September 23: Here’s Why Modern Bible Prophecy Pundits are Always Wrong

So, the latest conspiracy theory of Bible prophecy pundits is that September 23, 2017 will find an astronomical alignment predicted in Revelation 12 that will launch the End of Days. To be fair, not all prophecy geeks support this theory, but still, it is symbolic of the ongoing failure of all futurist End Times theories that plagues the history of Evangelical Christianity.

How are those Blood Moons working Out for You?

The basic theory is not worth the time, but I’ll quickly describe it (And, yes, there are many variations, so this is a generalization). It claims that the description of Revelation 12 is an astral prophecy that launches the rapture or other end times events leading to an “Antichrist” who claims to be the savior of our world that’s gone to hell in a hand basket. This Satanic figure masquerades as the Pope or Islamic mahdi, or whatever your idiosyncratic choice is, he makes a covenant with Israel, rebuilds the temple, reinstitutes the sacrifices, then breaks that covenant and turns on Israel, raises up the Beast and the mark of the Beast and leads all the nations into Armageddon against Jerusalem, where Jesus returns to stop it all.

This conspiracy theory has become so common, even godless secular people can recount it to you. I call it a conspiracy theory because if you examine history (see The Day and the Hour by Gummerlock) you’ll find this same kind of belief in every generation. Christians have claimed to be the final generation of the Last Days for centuries.

And they have always been wrong.

I know what you’re thinking. That doesn’t mean they are wrong now. Okay, here’s a prediction I’ll make. These new ones will be proven wrong too. How can I say this? because they are fundamentally misinterpreting Bible prophecies. Their scenario is not at all what the Scriptures are saying. More on that, later. Continue reading

Wars and Rumors of Wars: What Jesus Really Said

This author changed my view of the End Times.

Get 20% Off until the end of September!

You know that I don’t often recommend books to buy other than my own. And also, you know that Remnant is coming out soon, so I wouldn’t normally do this at this time.

But this author, Gary DeMar has been so influential on my own understanding of the End Times that I dedicated my entire Chronicles of the Apocalypse to him (and Ken Gentry).

I asked him if he would give me a special discount for my fans, and he did!

Click on the link below and use the code: ENDTIMES when you check out the book and you’ll get a 20% discount. It’s only good for that book. (It’s in paperback and CHEAPER in digital!)

I am not exaggerating. This guy is one of the clearest and most biblical writers on the topic.


CLICK HERE to see/buy Wars and Rumors of Wars by Gary DeMar


Eschaton Podcast: The Dirty Little Secret Bible Prophecy Pundits Don’t Want You To Discover

I was on this podcast. It was a great interview. One of my best yet.

We started talking about my new novel, “Tyrant: Rise of the Beast”, the first release in my new series “Chronicles of the Apocalypse.”

Then we talk about the new book before diving deep into a broader discussion about biblical prophecy and how to properly understand it in the modern age. Whether or not you believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God, if you have an interest in prophecy or are curious to know what the ancient authors meant by the “end times”, this is a conversation you won’t want to miss!

Website audio here

iTunes audio here

Fringe Radio Network audio here

RSS direct download audio here


Tyrant: Rise of the Beast Now on Audiobook – Angels, Demons, The Book of Revelation

Finally! It’s here!

Listen to the first of the Chronicles of the Apocalypse on Audio. (or get it on ebook or paper)

The apostle John writes the book of Revelation under the brutal regime of the evil emperor Nero. And the message of the secret apocalypse: The terrible judgment of God will shortly take place, and Jesus is coming quickly.

You will believe what happens next…

An epic tale of two cities: Rome and Jerusalem in the first century. A theological novel of spiritual warfare with angels and demons and the end of the old covenant age.

You can get it free if you start an Audible 30-Day Free Trial.

What is the Book of Revelation All About? Hint: It’s Not What They Told You.

I was on Nick Peter’s Deeper Waters Apologetics Podcast. It was a great interview. Lively, informative and exhaustive on the topic of the book of Revelation and the “last days” of Jesus’ teaching.  Boy, have modern prophecy pundits got it all wrong.

Listen to it here.

