Tyrant: Rise of the Beast – Only 99¢ – First Book of Best-Selling Biblical Fiction Series

For the next few days only.

Don’t be left behind in missing this Origin Story of the Book of Revelation.

Here is the premise: Rome, A.D. 65. A Roman warrior and his Jewish servant are ordered by the evil emperor Nero to track down a secret Christian document that undermines the Roman empire and predicts the end of the world. But they’re not prepared for the spiritual warfare they’ve unleashed. The truth behind the origin of the most controversial book of the Bible: Revelation. A historical conspiracy thriller with angels and demons.

It’s kinda like Game of Thrones meets Frank Peretti. And it’s meticulously researched for historical accuracy.

Check it out here.


Splinter in the Mind’s Eye Podcast: Truth and Writing Biblical Fiction about Ancient Israel

I had a great interview with Mark Combs on the podcast Splinter in the Mind’s Eye.

We talked about the nature of writing biblical fiction and some of the personal aspects of storytelling.

We also talked about my new novel Resistant: Revolt of the Jews and the most important event in ancient Israel’s history that many Christians know very little about.

Listen here


Will The Rapture Happen August 12, 2018? NO! Here is Why Prophecy Pundits are Always Wrong.

I had a very in-depth and intense discussion on TruthSeekah about my new book Resistant: Revolt of the Jews and why all the Christian Bible prophecy pundits are always wrong in their predictions about the End Times.

They are ALWAYS wrong. Over and over and over.

It is time to start considering a new way of looking at Bible Prophecy about the Last Days. It is NOT what they told you.

We had a deep talk about how Christians fundamentally misunderstand the End Times as being about our time period, when in fact, Revelation was written for the First Century time period.

I give some proofs from the text of the Bible itself to show that this is the case, and explain how to understand Revelation through the eyes of the ancient writers and readers of Scripture.

Listen Here


Bible Over Brews Podcast Part 2: How to Resist the Constant Failure of Bible Prophecy Pundits

If you want to listen to the first part, it can be heard here.

We dove into a deep dive of why Bible prophecy about the End Times is VERY important, but not for the reasons you’ve been told.

Listen and you will learn a ton about how the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70 was the focal point of the Last Days of the Old Covenant.

Listen here.


View From the Bunker Podcast: Revolt of the Jews and the End Times. It’s Not What You Think

I was on View from the Bunker with Derek Gilbert to talk about my new book Resistant: Revolt of the Jews and the Book of Revelation.

Derek and I have very opposing beliefs and Derek is very successful in his world of Bible prophecy so he was very kind to have me on his show even though we disagree fundamentally on these issues.

Where we do agree is on the Divine Council in the Scriptures and the Watcher paradigm.

We talk a little bit about all that on this very engrossing discussion.

You won’t want to skip this one.

Listen here


Eschaton Podcast: What if Everything They Told You About the End Times Was Wrong?

I was on Joshua Wisely’s podcast Eschaton.

Josh is quite Wise about the Last Days. So our talk was quite informed. Plus, I love this guy’s voice. 🙂

Here is what we talked about with the time locations:

6:15 – Resistant: Revolt of the Jews
19:00 – Josephus and the Jewish Wars
29:15 – Abomination of Desolation
40:00 – The Two Witnesses
50:25 – The Watchers in the Book of Revelation
61:00 – Divine Judgment
68:00 – Collapsing Universe Imagery
72:00 – Psychedelics and Prophetic Visions

Listen to the interview here.


Apocalypse Past? AD 70 Temple Desolation Was the Last Days. Yes, Really. Check it Out

The Left Behind Series was captivating because of its fast-paced rhythm and its dispensational appeal. It sold millions of copies. But imagine if a work of fiction was published based on an eschatological position that has gravitas in Church History but also a work of fiction which is based on actual historical events! This is what Hollywood Screenwriter Brian Godawa does in his new series The Chronicles of the Apocalypse. 

In this interview with Pastor Uri Brito, Brian delves into controversial theological areas and explains his rationale behind this successful series.




Podcast on Nero Caesar and the Persecution of Christians


I was on Michael Miano Gone Wild, a podcast of a full preterist.

I am a partial preterist, so it was an interesting discussion.

Don’t know what preterism is? You should. Cause it’s gonna be the dominant eschatological view in a decade.

Our talk was cordial, friendly, and no accusations of heresy or personal slander from either of us!

But you’ll find this fascinating because I talk about things I haven’t before regarding Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

Listen here.