The Sensible Hippie Podcast: The Spiritual World of Ancient China and the Bible

Discover the spiritual connections between ancient China and biblical narratives.

Explore Deuteronomy 32 worldview, territorial powers, and the sons of God.

Join us as Brian Godawa delves into the Deuteronomy 32 worldview, the concept of territorial powers and principalities over nations.

The conversation also touches on the influence of the Tower of Babel on the development of different cultures and mythologies, including Chinese dragon imagery.

Godawa’s novel “Qin” and its companion book explore these concepts in the context of the first emperor of China and his connection to the ancient world.

Brian explains how the biblical worldview differs from other ancient religions and sheds light on the fallen angels and the Nephilim through the book of 1 Enoch.

As a screenwriter, Godawa brings a concise and action-packed approach to his novels, embedding biblical themes without being preachy.


Watch or Listen on YouTube

New Book Trailer for Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel.

Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel.

An epic Bible novel about the supernatural conflict between ruthless Queen Jezebel, fiery prophet Elijah and heroic warrior Jehu, protector of Israel.

Hell is unleashed as the demonic gods of Canaan fight the archangels of God for control of the Holy Land.

Respected Christian author Brian Godawa reveals the unseen realm in this biblically faithful spiritual warfare novel like never before.

Part of the supernatural epic Bible novel series Chronicles of the Watchers.

What if the pagan gods of the nations were fallen angelic Watchers from God’s throne? Jezebel: Harlot Queen of Israel is part of the series Chronicles of the Watchers that charts the influence of spiritual warfare on human history.

See Jezebel and other novels in the series at Amazon:


God’s Comic Brad Stine Interviews Brian Godawa on Conversion, Hollywood and Nephilim

I was on Brad Stine’s podcast to talk about my conversion to Christianity, my Hollywood screenwriting and my wildly successful Nephilim novels.

Brad is an interesting guy. I actually met him many years ago when he first started out. I did the graphic design for some of his marketing when he was with Clean Comedians.

My interview starts at 14:53.

Watch or listen here.

At the Table Podcast: From Hollywood to Biblical Novels to Philosophical Serial Killers


This was an interesting interview.

I talked to the guys on At the Table Podcast about my origins in Hollywood and how that lead to becoming a best-selling author of Bible novels!

Then we talked about my newest novel, a theological thriller called Cruel Logic: The Philosopher Killer.

Sit back and enjoy this fun discussion. I did.

Listen on Spotify here

Listen on Apple Podcasts here


Giant Steps Podcast: All About Nephilim, Bible Novels and Hollywood

Here is what my interviewer, Doug Van Dorn wrote about this interview:

Acclaimed Author/Novelist/Script Writer Brian Godawa takes us into the heart and soul of his work.

With a vast and wildly popular catalog of writings that span everything from fiction book series to Hollywood films, Brian shares with us, everything from where he draws inspiration to how he manages his writing process.

A must-listen for fans of his work and for those who wish to discover new and quality, reality-based fictional literature!



Myth, Imagination, Gods, Apologetics. Godawa Podcast Interview

I was on this new podcast with Nikola called Myths, Mysteries and Majesties.

We talk about my story as well as What is actually a myth? What is the role of imagination? What’s the ontological reality of other gods? Was polemics used as an apologetic tool in the Bible? How did the ancients see the universe being structured?

Watch or Listen Here.

Final Frontier Podcast: Godawa on all things Nephilim, Watchers and Psalm 82

I was on the Final Frontier podcast and had a great interview talking about the Divine Council worldview, Deuteronomy 32, Nephilim giants, Watchers, Principalities and Powers, Psalm 82 and the judgment of the Watchers at the destruction of the holy temple in AD 70.

Some challenging questions they gave!

Watch or listen here on BitChute

Podcast: The Best Summary I’ve Ever Done on the Nephilim and Watchers Paradigm in Scripture


I was on the Flyover Conservatives podcast with David Whited.

I am telling you, this is THE best summary, complete with Scriptures, that I have ever done on the Nephilim and the Watchers.

I traced the War of the Seed from Genesis 3 to Jesus, and talked about Giants in the Bible. They’re not just an anomaly. They are a theological message.

I talked about the Divine Council, the Deuteronomy 32 worldview, The Watcher paradigm as it is also traced through all of Scripture.

And how these two theological threads weave a tapestry through the Bible.

Very thorough. Very lively.

You’re gonna love it.

Watch or Listen here on Rumble

Chronicles of the Nephilim Full-Color Character Picture Book Now Available

These full-color pictures of my cast of characters in every Chronicles novel will blow your imagination! From Noah Primeval to Jesus Triumphant. All 8 novels!

I have hired the great AI artist, Cam Harless, to do the images with my direction. He is famous for his AI image posters of US Presidents reimagined as babies, as comic book villians, and with mullet hair cuts! (, Twitter: @hamcarless).

And now I finally have released an 80 page full-color book of all those characters, both major and minor, including alot of the supernatural creatures in the novels. Wait till you see the many iterations of Leviathan! My Nephilim are the scariest realistic looking images of giants. And my heroes, Noah, Enoch, David, Joshua, Jesus are memorable.

It’s a GREAT handy visual reference as you read the novels. They’ll boost your imagination as you read the novels.

And this collector’s item is available in hardcover, paperback and ebook exclusively on Amazon.

You will LOVE this addition of visual imagination to the Chronicles universe.

You will believe.

And, YES, I am working on a Character Picture Book for the Chronicles of the Watchers and Chronicles of the Apocalypse. I’ll let you know when that is available.

In the meantime…

Check out the New Picture Book here (in paperback, hardcover or Kindle)

Iron and Myth Podcast: The Origin of Demons

DEMONS ARE the spirits of the giants destroyed in the Flood of Noah.

At least, that’s what Jews of the Second Temple period and the early Christian church believed.

Author and pastor Doug Van Dorn, bestselling author and award-winning screenwriter Brian Godawa, and Director of the Institute of Biblical Anthropology Dr. Judd Burton join Derek Gilbert’s podcast for our monthly Iron and Myth round table to discuss the origin of evil spirits. We dig into what the Bible says about these spirits, extrabiblical texts, and startling evidence that the demigod heroes of Greece like Herakles and Perseus were the Rephaim of the Amorites, Canaanites, and Hebrews.

Watch or listen here