The Sensible Hippie Podcast: The Spiritual World of Ancient China and the Bible

Discover the spiritual connections between ancient China and biblical narratives.

Explore Deuteronomy 32 worldview, territorial powers, and the sons of God.

Join us as Brian Godawa delves into the Deuteronomy 32 worldview, the concept of territorial powers and principalities over nations.

The conversation also touches on the influence of the Tower of Babel on the development of different cultures and mythologies, including Chinese dragon imagery.

Godawa’s novel “Qin” and its companion book explore these concepts in the context of the first emperor of China and his connection to the ancient world.

Brian explains how the biblical worldview differs from other ancient religions and sheds light on the fallen angels and the Nephilim through the book of 1 Enoch.

As a screenwriter, Godawa brings a concise and action-packed approach to his novels, embedding biblical themes without being preachy.


Watch or Listen on YouTube

Political Satire Movie My Son Hunter Now FREE Online – Hunter’s Laptop from Hell

I wrote the script for the political satire, My Son Hunter all about his infamous “Laptop from Hell.”

Last year, it had a big splash release online.

Hollywood refused to distribute it.

The dominant Leftist Media hated it.

The Deep State censored it.

But everything we dealt with in the movie has now come to light because of further congressional investigations.

We were right.

And we are funny.

The storytelling is brilliant. 🙂 🙂

Laurence Fox as Hunter Biden is hilarious.

John James as Joe Biden is genius.

If you haven’t had the chance to watch it, you can do so now FOR FREE!

Just go to this online site hosted by the producers.


New Jezebel and Qin Novels Ready for Pre-order

This is my first time doing a release of more than one book at a time.

I am rebooting my Chronicles of the Watchers series, and these are the first two books.

Chronicles of the Watchers: A Spin-off Series to Chronicles of the Nephilim

What if the pagan gods of the nations were fallen angelic Watchers from God’s throne? Chronicles of the Watchers charts the influence of spiritual warfare on human history, just like Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Book 1 is Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel
Ancient Israel thought Jezebel was bringing progress and change. She brought Baal, the storm god of Canaan.

Book 2 is Qin: Dragon Emperor of China
A Greek warrior travels to ancient China in search of a dragon. He finds Nephilim, Watchers and a mad emperor in search of eternal life.
NOTE: This is a re-release of the novel The Dragon King (2016) with a new title. There is nothing new in the novel. Just different title and cover.

Pre-order Jezebel here.

Pre-order Qin here.

Off the Grid Radio: Interview about Tower of Babel, Ancient China Connection

Off Grid News Logo


shutterstock_253490827I had a great interview with Off the Grid Radio about my latest novel, written with Charlie Wen of Marvel Studios fame.

I explain:

  • How biblical and historical fiction can actually assist in our knowledge of Scripture and other true events.
  • Why he chose to write about China – and how his novel can help us better understand our modern-day world.
  • How his newest series continues the paradigm of his first popular series, the Chronicles of the Nephilim.

Check out the interview here.

You can see the novel at Amazon here.

See the cast of characters and Charlie Wen’s artwork on the Dragon King website here.



Now You See TV: The Dragon King Interview with Brian Godawa

Jon Pounder did a great video interview for Now You See TV about The Dragon King.

We talked about The Tower of Babel and the Watcher paradigm and how it fits into the Bible and the history of ancient China. The Chinese language is pictorial and embodies elements of the Genesis narrative thousands of years before Genesis was written. How did the ancient Chinese worship ONE God without images in a time when nobody else did, except the Jews? And the Chinese had NO connection with the West or the Jews.

Or did they? Check it out.

Canary Cry Radio: The Dragon in China and Satanic Origins


Had a great interview with Basil and Gonz on Canary Cry Radio here.

WHAT IS THE ORIGIN OF THE DRAGON? The Bible describes the Dragon as Satan, the serpent, the nefarious rebel and adversary who has his own interest in mind at the expense of mankind. Meanwhile, in the ancient far east, the dragon has been a symbol of authority, royalty and class for a millennia. How might we in the west attempt to understand this seeming dichotomy? Was the ancient far east such as China and Japan influenced by Satan, and thus the dragon imagery? Or is there something else going on? The author of The Chronicles of the Nephilim Series and good friend of the podcast, Brian Godawa, dives into these topics through the Divine Council paradigm in his new book The Dragon King: First Emperor of China. This is the first of the new fiction and fantasy series by Brian called The Chronicles of the Watchers. Brian teamed up with former visual director of Marvel Studios, Charlie Wen, to tell an action-adventure romance rooted in the ancient history and spiritual reality of China.


Josh Peck Interviews Brian Godawa: Dragon King, Watchers, & Marvel Connection

I was interviewed by Josh Peck for the Sharpening Report on YouTube.

0:00 – Introduction
2:29 – Background on Charlie Wen and the Dragon King Story
14:30 – Chronicles of the Nephilim VS Chronicles of the Watchers
20:30 – Real History within a Fantasy Story
26:23 – Strange Structure over the Emperor’s Tomb
30:12 – Most Surprising Research for the Dragon King
35:29 – More on the Dragon King and Emperor’s Story
40:11 – What’s Next for Brian
42:57 – Viewer Questions
44:47 – Future Movies on Brian’s Books
46:59 – Biblical Chinese Dictionary and Research Materials
48:36 – Noahic Connections in the East
49:32 – Why Charlie Wen Left Marvel
50:54 – End of Viewer Questions
51:10 – Contact and Ordering Information
52:46 – Final Thoughts
58:12 – Conclusion
1:01:03 – Outtakes

The Tower of Babel and the Origin of China

What does the Tower of Babel have to do with China?

Special thanks to Jeralynn Kawewong Kozak for finding this video.

It speaks of the very thing my new novel, The Dragon King does, that the ancient Chinese language is a pictorial language that embodies the stories and theology of Genesis thousands of years before they ever had contact with the West or the Bible.

See this truth in action with The Dragon King.


The Dragon King on Audiobook. Tower of Babel, Giants, China, Dragons


It’s 220 B.C. The ancient Western Empire is crumbling. In a desperate bid to save his throne, the Greek king over Babylon sends his son, Antiochus, a dishonored warrior, into the mysterious land of the Far East to capture a mythical creature that will give him absolute power: a dragon. What he finds is an exotic world ruled by a brutal emperor on a mad quest to find the elixir of immortality.

Click here to check out the Audiobook of The Dragon King.