What was God doing between the Old and New Testaments?
There was a four-hundred-year gap between the last Old Testament prophet and the New Testament arrival of Jesus Christ. It’s called the Intertestamental period.
What many people don’t realize is that there were some very significant things happening and they were related to the Bible and its prophecies as described by the prophet Daniel.
This book explores some of the biblical and historical meaning of it all.
Written by respected Christian author Brian Godawa, known for his popular book, When Giants Were Upon the Earth, about Nephilim giants, Watchers, angels, demons, pagan gods and other supernatural oddities in the Bible and the unseen realm.
This book contains the biblical and historical research behind Godawa’s novels Judah Maccabee: Parts 1&2, of the series Chronicles of the Watchers.
But don’t worry, you don’t have to read the Judah Maccabee novels to get the tremendous biblical value out of this book.
Fascinating Biblical things you will learn:
- What is the Septuagint and why is it important?
- What are the books of the Apocrypha and should they be in the Bible?
- What are the Books of Maccabees about?
- What is the origin of the Jewish festival Hanukkah and why isn’t it in the Bible?
- Why was God silent during the Intertestamental period?
- Was God absent from the temple during this time?
- How was Hellenism so significant an influence on Judaism and Christianity?
- Are the female warrior Amazons of Greek myth real?
- How does the story of the Maccabees fulfill prophecies of Daniel?
- The shocking truth of how Greek myth borrowed from Jewish/Semitic religion.
- How the Greek pantheon fits into the biblical concept of gods of the nations.
- What is the Abomination of Desolation in the book of Daniel?
- How is the Abomination of Desolation quoted by Jesus Christ different?
- And much more!
Buy this book and get an education in the spiritual world of the Bible that surrounds the story of the Maccabees, the prophecies of Daniel, and informs the supernatural premise of the Biblical novel series Chronicles of the Watchers.