Jared Chrestman and I talk through Revelation 12 through 13:10.
The Red Dragon, The Woman, The Child.
And the monstrous Sea Beast with seven heads.
Most Bible prophecy pundits are not going to tell you this…
Jared Chrestman and I talk through Revelation 12 through 13:10.
The Red Dragon, The Woman, The Child.
And the monstrous Sea Beast with seven heads.
Most Bible prophecy pundits are not going to tell you this…
Jared Chrestman and I talk through Revelation 8, 9 and 10.
The 7 Trumpet judgments.
Blood, fire, demonic locusts.
And they aren’t what the Bible prophecy industrial complex usually tells you.
Prophecy speculators for the future are way off.
They’ve always been wrong.
Now, check out an answer that uses the Biblical principle of Scripture interpreting Scripture instead of newspapers interpreting Scripture.
Fascinating explanation of the first century understanding of Revelation.
This episode: Revelation 6 and 7.
This is part five of our series walking through the book of Revelation chapter by chapter.
Brian Godawa on Jared Chrestman’s Through the Black podcast.
Who are the Two Witnesses? Literal? Symbolic? In the future? Or in our past?
The answer will shock most of you. But the answer is also based on solid rock Biblical exegesis, NOT newspaper exegesis.
Sit back, and have your mind blown—as well as your eschatology.
Check out the whole series here.
This is a great interview.
Jared Chrestman and I went through Matthew 24 almost verse by verse to show how it was all fulfilled by AD 70.
Yes, that’s right. All of it.
Even Christ coming on the clouds.
As a famous movie line goes, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
Had a great long talk with Jared Chrestman on his podcast.
We talked about the popular misunderstandings of End Times Bible prophecy,
as well as my novel series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.
Very exciting and entertaining talk.
Enjoy. I did.
This is one of the best book reviews of my novel series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.
The reason is because the reviewer, Jerry Bower, is both responsibly knowledgeable on the material AND read all the books.
PLEASE note, that the podcast link at the bottom of the page is even better than the review and one of the BEST interviews on the series ever. We talk about the historical event of the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, Josephus, the origin of the book of Revelation, 666, various interpretations of the end times and how they fail, false prophets of today, but also the supernatural dimension of the unseen realm as described by scholar Michael S. Heiser. I explain how I incorporate Heiser’s divine council and Watcher paradigm and how it fits into Revelation in the first century.
(And don’t forget to click the link at the bottom of the review to listen to the podcast)
If you want to go straight to the podcast online to listen, click here.
This is the third part of my talk with Andy and Mel on The Not So Dissident Future podcast.
We discuss the implications of Revelation fulfilled in the first century.
What is there to look forward to? What comes next? What is the kingdom of God?
Mel and Andy chat with Hollywood Screenwriter and author of Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of The Apocalypse, Brian Godawa. They examine the theory that much of what Jesus predicted would happen ‘soon’, has actually happened in the 1st century.
A great interview with Evan Minton at the Cerebral Faith Podcast.
We talked about the story of my series Chronicles of the Apocalypse. The first century, Nero Caesar, the persecution of Christians, the Roman war with the Jews and the destruction of the temple in AD 70.
And why Christians need to know about this most important spiritual event in Jewish and Christian history.
Kenneth Gentry, a significant scholar of eschatology and the book of Revelation endorsed my Chronicles of the Apocalypse.
This is significant, because he is coming out with a commentary on the Book of Revelation THIS YEAR called “The Divorce of Israel.”
It is a game-changer on Bible prophecy and Revelation. I am not exaggerating.
It was Gentry’s scholarship that opened my eyes to the eschatological viewpoint in my novel series. And I footnote him a lot in my novels from that new commentary because he gave me an advance copy of it to read.
His books on the subject are already classics. Check out “The Beast of Revelation,” “Before Jerusalem Fell,” “The Book of Revelation Made Easy” and others at www.kennethgentry.com