Peeranormal Podcast: Zombies in the Real World

Are zombies real or just something Hollywood is into nowadays? If you’ve ever seen the movie The Serpent and the Rainbow, you know the question is legitimate. That movie was based on a book by Wade Davis, who earned his PhD in part on the basis of his research into “zombification” in Haiti. Davis and others theorize that zombies are real, and that they are the result of specific drugs given to individuals against their will that produce zombie-like states and behavior.

The modern drug Flakka is a current, frightening example. Other researchers disagree, noting that zombie lore is very old and encompasses notions that sound a lot like demonization and possession.

This episode of PEERANORMAL explores the topic just in time for Halloween.

Catch the podcast here.


The Book of Revelation is about God Judging Israel, NOT the Earth

A View from the Bunker

Wait? How can that be? Haven’t we been told Revelation is about the judgment of the earth?

Well it’s not what they told you…

Shocking, yes, only because of a modern bias in interpreting the Bible through our worldview, instead of the ancient Jewish worldview.

A great discussion with Derek Gilbert, who does not agree with my view, but is very willing to entertain the conversation.

We talk all about my novels the Chronicles of the Apocalypse as well as the historical event of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70 and how it fits Matthew 24 and the book of Revelation.

You will find this fascinating.

Watch the podcast here.



TruthSeekah Podcast: The End Times – What You Are Not Being Told

A great podcast interview with TruthSeekah about the End Times. We talked about how the prophecies of the Last Days were not the Last Days of the earth, but the Last Days of the Old Covenant. If this is true then the entire paradigm of Bible prophecy that most Christians are following must be changed.

Listen how you can begin to do so. Check out the podcast here.


2 Heretics Again: Part 2 of the Great End Times Discussion

Me and Rob Skiba again! The guy is smart, sharp, he’s got a good sense of humor, and he’s a very fair host.

It’s so hard, trying not to fall into the trap of saying that every new podcast interview is “the best one yet.”  That dilutes the phrase. It’s a dangerous slippery slope into click bait.

But I have to say this series of discussions truly are the best interviews I’ve had. We go deep into issues and because it’s a series, we cover a lot more ground than I have before.

This interview starts out on the poetry of Bible prophecy. Metaphors, hyperbole, symbols versus “literal.” What about double fulfillment? Are the Last Days in our future or were they in our past as the Last Days of the Old Covenant?

Listen here to the podcast online. You’ll be glad you did.

Part 1 is on the same page as Part 2 if you want to listen to it.

Part 3 is coming next week. We’ll talk about the book of Revelation specifically.


Blade Runner 2049: Boring Soulless Mediocre Atheist Christ Story

Decades after the original, a new blade runner is tasked to hunt down a replicant that was “miraculously” born. Such a birth would justify giving replicants “human dignity,” and thereby stop their slavery to humans.

The original cool movie concept of a hunter of A.I. robots becoming the hunted has turned into another sophomoric attempt to philosophize that bleeds contempt for the audience by delivering no real action and long boring 1980s camerawork that lasts a sleep-inducing 2 hours and 44 minutes.

I don’t even want to waste my time blogging on this, but if I do, then you don’t have to waste your time regretting watching it.

I had originally assumed Ridley Scott directed this, but he only exec produced it. So…

My God, when are these Hollywood “artistes” going to stop trying to subvert the Bible with atheist Christ stories and God hatred? I’m praying that Denis Villeneuve, the director, is doing this because he’s being bothered in his conscience as he faces his own mortality. But I fear a more cynical reality that he is just another filmmaker who thinks he’s being “deep” by adding religious themes he doesn’t even believe in to a story he’s trying to make profound.

What is the line between machine and humanity? Do our dreams constitute our reality?

It seems that this is the era where atheist propaganda movies have achieved the preachy mediocrity of Christian propaganda movies. Now, when they throw out “God’s Not Dead” and “Fireproof,” we can say, “Oh, yeah? What about Alien Covenant and Blade Runner 2049?” And Exodus: God’s and Kings? And Noah?

Give me the hearty paganism of Gladiator any day over this heartless soulless atheism. (It’s paganism is not ultimately satisfying either, but it connects more deeply with our universal hunger for transcendence in a way that BR 2048 cannot.)

Soullessness is Boring

First off, the very premise upon which the entire movie rests is the atheistic evolutionary fairy tale that “souls” or consciousness arises or grows out of material complexity. This is all the rage now in some brain science circles etc. They have no actual explanatory mechanism for this “miracle” of matter sprouting “soul,” they just believe it happens. It “self-organizes.” This is what’s called in science, “just so” stories, or “magical thinking.”

