Godawa Announces New Theological Thriller Novel “Cruel Logic” on Eric Metaxas Show

I was on Eric Metaxas talking about the release of my new theological thriller novel, Cruel Logic: The Philosopher Killer.

But we also talked about my faith story, my movie career and my Nephilim novels!

Eric was a great host.

Watch or listen here.


Iron and Myth 19: Christian Horror as a Storytelling Genre by God

With the buzz around the recent horror film Nefarious, which presents a more theologically accurate picture of demonic possession than pretty much anything else from Hollywood, we address the question: Can Christians use horror as an apologetic?

Joining us for our monthly Iron and Myth round table are award-winning screenwriter and best-selling author Brian Godawa (Godawa.com), Pastor Doug Van Dorn (DouglasVanDorn.com), author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton (BurtonBeyond.net), author of Interview With the Giant: Ethnohistorical Notes on the Nephilim.

Watch or Listen Here

Podcast: The Best Summary I’ve Ever Done on the Nephilim and Watchers Paradigm in Scripture


I was on the Flyover Conservatives podcast with David Whited.

I am telling you, this is THE best summary, complete with Scriptures, that I have ever done on the Nephilim and the Watchers.

I traced the War of the Seed from Genesis 3 to Jesus, and talked about Giants in the Bible. They’re not just an anomaly. They are a theological message.

I talked about the Divine Council, the Deuteronomy 32 worldview, The Watcher paradigm as it is also traced through all of Scripture.

And how these two theological threads weave a tapestry through the Bible.

Very thorough. Very lively.

You’re gonna love it.

Watch or Listen here on Rumble

Iron and Myth Podcast: The Origin of Demons

DEMONS ARE the spirits of the giants destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

At least, that’s what Jews of the Second Temple period and the early Christian church believed.

Author and pastor Doug Van Dorn, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton join Derek Gilbert’s podcast for our monthly Iron and Myth round table to discuss the origin of evil spirits. We dig into what the Bible says about these spirits, extrabiblical texts, and startling evidence that the demigod heroes of Greece like Herakles and Perseus were the Rephaim of the Amorites, Canaanites, and Hebrews.

Watch or listen here

Tribute to Dr. Michael Heiser – Iron and Myth Podcast

Renowned Bible scholar, author, friend, and mentor Dr. Michael Heiser stepped into eternity Monday, February 20, 2023.

All of us owe Mike a debt. Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Pastor Doug Van Dorn return this week with Derek Gilbert to share memories of Mike—how we first became aware of his work, how it’s influenced our lives, and the legacy Mike leaves behind.

Watch or listen here


Podcast: The Demography of Demons – Underworld, Rephaim and More

I was on Derek Gilbert’s channel again, the podcast Iron and Myth.

Who or what are demons? Where do they come from, and how are they different from fallen angels?

Author and pastor Doug Van Dorn, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton join best-selling author and biblical researcher Derek Gilbert for our monthly Iron and Myth round table to discuss evil spirits of the unseen realm—and the connections between the heroes of Greek mythology and the Nephilim of the Bible.

Watch or Listen Here

Podcast: The Gospel Creates Order Out of Chaos. A Positive Vision of Christian Faith in Culture

I was on this podcast, Shekinah Publishing.

It was a great time. In Part One I gave my personal testimony of my faith in Hollywood and writing novels with an eye toward subverting the culture with positive Christian faith.

Here is Part One

In part two, I talk about having a positive Christian vision for culture rather than the defeatist approach.

So many Christians are overcome by the vast evil in this world, and it is really there.

But how do you live the Bible truth that “Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world”?

Here is Part Two

Check them out. These are real heartfelt discussions.

Podcast: God the Son and the Sons of God – Jesus and the Divine Council

I was on The Mad Ones Podcast with Cam Harliss.

The episode is titled: Episode 161 – Reversing Hermon: When God Became Man with Brian Godawa

It is THE best detailed summary of the divine council worldview in the Bible that I have ever given.

And it works into the incarnation of Jesus the Christ and the sonship of Christians.

You gotta listen to this one. it will become a classic.

Listen here online

Or listen here on Apple Podcasts


My Son Hunter Movie: A Satire About the Laptop from Hell

I don’t post much.

So, when I do, it’s important.

You will definitely want to know about my new movie coming out soon.

It’s called My Son Hunter, and it’s NOT a documentary, it’s a political satire that stars Laurence Fox as Hunter Biden and Gina Carano as a Secret Service Agent protecting Joe Biden.

I was interviewed by the producer on the Ann and Phelim Scoop podcast.

Watch this interview as I talk about our desire to make a movie about Hunter’s laptop that was a political satire, but also one that dealt with his humanity and his tragic flaws in a moral tale of finding truth in a world of lies.