At the Table Podcast: From Hollywood to Biblical Novels to Philosophical Serial Killers


This was an interesting interview.

I talked to the guys on At the Table Podcast about my origins in Hollywood and how that lead to becoming a best-selling author of Bible novels!

Then we talked about my newest novel, a theological thriller called Cruel Logic: The Philosopher Killer.

Sit back and enjoy this fun discussion. I did.

Listen on Spotify here

Listen on Apple Podcasts here


Iron and Myth 24 – Tis the Season to Talk About Giants

Studying topics like giants, gods, and dragons in the Bible is important.

But does focusing on these subjects detracts from the message of love, grace, and salvation in Jesus Christ?

Brian Godawa (, best-selling author of the new novel Cruel Logic, Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, and Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview With the Giant, join us to discuss the significance of geographic locations and religious context in biblical events with Derek Gilbert on A View From the Bunker.

Jesus himself waged war with demons, principalities and powers who rebelled against their Creator. We need a comprehensive theology that includes historical, cultural, and biblical knowledge. Without it, we cannot recognize or understand the devices of the enemy.

As our good friend the late Dr. Michael Heiser used to say, “If it’s in the Bible and it’s weird, it’s probably important.”

Watch or listen here

One of the most Notorious Villains in the Bible

One of the most notorious characters in the Bible, and all of history, is a man about which we know almost nothing.

Nimrod is blamed for the Tower of Babel and the occult wickedness of Babylon.

Some identify Nimrod as the Sumerian king Enmerkar, some as Sargon the Great of Akkad, others as the mythical hero of Uruk, Gilgamesh.

How much do we really know about Nimrod? Is there any connection to Semiramis, Tammuz, and Christmas?

Doug Van Dorn (, author of Giants: Sons of the Gods, Dr. Judd Burton (, author of Interview With the Giant, and Brian Godawa (, best-selling author of the new novel Cruel Logic join us for our monthly round table to discuss the man, the myth, the legend—Nimrod.


Giant Steps Podcast: All About Nephilim, Bible Novels and Hollywood

Here is what my interviewer, Doug Van Dorn wrote about this interview:

Acclaimed Author/Novelist/Script Writer Brian Godawa takes us into the heart and soul of his work.

With a vast and wildly popular catalog of writings that span everything from fiction book series to Hollywood films, Brian shares with us, everything from where he draws inspiration to how he manages his writing process.

A must-listen for fans of his work and for those who wish to discover new and quality, reality-based fictional literature!



Final Frontier Podcast: Godawa on all things Nephilim, Watchers and Psalm 82

I was on the Final Frontier podcast and had a great interview talking about the Divine Council worldview, Deuteronomy 32, Nephilim giants, Watchers, Principalities and Powers, Psalm 82 and the judgment of the Watchers at the destruction of the holy temple in AD 70.

Some challenging questions they gave!

Watch or listen here on BitChute

Podcast: The Best Summary I’ve Ever Done on the Nephilim and Watchers Paradigm in Scripture


I was on the Flyover Conservatives podcast with David Whited.

I am telling you, this is THE best summary, complete with Scriptures, that I have ever done on the Nephilim and the Watchers.

I traced the War of the Seed from Genesis 3 to Jesus, and talked about Giants in the Bible. They’re not just an anomaly. They are a theological message.

I talked about the Divine Council, the Deuteronomy 32 worldview, The Watcher paradigm as it is also traced through all of Scripture.

And how these two theological threads weave a tapestry through the Bible.

Very thorough. Very lively.

You’re gonna love it.

Watch or Listen here on Rumble

Iron and Myth Podcast: Spiritual Powers and Principalities

I was on the Iron and Myth Podcast again!

And this one was very interesting.

One of the difficulties in understanding the spirit realm is that New Testament authors, especially Paul, used the same Greek terms for both earthly and heavenly beings.

So, how do we understand terms like thrones, dominions, rulers, authorities, principalities, and powers? To borrow another phrase from Paul, as though we’re looking into a mirror darkly.

Joining me for the monthly Iron and Myth series with Pastor Doug Van Dorn, author of The Angel of the LORD;  Dr. Judd Burton, author of Interview With the Giant; and Derek Gilbert, the host of the show and author of multiple books on these topics.

We grapple with the terms used for denizens of the unseen realm, including the term rendered “saints” in English (and why it doesn’t always mean humans), and the mysterious Glorious Ones that, according to Peter and Jude, were blasphemed by rebellious persons within the first-century church.

We also discuss the reason that terms used of divine beings in the Old Testament apply to believers in the New Testament–because a day is coming when we will be restored to the divine council as inheritors of the Kingdom of God, replacing the rebellious elohim.

Watch or Listen here.

Chronicles of the Nephilim Full-Color Character Picture Book Now Available

These full-color pictures of my cast of characters in every Chronicles novel will blow your imagination! From Noah Primeval to Jesus Triumphant. All 8 novels!

I have hired the great AI artist, Cam Harless, to do the images with my direction. He is famous for his AI image posters of US Presidents reimagined as babies, as comic book villians, and with mullet hair cuts! (, Twitter: @hamcarless).

And now I finally have released an 80 page full-color book of all those characters, both major and minor, including alot of the supernatural creatures in the novels. Wait till you see the many iterations of Leviathan! My Nephilim are the scariest realistic looking images of giants. And my heroes, Noah, Enoch, David, Joshua, Jesus are memorable.

It’s a GREAT handy visual reference as you read the novels. They’ll boost your imagination as you read the novels.

And this collector’s item is available in hardcover, paperback and ebook exclusively on Amazon.

You will LOVE this addition of visual imagination to the Chronicles universe.

You will believe.

And, YES, I am working on a Character Picture Book for the Chronicles of the Watchers and Chronicles of the Apocalypse. I’ll let you know when that is available.

In the meantime…

Check out the New Picture Book here (in paperback, hardcover or Kindle)