And they laugh at Christians?

Ironically, the movie still operates within a modernist paradigm of Greek dualism that argues that humans are “ghosts in machines.” The Gnostic version says it this way: “the body is a prisonhouse of the soul.” Be that as it may, it’s the same delusion of A.I. movies all over. There is some point at which machines and/or their programming become so complex that they sprout souls.

This is actually a reductionism that reduces spirit to properties of matter. They try to deny that and craft clever ways of “transcending” materiality, but they cannot do so. And we humans know this when we watch these stories. Which means that when such atheist premises are engaged in the course of “love stories” between robots and other such “dignifying” activities, the audience knows as they watch that it’s a contradiction. Even if they don’t know it intellectually, or they can’t put their finger on it, they can sense it as they watch. Robots and programs are not humans, and no amount of verisimilitude can change that. Verisimilitude is a means of deception. And I think the audience can sense that truth.

Now, here’s how the deception tries to mimic truth… Continue reading

2 Heretics & the Last Days: Revelation is Not What They Told You

This is a FASCINATING discussion. One of my most interesting.

I was on Rob Skiba’s podcast talking about the End Times and the failure of modern Bible Prophecy pundits over and over and over again.

With such a track record of absolute and total failures, maybe it’s not because individuals are wrong in specific interpretations. Maybe its the entire system that is wrong.

Consider something radically different. Consider preterism…

What happens when two heretics discuss opposing views on the End Times? Find out in this first of a multi-part series, which will compare Brian Godawa’s Preterist views versus Rob Skiba’s Futurist views concerning what the Bible calls the “Last Days.” In this broadcast, Brian lays out the foundation for why he no longer believes in the Futurist position, as described in his latest series of books.

Listen on YouTube here.

Listen on Truth Frequency here (you can download)


The Controversy Over Israel and the End Times

Now Available in Paperback and Ebook

The more I study this issue, the more I see it as crucially important to understanding the Gospel. And the more I come to realize how many Christians misunderstand this issue in today’s climate of “End Times” conspiracy theories.

It’s not a big book, it’s just 106 pages. Packed with Scripture and the kind of fascinating theological insights you’ve come to expect from this theo-dramatic writer.

Israel: the Chosen People, the children of Abraham. They were God’s elect in the Old Testament. But why were they so special to God? And does that specialness carry over to the New Testament? But what about the Church of Jesus Christ? Are there 2 Peoples of God?

It’s all about Jesus, folks. The Old Testament is all about Jesus.

I examine how the promise of God to Abraham was fulfilled in the New Testament through the faithful Israelite, Jesus the Messiah, and how that changes everything.

Get it in Paperback here

Get it as Ebook here


Please Support these Most Courageous Storytellers in Hollywood

Here is an opportunity to do something active regarding changing our culture for the better.

Phelim McAleer and his wife Ann McElhinney, are the most boldly courageous filmmakers I have met. I am working with Phelim on a project so this is very personal to me. This is not just an idea or a distant and cold cultural observation.

Take a look at their trail of storytelling righteousness…

They spoke truth to the power of Big Green by making the documentary Frack Nation. This doc uncovered the malicious lies of the anti-fracking movement and “documentary” Gasland. They raised their own funds through Kickstarter to make it. It’s now on Netflix and Amazon Video. They showed the truth about fracking, that quite literally has saved our nation.

Phelim and Ann made history by raising their own funds of a couple million dollars to make a feature film (and book) about America’s worst serial killer, Hermit Gosnell. The press and everybody ignored this monster because he was an abortionist who engaged in infanticide. You read that right. Infanticide, not merely abortion. I’ve seen the movie, called, Gosnell. It’s a good movie. And it’s a courtroom drama, not a politicized piece. It has no gruesome pictures. It’s about the humanity of those who uncovered his dark crimes. But no distributor in Hollywood will touch it, because, well, Infanticide is a woman’s right to the Left. So Phelim and Ann are raising their own funds to distribute.

The New York Times suppressed their book about Gosnell from their best-sellers list, because, well, infanticide is a woman’s right to the  NYT.

When Kickstarter found out about the Gosnell project, it banned them from their website, because, well, infanticide is a woman’s right to Kickstarter. So Phelim and Ann went to Indiegogo, a more tolerant and inclusive fundraising website for their next projects… Continue reading