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Select audio and video teaching only.
This is a GREAT second part of an interview I had with Andy and Mel about the end times and the Bible.
Their show is called The Not So Dissident Future. I am humbled to have discovered that I have had an influence on changing their views.
Have prophetic events that many of us think are in the future actually happened already? Mel and Andy chat with Hollywood Screenwriter and author of Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of The Apocalypse, Brian Godawa. They examine the theory that much of what Jesus predicted would happen ‘soon’, has actually happened in the 1st century.
Listen to it here. You’re gonna love this one. It’s very in depth and biblical.
I was on the AK47 Podcast, hosted by Aaron Gleason.
Aaron interviews bestselling author Brian Godawa and they discuss the weird stuff in the Bible. Brian has written several series of “Theological Novels” (Aaron, in his characteristically pretentious style describes them as “Didactic Christian Myth”) which explore the more bizarre (but scholarly accurate) aspects of the Old Testament. We discuss the book of Enoch, Giants, Angels, Demons, and other aspects of what Dr. Michael Heiser calls the Deuteronomy 32 worldview. Even the Epic of Gilgamesh comes up at one point. We talk alot about Michael Heiser and his work.
Okay, this won’t last forever, but it’s still cool to see.
All the top eleven of Religious Biblical Fiction are my Chronicles of the Nephilim and Apocalypse.
Maybe you might want to consider checking out the series to see what it’s all about.
Just go to the Godawa.com store here to see the offers.
Offer Good Only for Today.
Then the deals go away. That’s not just advertising lingo.
Just go to the Godawa.com store here to see the offers.
Offer Good November 23 – 26.
That’s only 4 Days! Hurry up!
I just released the last novel of the series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.
It’s called Judgment: Wrath of the Lamb.
I believe this series is my magnum opus, the most important story I’ve written yet. And I just completed it with this 4th book.
Here is the logline:
Book 4 in the series. A.D. 70. Roman general Titus besieges Jerusalem with his armies. Christian doctor Alexander and his wife Cassandra are perilously separated by the war. Can she get back to him or will they never see each other again? The demons are released from the Abyss. The gods of the nations prepare for battle. The long-awaited climax is here: Armageddon.
You can get it on Amazon here.
Paperback or ebook.
I was on the Hollywood in Toto podcast with Christian Toto.
It was a great interview. We talked about Hollywood Worldviews, Chronicles of the Nephilim, and my upcoming projects.
Christian is a very smart insightful conservative film
I was on the Fire Theft Radio podcast talking about this.
We discuss some of the main historical topics that of my latest novel that covers the meaning behind the eschatological temple. Will this temple be built in our time? Will the Trump administration have a roll in building it?
You are not going to want to miss this one.
I had one of my favorite interviews by my new friends at The Not Too Dissident Future Podcast, Mel and Andy.
We talk about the Nephilim, the Unseen Realm, Giants, Leviathan, and transition to the End Times, why so many Christians get it so wrong and what Jesus really said about it.
The coolness is just beginning.
You’re going to love this one! They’re great interviewers.