.

PLEASE note, that the podcast link at the bottom of the page is even better than the review and one of the BEST interviews on the series ever. We talk about the historical event of the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, Josephus, the origin of the book of Revelation, 666, various interpretations of the end times and how they fail, false prophets of today, but also the supernatural dimension of the unseen realm as described by scholar Michael S. Heiser. I explain how I incorporate Heiser’s divine council and Watcher paradigm and how it fits into Revelation in the first century.

Read the review here.

(And don’t forget to click the link at the bottom of the review to listen to the podcast)

If you want to go straight to the podcast online to listen, click here.

Podcast: Are Superheroes False Gods?

It’s not quite that simple. But there is much profundity in this discussion about our culture and superheroes.

Nate is one of my all-time favorite podcast hosts. This was an engrossing discussion.

Okay, I like the co-host Gene Gosewher too.

I talk alot so if you like to listen to me, you will love this podcast. If you hate the sound of my voice and my thoughts, then this will drive you up a wall.

Listen here.

Orbs in Photographs: Are They Spirits or Something Else?

I co-hosted the show again with the usual suspects, Michael Heiser, Trey Stricklin, Doug Overmyer and Natalina (Doug Van Dorn missing because he forgot and was raking the leaves in front of his house :-).

We veered off into an interesting rabbit hole of the dangers of Biblical hyperliteralism and the attempt to correlate the Bible with modern sciences. It’s a good one.

Listen here.


Snowflakes and Victims Beware: I’m Cohost of a New Podcast Called “The Offensive Christ.”

The unique and famous Doug TenNapel (Earthworm Jim, and Veggie Tales) invited me to cohost a new podcast along with Joe Potter and Mike Nelson (Of Mystery Science Theater fame).

It’s called The Offensive Christ, which kind of gives you an idea of our understanding of Truth.

Our goal is to talk about apologetics related topics without shame.

And a little bit edgy.

Check out our first episode here.

Subscribe and click the “bell” to get our latest when it comes out.


FTR Podcast: Apocalypse Now? Will There be a Third Temple? Is Trump the Antichrist? Foolish Theories Debunked

I was on the Fire Theft Radio podcast talking about this.

We discuss some of the main historical topics that of my latest novel that covers the meaning behind the eschatological temple. Will this temple be built in our time? Will the Trump administration have a roll in building it?

You are not going to want to miss this one.

Listen Here.


Peeranormal Podcast: The Truth Behind Halloween. Can it Be Redeemed?

I (Brian Godawa) was on this podcast about Halloween with Michael Heiser, Natalina Howeshell, Doug Van Dorn, Doug Overmyer and Trey Stricklin.

“Samhain” (pronounced “sow-in,” with the “ow” like in “cow,” or “sow-een,” with “ow” as in “glow”) is an Irish Gaelic term for the time of “summer’s end,” as well as a festival to mark the end of the harvest season and the onset of winter which, in the Gaelic / Celtic calendar, marked the beginning of the year.

Because the Celtic day began and ended at sunset, not sunrise, the festival was traditionally celebrated from October 31 to November 1. Samhaim is the ancient backdrop to Halloween, not only in terms of the calendar, but also in terms of basically all the modern elements of that holiday.

This episode investigates the history of Samhain and its curious links to the ancient biblical worldview of demons, giants, and the realm of the dead.

Listen Here!


Peeranormal Podcast: Quantum Physics and Metaphysics Part 3

This episode is the final in our series on quantum mechanics and its presumed relationship to metaphysical ideas, religion, theology, and the paranormal. As in Part 1 and Part 2, our panel welcomes Dr. Rob (“Putty”) Putman, who holds a PhD in theoretical quantum physics, but who is presently pastoring a church in Illinois. In this third and final episode, we focus on the phenomenon of quantum entanglement and ask questions about quantum computing and what metaphysical statements are reasonable to make on the basis of entanglement. Is everything in the universe connected? Is the statement “all is one” scientifically valid?