Resist False Prophets and Their End Times Delusions. Godawa Interview on Bible Over Brews

I had a great interview with the guys on Bible Over Brews.

We talked about various views of the end times, false prophets in the modern church, the forgotten history of the church in the first century, how Nero Caesar persecuted the Christians, how to interpret the Bible in its ancient context NOT based on modern newspaper exegesis, as well as my new novel in the Chronicles of the Apocalypse series.

Listen here.


July 4th Sale: Only 99¢. Shocking Conspiracy Novel of the Early Church & the Book of Revelation.

Only until Saturday. Ebook.

Rome, A.D. 64. A Roman warrior and his Jewish servant are ordered by the evil emperor Nero to track down a secret Christian document that undermines the Roman empire and predicts the end of the world. But they’re not prepared for the spiritual warfare they’ve unleashed. The truth behind the origin of the most controversial book of the Bible: Revelation. A historical conspiracy thriller with angels and demons.

Check it out here.


Podcast Debate: Are We in the Last Days? I Say NO! And I Win.

Okay, I admit the headline is provocative and hyperbolic (just like Bible prophecy). I was only joking, Doug.

Actually, It was a VERY friendly discussion more than a debate. And it was more about discussing how the two viewpoints may differ rather than fighting out for who is right and who is wrong.

In fact, in light of the lack of civility today, I’d say this would be for people who want a more fair and open dialogue instead of everyone accusing everyone else of heresy.

Douglas Woodward took the more futurist position and Brian Godawa took the partial preterist position on the VERY FIRST PODCAST OF…

Parker’s Comparables! Parker is a friend and smart cookie podcaster. I think she’s onto something here.

You can watch it here.

Iron Sharpens Iron Radio: Brian Godawa’s Vision for Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Two hours of a theologically in-depth discussion about the Best-selling Biblical Fiction series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

We talked about my personal testimony in apologetics and how it applies to eschatology and the End Times.

An excellent introduction to partial preterism and the prophecies of the Bible.

Listen to the podcast here.

Eschaton Podcast: How the Watchers Were Judged in the Last Days of the First Century

I had a great interview with Joshua Wisely on Eschaton podcast. Here is what he wrote:

Brian Godawa returns to the show to continue a fascinating discussion we had earlier this year about Preterism and the likelihood that the majority of “end times” prophecies mentioned in the Book of Revelation, which millions of people around the world expect to be fulfilled in the future, have already been realized in the past. And if that’s not enough to pique your interest, there’s more!

We also talk about the mysterious entities known as “The Watchers” or “The Sons of God”, who are mentioned in mythological texts throughout the ancient Middle East and Mesopotamia. We try to gain a better understanding of the role they played in ancient cosmology and whether or not they have any influence in the world today.

Additionally, we get Brian’s perspective on whether or not prophecies can have a “double fulfillment” or if history shows us that they’re always one and done. Then, to round out the episode, he shares his thoughts on the identity of the “two witnesses” mentioned in chapter 11 of the Book of Revelation. It’s an interpretation that I had never heard before and one that you’ll want to chew on for a while!

Listen here online


Remnant: Rescuing the Proper Interpretation of Revelation

I was on the Clear Lens podcast with Nate Sala.

A great time talking about my journey out of Dispensationalism and Left Behindism.

And talking about my new novel, Remnant: Rescue of the Elect.

The Remnant 144,000 in Revelation are the Jewish Christians who fled Jerusalem in the first century to avoid the wrath of God that was coming upon the city.

Check it out here.


Who is the Antichrist? It’s Not Who You Thought

Here is a video I did that is part of a larger online course I have available called “Are We Living in the Last Days.”

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

Pin the tail on the Antichrist! That’s the game that prophecy pundits play.

And they are wrong over and over again. They have been wrong for 1000 years!

Why? Because the Bible explicitly tells us they were looking in the wrong time period!

Check out the video above and find out who the apostle John said the Antichrist actually was.

Learn more here:

GET 20% OFF the Course price until This Friday, November 10.
Use this code in the cart: LDNOV20


What are the Last Days? It’s Not What You Think

Here is a video I did that is part of a larger online course I have available called “Are We Living in the Last Days.”

Click here if you don’t see the video below.

The way that ancient Jews thought of the End of the Age and the Last Days is NOT the way we think of it.

Find out just how different they thought. Radically different.

Learn more here:

GET 20% OFF the Course price until November 10.
Use this code in the cart: LDNOV20