Mysterious Radio: End Times Prophecy – It’s Not What They Told You

I was on this very professionally crafted podcast talking about end times from a different viewpoint.

The host was very gracious and asked intelligent helpful questions that really help clarify the issues of Bible Prophecy.

I talk about my journey in Bible prophecy and how I discovered the common interpretation of the last days is severely crippled by being modern rather than ancient in its context.

Topics: Ancient context of prophecy, poetic language of prophecy and apocalyptic, modern misunderstandings, the nature of Inspiration of God’s Word, Bible translation.

Listen here at Mysterious Radio

Podcast: Joel 2 and Acts 2 – The Last Days & The Day of the Lord

A new podcast interview with Jared 2.0!

The prophet Joel predicts a judgment called the Day of the Lord.

Many Christians assume this applies to a time future to us that is the End of Time.

But in Acts 2, the holy Apostle Peter told us that it wasn’t in our future.

He said it was beginning to take place right then and there at the Day of Pentecost.

See how it all works out in the first century.

If you read the text through the eyes of ancient Hebrew.


Podcast: The Man of Lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians 2: He’s Not Who They Told You

I have a new interview with Jared 2.0! You’re not gonna want to miss this one.

Who is the Man of Lawlessness, or Man of Sin?

Is he the Antichrist? The Beast? Daniel’s Little Horn?

Is he in our future?

See why all the futurist views completely fail to understand this passage in its first century context.

And learn who it actually was in history!

You will learn how popular approaches are blinded to the text.


Podcast: 2 Peter 3 and the End of All Things

I have a new interview on Jared 2.0 podcast about End Times prophecy in the First Century.

Many Christians think that 2 Peter 3 about the Elements melting with heat and the New Heavens and Earth is about the end of the earth and time.

It’s not.

It’s about the spiritual reality of the New Covenant and the destruction of the temple in AD 70.

And I prove it from the Bible.

We must interpret prophecy in the context of the genre of symbolism of ancient Hebrew, NOT our own scientific literalism.


Podcast: New Testament Books on the Timing of Jesus’ Coming

New Testament passages that Prophecy Pundits Avoid.

What many of us do not realize is that Revelation and Matthew 24 are not the only places that speak clearly about Jesus coming in judgment by AD 70.

Most of the New Testament letters also speak of the event that they knew was coming.

And it did. Just like they said, “Soon,” “at the door,” “at hand.”

Jared and I exegete the many instances in the many passages of the many New Testament books.

You’ll ask yourself, “Why haven’t I seen these passages in this light before?”


Podcast: Ezekiel’s End Times Prophecies: It’s Not What They Told You

I have a new series of teachings on the Jared 2.0 podcast! This one is on the prophecies of Ezekiel.

The Valley of Dry Bones.

Gog and Magog.

The End Times Temple.

Jared and I look at all these controversial prophecies of Ezekiel.

Futurists still insist their sci-fi Marvel Universe interpretations are biblical.

But they keep turning out wrong.

See how these prophecies were fulfilled in the time of Esther and in the New Covenant.

It’s powerful, beautiful and biblically satisfying.

Check it out here.

Podcast: Daniel 12 – The Time of the End, NOT the End of Time

Jared Chrestman and I finish up our examination of Daniel with this climactic chapter.

When is the End of Days?

Is the Resurrection in this chapter a metaphor like in Ezekiel or literal?

Futurist speculations break down and just don’t address the complex web of prophetic symbolism that runs through the entire book and climaxes here.

Understand Daniel and you will understand the book of Revelation.

Watch it here.