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Judah Maccabee: Parts 1 & 2

The Supernatural Story of Hanukkah.

A supernatural epic novel set about the Abomination of Desolation predicted by the Bible prophet Daniel that was fulfilled in the books of the Maccabees in the Apocrypha.

This is a 2-Part novel set.

In Israel, reluctant Jewish mercenary warrior Judah Maccabee falls in love with a beautiful and passionate Greek convert to Judaism, Sophia.

They marry and settle down to start a family around Judah’s four brothers and their father in Jerusalem.

But Judah is faced with the growing oppression of Greek Seleucid king Antiochus Epiphanes, who sets up the Abomination of Desolation in the Jerusalem temple: an altar of idolatry.

Then the king forces the Jews to give up their Torah Scriptures, as well as their religious devotion or they will die.

Judah is forced to make a choice between obedience to the wicked government for peace and safety or obedience to God with the danger of losing his wife, his family, and his country.

Spiritual Warfare

At the same time, this story delves into the demonic territorial spirits over Greece, Egypt, and Rome as they masquerade as gods of the nations.

And those fallen angels hate Israel’s God. They are planning a revolt of their own that ties back to the ancient Nephilim in the days of Joshua and before the Flood.

Biblical and Historical Research

Get the companion book, The Spiritual World of Ancient Israel and Greece to learn the amazing biblical and historical research behind the novel.

Spin-off Series to Chronicles of the Nephilim

What if the pagan gods of the nations were fallen angelic Watchers from God’s throne? The series Chronicles of the Watchers charts the influence of spiritual warfare on human history interwoven with Chronicles of the Nephilim andChronicles of the Apocalypse.