The Last Days of God’s Temple, AD 70: Great review of Chronicles of the Apocalypse. Even better podcast interview.

This is one of the best book reviews of my novel series Chronicles of the Apocalypse.

The reason is because the reviewer, Jerry Bower, is both responsibly knowledgeable on the material AND read all the books.

PLEASE note, that the podcast link at the bottom of the page is even better than the review and one of the BEST interviews on the series ever. We talk about the historical event of the fall of Jerusalem in AD 70, Josephus, the origin of the book of Revelation, 666, various interpretations of the end times and how they fail, false prophets of today, but also the supernatural dimension of the unseen realm as described by scholar Michael S. Heiser. I explain how I incorporate Heiser’s divine council and Watcher paradigm and how it fits into Revelation in the first century.

Read the review here.

(And don’t forget to click the link at the bottom of the review to listen to the podcast)

If you want to go straight to the podcast online to listen, click here.

Podcast: Are Superheroes False Gods?

It’s not quite that simple. But there is much profundity in this discussion about our culture and superheroes.

Nate is one of my all-time favorite podcast hosts. This was an engrossing discussion.

Okay, I like the co-host Gene Gosewher too.

I talk alot so if you like to listen to me, you will love this podcast. If you hate the sound of my voice and my thoughts, then this will drive you up a wall.

Listen here.

Podcast: Apocalypse Part 3. Armageddon in the First Century.

This is the third part of my talk with Andy and Mel on The Not So Dissident Future podcast.

We discuss the implications of Revelation fulfilled in the first century.

What is there to look forward to? What comes next? What is the kingdom of God?

Mel and Andy chat with Hollywood Screenwriter and author of Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of The Apocalypse, Brian Godawa. They examine the theory that much of what Jesus predicted would happen ‘soon’, has actually happened in the 1st century.

Listen to it here.


Orbs in Photographs: Are They Spirits or Something Else?

I co-hosted the show again with the usual suspects, Michael Heiser, Trey Stricklin, Doug Overmyer and Natalina (Doug Van Dorn missing because he forgot and was raking the leaves in front of his house :-).

We veered off into an interesting rabbit hole of the dangers of Biblical hyperliteralism and the attempt to correlate the Bible with modern sciences. It’s a good one.

Listen here.


Not Your Mother’s End Times Novel. The Last Days Are Not What They Told You

A great interview with Evan Minton at the Cerebral Faith Podcast.

We talked about the story of my series Chronicles of the Apocalypse. The first century, Nero Caesar, the persecution of Christians, the Roman war with the Jews and the destruction of the temple in AD 70.

And why Christians need to know about this most important spiritual event in Jewish and Christian history.

Listen to it here.

My Testimony Plus Hollywood & the Christian Worldview

This was a different interview than most I’ve had.

Seth McVey from Apolo-Neering asks me to give my testimony about how I became a Christian. Then we talk about Hollywood and whether or not it is controlled by dark occultic forces and how a Christian worldview can make it in that dark world.

YouTube took the video down, so here is the audio:

Josh Peck Podcast: Just What is a Preterist View of Bible Prophecy All About?

This is my most in-depth podcast interview on the subject of preterism and Bible Prophecy.

Josh Peck’s podcast, Peck Underground Church. It went five hours!

Josh is an enthusiastic and kind host who is gracious in disagreeing over issues like prophecy.

We talk all about my conversion out of Left Behindism, explicit passages that are an introduction to preterist interpretations, how we should treat those with whom we disagree over prophecy, Matthew 24, a little about Revelation, and we had a whole lotta fun!

You will too. You will be caught up in the fascinating pace of it all and will wonder, where did the hours go???

And then you will want to buy my books!

Watch the YouTube podcast here.

Podcast: Apocalypse Part 2. How Prophecy Pundits Get it Wrong.

This is a GREAT second part of an interview I had with Andy and Mel about the end times and the Bible.

Their show is called The Not So Dissident Future. I am humbled to have discovered that I have had an influence on changing their views.

Have prophetic events that many of us think are in the future actually happened already? Mel and Andy chat with Hollywood Screenwriter and author of Chronicles of the Nephilim and Chronicles of The Apocalypse, Brian Godawa. They examine the theory that much of what Jesus predicted would happen ‘soon’, has actually happened in the 1st century.

Listen to it here. You’re gonna love this one. It’s very in depth and biblical.


AK47 Podcast: All About Nephilim and the Divine Council in Brian Godawa’s Bestselling Series

I was on the AK47 Podcast, hosted by Aaron Gleason.

Aaron interviews bestselling author Brian Godawa and they discuss the weird stuff in the Bible. Brian has written several series of “Theological Novels” (Aaron, in his characteristically pretentious style describes them as “Didactic Christian Myth”) which explore the more bizarre (but scholarly accurate) aspects of the Old Testament. We discuss the book of Enoch, Giants, Angels, Demons, and other aspects of what Dr. Michael Heiser calls the Deuteronomy 32 worldview. Even the Epic of Gilgamesh comes up at one point. We talk alot about Michael Heiser and his work.

Listen to it here.