We talked about my journey of how I changed my mind in eschatology, as well as the book of Revelation and how it fits in the first century context. It will blow your mind. Nick is quite smart and knows how to ask penetrating questions that get right to the point.

And if you want to read his book review of my book Tyrant, click here.

He also reviewed my book End Times Bible Prophecy, here.



Is Brian Godawa a Last Days Heretic?

Am I a heretic?

Or just a timid voice of sanity in the wilderness of failed prophecy pundits?

I love these guys at Canary Cry. Best headline for any of my interviews yet.

We don’t have the same view of the end times, but they are gracious and fair and have a good sense of humor.

This interview was energetic and inspiring and intense!

We talked about my change of mind in eschatology (end times beliefs). We talked about the world of modern prophecy interpretation and how extreme and ungracious Christians can be with each other over non-essential doctrines. On that, we agreed!

We talked about my novel Tyrant: Rise of the Beast as well as my theological book on the end times, End Times Bible Prophecy: It’s Not What They Told You.

We talked about Jesus’ Olivet Discourse and Daniel and the Beast. Lively discussion. Helpful in sorting out the problems and issues.

Enjoy the show here.

SPOILER ALERT: I am happy to announce that they concluded I am not a heretic! 🙂



Omega Frequency: Persecuted Christians Under Nero – Similar to What’s Coming

This was a great interview I had with BDK on the Omega Frequency podcast.

Listen to it here.

Episode 94 features an in-depth look at some of the challenges the first generation of Christians faced while living under the rule of Nero. Under the Emperor Nero Rome prided it self on it’s multiculturalism. Early Christians faced many of the same cultural issues we face today. It might shock people to learn that under Rome, Christians had to stand against issues that we find ourselves wrestling with today. Because they would not compromise their faith, Nero branded them “the haters of the world”! Nero also blames the Great Fire of Rome on the Christians. This leads to the horrific persecution of the early church including the martyrdom of the apostles Peter and Paul. How did the earliest followers of Christ stand firm in their faith while living under the rule of a tyrant?

Of course, Christians in Muslim majority countries are already being persecuted in a similar manner. But it is rising in the U.S. too.

Fight the Bible Prophecy Industrial Complex

Are You Sick of “End Times” Same Ol’ Same Ol’?

I am. That’s why I went on the Alexxcast to talk about a new way of seeing Jesus’ prophecy about the End of the Age.

Alexx is not a Christian, but he is very open to hearing other viewpoints, so I do explain a lot of basics to help those who are not as familiar with the typical “Left Behind” scenario, and then I explain where it is wrong, so wrong.

And just what is right, so right. You gotta listen to find out. I promise it is informative and entertaining.

Listen to the podcast here.


Everything You’ve Heard About the Apocalypse is Wrong


Okay, maybe not EVERYTHING. But certainly most things. Shocking, but true. The typical scenario of a rapture, Antichrist, 7 year Tribulation etc. all in our future simply doesn’t hold up to Scripture. Find out where you can begin to discover a more biblical way of reading the End Times through the context of the ancient Jewish mindset not our own modern one.

I was on Off the Grid Podcast talking about my new series, Chronicles of the Apocalypse. It was a good show. Very informative and helpful.

Check out the podcast here.

Here is what they write about the interview:

Brian tells us:

  • Why he sees modern-day parallels between the times of Emperor Nero, who persecuted Christians, and events of today.
  • How the theology behind “Chronicles of the Apocalypse” differs from the “Left Behind” books.
  • Why Christians should not be afraid of reading biblical fantasy books – and how such books can encourage them.

Finally, Brian tells us how his interpretation of the book of Revelation differs from the more popular “Left Behind” interpretation.

We learned a lot about Scripture and the apocalypse during our discussion with Brian, and we know you will, too!


Conspirinormal Podcast Interview: Godawa on Chronicles of the Apocalypse

This was a great interview with a great host, Adam Sayne.

You are gonna love it. First off, he introduces the audience to the basic schools of eschatology and the end times.

Then at around 30:00 I come on and talk about the theological foundation of my new novel series, Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

I tell my own story of how I changed my view on the end times, I address Matthew 24 and the Last Days, the problem of hyperliteralism, as well as the ancient Hebrew background to understanding the imagery of the book of Revelation.

Listen to it here.