The Last Days of God’s Temple, AD 70: Great review of Chronicles of the Apocalypse. Even better podcast interview.

This is one of the best book reviews of my novel series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

The reason is because the reviewer, Jerry Bower, is both responsibly knowledgeable on the material AND read all the books.

PLEASE note, that the podcast link at the bottom of the page is even better than the review and one of the BEST interviews on the series ever. We talk about the historical event of the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, Josephus, the origin of the book of Revelation, 666, various interpretations of the end times and how they fail, false prophets of today, but also the supernatural dimension of the unseen realm as described by scholar Michael S. Heiser. I explain how I incorporate Heiser’s divine council and Watcher paradigm and how it fits into Revelation in the first century.

Read the review here.

(And don’t forget to click the link at the bottom of the review to listen to the podcast)

If you want to go straight to the podcast online to listen, click here.

Podcast: Apocalypse Part 3. Armageddon in the First Century.

This is the third part of my talk with Andy and Mel on The Not So Dissident Future podcast.

We discuss the implications of Revelation fulfilled in the first century.

What is there to look forward to? What comes next? What is the kingdom of God?

Mel and Andy chat with Hollywood Screenwriter and author of Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of The Apocalypse, Brian Godawa. They examine the theory that much of what Jesus predicted would happen ‘soon’, has actually happened in the 1st century.

Listen to it here.


Not Your Mother’s End Times Novel. The Last Days Are Not What They Told You

A great interview with Evan Minton at the Cerebral Faith Podcast.

We talked about the story of my series Chronicles of the Apocalypse. The first century, Nero Caesar, the persecution of Christians, the Roman war with the Jews and the destruction of the temple in AD 70.

And why Christians need to know about this most important spiritual event in Jewish and Christian history.

Listen to it here.

Josh Peck Podcast: Just What is a Preterist View of Bible Prophecy All About?

This is my most in-depth podcast interview on the subject of preterism and Bible Prophecy.

Josh Peck’s podcast, Peck Underground Church. It went five hours!

Josh is an enthusiastic and kind host who is gracious in disagreeing over issues like prophecy.

We talk all about my conversion out of Left Behindism, explicit passages that are an introduction to preterist interpretations, how we should treat those with whom we disagree over prophecy, Matthew 24, a little about Revelation, and we had a whole lotta fun!

You will too. You will be caught up in the fascinating pace of it all and will wonder, where did the hours go???

And then you will want to buy my books!

Watch the YouTube podcast here.

One Little Word Proves the Book of Revelation is NOT About the End of the Earth

Revelation is surely one of the most controversial and debated books of the Bible. It is visionary, it is fantastic, it is earth-shattering in its significance. And I had always assumed it was about the end of the world in our future. But I would eventually discover that it was not about the end of the world, but about the end of the old covenant and its earthly elements of holy city and temple in the past. It is earth-shattering in heavenly significance, but not in earthly geographic scope.

And I can prove that with one little word: earth.

To finish this article, please go here to, where I published the article.


Why Many Christians Completely Misunderstand Christ’s Cloud-Coming


And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Matthew 24:30

In the early years of my Christian faith, I assumed, like so many of my brethren, that Matthew 24:30 was a prophecy about the second coming of Christ in our future. The picture was one of Christ on his white horse surfing in on a cumulus nimbus up in the troposphere down to the earth below, because after all, we must take the Bible “literally,” right? It seemed obvious to my modern western scientific mindset.

Until I began to look into the ancient Jewish mindset and discovered that this terminology of Christ’s cloud-coming was a common word-picture with a tradition of very symbolic meaning that had precedent in the Old Testament.

And that biblical meaning was very different from what I had been taught.

Back to the Bible: This Generation

The first thing that caused cognitive dissonance in my “literalistic” interpretation of Christ’s cloud-coming was the actual context of Jesus’ prophecy. The cloud-coming was to be part of an entire sequence of events that Jesus began to explain in Matthew 23.

He condemned his generation of Jews and their leaders for rejecting his messianic identity. Jesus said those of his generation who were rejecting his messiahshipwould be guilty of all the blood of righteous prophets shed in the land of Israel from Abel unto their very day (Matt 23:35).

Then he says, “Truly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation” (23:36).

I discovered that every time Jesus used that phrase, “this generation,” he always used it to refer to the generation of people who were alive in his day, not to some future generation, as some Christians try to argue. Don’t trust prophecy pundits. Look it up for yourself like I did (Matt 11:16-19; 12:41-42; 12:45; 17:17; Luke 11:29; Mark 8:38).

And when you read those passages, you’ll notice like I did that Jesus always used “this generation” in a negative way to refer to his first-century generation being spiritually adulterous for rejecting him as the coming Messiah. They were rejecting God’s own “visitation” (Luke 19:41-44).

Remember Moses’ generation of Jews in the wilderness being judged for forty years for not believing the spies of Canaan? Same thing. Jesus was comparing his generation of unbelieving Jews to that unbelieving generation.

And the Lord’s anger was kindled against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation that had done evil in the sight of the Lordwas gone.
Numbers 32:13

Just like Moses’ generation were judged in forty years, so Jesus’ generation would be judged in forty years. But what things would come upon the contemporaries of Christ? Contextually, it included the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (Matt 23:37-24:2), as well as persecution of Christians (24:9), the abomination of desolation (v. 15), the great tribulation (v. 21), false christs (v. 23-24), and even Christ’s cloud-coming (v. 30).

We know the fulfillment of this prophecy includes everything in that passage because Jesus uses an “inclusio,” a repeated phrase before and after the sequence of events to include everything within the sequence.

He repeats himself in Matthew 24:34. “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.” That’s an inclusio.

Christ’s cloud-coming was within that inclusio (23:36-24:34). I could not deny it. To be biblically consistent, I had to include it within the events that would occur before the forty-year generation would pass away or die. Just like Jesus said.

Which made me reconsider that maybe, just maybe, my modern western hyperliteral interpretation of the cloud-coming may not be what Jesus meant it to be.

So I had to search more. And what I found confirmed my suspicion.

And it changed my life.

Go here to find out what it was. I published the article on


Podcast: Apocalypse Part 2. How Prophecy Pundits Get it Wrong.

This is a GREAT second part of an interview I had with Andy and Mel about the end times and the Bible.

Their show is called The Not So Dissident Future. I am humbled to have discovered that I have had an influence on changing their views.

Have prophetic events that many of us think are in the future actually happened already? Mel and Andy chat with Hollywood Screenwriter and author of Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of The Apocalypse, Brian Godawa. They examine the theory that much of what Jesus predicted would happen ‘soon’, has actually happened in the 1st century.

Listen to it here. You’re gonna love this one. It’s very in depth and biblical.


NEW RELEASE – Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb. Witness the Destruction of the Temple in AD 70.

I just released the last novel of the series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

It’s called Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb.

I believe this series is my magnum opus, the most important story I’ve written yet. And I just completed it with this 4th book.

Here is the logline:

Book 4 in the series. A.D. 70. Roman general Titus besieges Jerusalem with his armies. Christian doctor Alexander and his wife Cassandra are perilously separated by the war. Can she get back to him or will they never see each other again? The demons are released from the Abyss. The gods of the nations prepare for battle. The long-awaited climax is here: Armageddon.

You can get it on Amazon here.

Paperback or ebook.