Chronicles of the Nephilim Full-Color Character Picture Book Now Available

These full-color pictures of my cast of characters in every Chronicles novel will blow your imagination! From Noah Primeval to Jesus Triumphant. All 8 novels!

I have hired the great AI artist, Cam Harless, to do the images with my direction. He is famous for his AI image posters of US Presidents reimagined as babies, as comic book villians, and with mullet hair cuts! (, Twitter: @hamcarless).

And now I finally have released an 80 page full-color book of all those characters, both major and minor, including alot of the supernatural creatures in the novels. Wait till you see the many iterations of Leviathan! My Nephilim are the scariest realistic looking images of giants. And my heroes, Noah, Enoch, David, Joshua, Jesus are memorable.

It’s a GREAT handy visual reference as you read the novels. They’ll boost your imagination as you read the novels.

And this collector’s item is available in hardcover, paperback and ebook exclusively on Amazon.

You will LOVE this addition of visual imagination to the Chronicles universe.

You will believe.

And, YES, I am working on a Character Picture Book for the Chronicles of the Watchers and Chronicles of the Apocalypse. I’ll let you know when that is available.

In the meantime…

Check out the New Picture Book here (in paperback, hardcover or Kindle)

My New Movie My Son Hunter is Available Online

The wait is over.

You can now see my new movie My Son Hunter online.

Click here to buy it and watch it online ($21.99)

You can’t get it anywhere else. Netflix won’t show it, Amazon won’t show it. Hulu won’t show it. This is a movie that exposes the crimes of the Biden family as hidden on Hunter’s laptop and suppressed by the news media in collusion with the White House and FBI. Don’t you want to see what’s on that laptop?

This is NOT a documentary, it is a narrative drama, political satire like House of Cards or The Wolf of Wall Street.

The story is that Hunter goes to a dance club and falls in love with an exotic dancer, to whom he confesses what is on that laptop. Then we get a look into the facts with entertaining satire. A fun twist at the end inspires the viewer.

Warning: for those who are sensitive, this movie is rated R. There is sex, drugs, and language. But no nudity. It’s similar to how God’s prophets would show the corruption of Israel through vulgar images of sexuality and crime. It is a prophetic denunciation and a call to justice. Real justice.

Leviathan & Behemoth: Real or Symbolic? An in-depth Bible study of these Chaos Monsters in the Bible

I just published a new 80 page booklet of a detailed Bible study of these two massive mysterious creatures in Scripture.

If you have been reading my research through the years, you know I have written on these monsters in several of my books.

Plus they are major characters in all my Chronicles novel series!

Well, I have finally drawn together everything I have written on Leviathan and Behemoth and expanded my research to be more comprehensive on the subject.

This new booklet is for sale, at a low price as always, in both ebook and paperback.

Check it out here.


Get Hardcover Editions of Your Favorite Chronicles Series by Brian Godawa

Well, Amazon finally offered the ability to publish my books in hardcover.

So I jumped on it and now you can get hardcovers for most of my books in all three series. Just click on any of the series below to see the hardcover editions you can now get:

Chronicles of the Nephilim

Chronicles of the Apocalypse

Chronicles of the Watchers


Brian Godawa
Author, Chronicles of the Nephilim
Chronicles of the Apocalypse
Chronicles of the Watchers

A New Kind of Storytelling for Book Readers: Screenplays as Literature Series

Read the script. Imagine the movie.

Screenplays as Literature Series are movie scripts published for readers to enjoy concise storytelling with a twist.

Scripts are blueprints for producing films. Longer than a short story. Shorter than a novel.

You’ll learn how to read a script so you can watch the movie in your mind as you read the story on the page.

I have 12 plus books in this series, in many genres like Historical Epics, Fantasy, Thrillers, Crime Detective and even a family time traveling comedy!

I have read screenplays for many years because I am a screenwriter. But I realized that you don’t have to be a screenwriter to enjoy the power of a screenplay.

It’s more concise and economic storytelling, so it moves at a fast pace.

It paints in a broader brush than a scene in a novel, but it captures depth of character through dialogue and actions like no other medium of writing.

Every word in a screenplay counts and has meaning. So they can actually be quite deep while being shorter reads.

If you haven’t read a screenplay (or if you have), try one of your favorite genres in the Screenplays as Literature Series.

You might find a new kind of storytelling that is different from short stories or long novels, but in a fascinating fresh new way!

Check out the series here.