Am I a heretic?
Or just a timid voice of sanity in the wilderness of failed prophecy pundits?
I love these guys at Canary Cry. Best headline for any of my interviews yet.
We don’t have the same view of the end times, but they are gracious and fair and have a good sense of humor.
This interview was energetic and inspiring and intense!
We talked about my change of mind in eschatology (end times beliefs). We talked about the world of modern prophecy interpretation and how extreme and ungracious Christians can be with each other over non-essential doctrines. On that, we agreed!
We talked about my novel Tyrant: Rise of the Beast as well as my theological book on the end times, End Times Bible Prophecy: It’s Not What They Told You.
We talked about Jesus’ Olivet Discourse and Daniel and the Beast. Lively discussion. Helpful in sorting out the problems and issues.
SPOILER ALERT: I am happy to announce that they concluded I am not a heretic! 🙂