Pandemic Movies: In Depth Podcast Look from a Christian Worldview – Godawa & Mohr

I did this detailed podcast with Chris Mohr, a fellow storytelling professional about Pandemic Movies.

There are 3 parts. I promise it’s all fascinating, if you love movies, and especially pandemic movies, like viruses and zombie apocalypses.

Listen to the first episode here.

But it will also show you a playlist for the next two episodes.


Here are the topics:

Episode 1: Pandemic Movies: Viruses, Achoo!

00:00  Intro to Brian and Chris
09:45  Pandemic Movies and God
16:53  Contagion
42:50  Outbreak
50:53  Flu
63:00  Carriers

Episode 2: Pandemic Movies: The Zombie Apocalypse Part 1

00:00  Intro
03:30  Horror genre
18:00  Zombie genre
39:20  Night of the Living Dead
56:00  28 Days Later
68:00  Twilight Zone
77:00  28 Weeks Later

Episode 3: Pandemic Movies: The Zombie Apocalypse Part 2

00:00  Intro Horror
04:10  I am Legend Novel
05:40  The Last Man on Earth
12:50  The Omega Man
26:10  I Am Legend
53:20  Race in Movies
60:00  The Walking Dead
77:00  Writers controlling their writing
80:20  Walking Dead part 2

Matthew 24 Fulfilled in the Past: Brian Godawa on Through The Black Podcast

This is a great interview.

Jared Chrestman and I went through Matthew 24 almost verse by verse to show how it was all fulfilled by AD 70.

Yes, that’s right. All of it.

Even Christ coming on the clouds.

As a famous movie line goes, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

Check it out here.

My Midrash on Human Origins. An Article Interview with

Did you know that Midrash is a well known way that ancient Jews retold Bible stories to their generation? Well, these guys picked up that I was following that ancient literary technique. Bravo!

I was grateful that, even though they do not agree with me on some important things, they were still willing to interview me about some things they thought were worthy of discussion in the Christian world.

Well done interview.

Check it out here.

Censored Interview Now Available: Daily Renegade Podcast – An Evening with Yahweh, Elijah, Jezebel and Baal

This is a great interview with the Radical Christian on Daily Renegade.

I previously posted it and found out it was censored by YouTube.

Well, Drew, the host re-uploaded it. So check it out.

We talk about my novel Jezebel and how it links with the supernatural realm.

He also has very cool visuals that he cuts into the podcast.

Watch it here. Before it’s censored again.

A New Kind of Storytelling for Book Readers: Screenplays as Literature Series

Read the script. Imagine the movie.

Screenplays as Literature Series are movie scripts published for readers to enjoy concise storytelling with a twist.

Scripts are blueprints for producing films. Longer than a short story. Shorter than a novel.

You’ll learn how to read a script so you can watch the movie in your mind as you read the story on the page.

I have 12 plus books in this series, in many genres like Historical Epics, Fantasy, Thrillers, Crime Detective and even a family time traveling comedy!

I have read screenplays for many years because I am a screenwriter. But I realized that you don’t have to be a screenwriter to enjoy the power of a screenplay.

It’s more concise and economic storytelling, so it moves at a fast pace.

It paints in a broader brush than a scene in a novel, but it captures depth of character through dialogue and actions like no other medium of writing.

Every word in a screenplay counts and has meaning. So they can actually be quite deep while being shorter reads.

If you haven’t read a screenplay (or if you have), try one of your favorite genres in the Screenplays as Literature Series.

You might find a new kind of storytelling that is different from short stories or long novels, but in a fascinating fresh new way!

Check out the series here.